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Issues of Government Policy: How Does it Impact on Business? Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, Msi.

Issues of Government Policy: How Does it Impact on Business? Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, Msi. Role of Government. Role of Business. Doing Business 2013. Indikator Doing Business. Indeks Persepsi Korupsi. Sumber; Transparansi International Indonesia. Perkembangan Indeks Governance 2004-2007.

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Issues of Government Policy: How Does it Impact on Business? Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, Msi.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Issues of Government Policy: How Does it Impact on Business? Dr. Dyah Mutiarin, Msi.

  2. Role of Government

  3. Role of Business

  4. Doing Business 2013

  5. Indikator Doing Business

  6. Indeks Persepsi Korupsi Sumber; Transparansi International Indonesia

  7. Perkembangan Indeks Governance 2004-2007

  8. Perbandingan dengan Negara Lain • Meskipun ada trend peningkatan indeks governance di Indonesia dari 2004-2010, tetapi dibandingkan dengan negara-negara Asia Tenggara yang lain, peningkatan tersebut belum signifikan.

  9. Political stability

  10. Government effectiveness

  11. Quality of Regulation

  12. Rule of law

  13. Control of corruption

  14. SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan) SITU (Surat Izin Tempat Usaha) KTP dan Kartu Keluarga Akta ganti nama Akta kelahiran Akta perkawinan Akta kematian PELAYANAN PERIZINAN DI KOTA KUPANG

  15. Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB) Izin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (IUJK) Izin Pembelian Tembakau Izin Pengusahaan Gudang Tembakau Izin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) Akta-Akta Catatan Sipil (Kelahiran, Kematian, Perkawinan, Perceraian, Kartu Keluarga, Pengangkatan Anak, Pengakuan Anak) Izin Gangguan (HO) Izin Reklame Izin Trayek Izin Tontonan Izin Prinsip Sewa Gedung Serba Guna Izin Lembaga Latihan Swasta (LLS) PELAYANAN PERIZINAN DI KABUPATEN PAMEKASAN

  16. Contoh Pemetaan Pelayanan Perizinan (Kota Jogja)

  17. The End of Political Transition (?)Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (Oct 2004 - • Directly elected president (serving for the second term) • Personal trait: military “thinker” background, consensual, “indecisive” • Political constellation: strong mandate of presidency (62% vote), “semi-parliamentary” system (political party big roles, legislative heavy, bureaucratic politics) • Economic challenge: reducing budget deficit, macro economy, unemployment & poverty).

  18. FAKTA KORUPSI • Korupsiada di semua level pemerintahan, dan di berbagaiinstansipemerintahbaikeksekutif, legislatifmaupunyudikatif. • Data TI 2011 : IPK Indonesia saatini, kendatimengalamipeningkatanterbesar di Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) hinggatahun 2011, masihterbilangrendah: 3,0 darinilaimaksimal 10. • Target: Padatahun 2014, ditargetkansejumlahpeningkatan yang terukur, antara lain pemerintahmenargetkan 5,0 untukIPK.

  19. “… why Indonesia has slipped in status from roaring economic tiger to chronic underachiever. Considering the country's population of 225 million, its large consumer market and the abundance of natural resources, Indonesia ought to be a rising Asian powerhouse, mentioned in the same breath as China and India. But its economic-development policies are vague and scattershot; a devolution of political power from the central government to the provinces has created an unpredictable business environment rife with corruption, competing interests and confusing regulations.” Why Corruption in Indonesia? Photo Source: 2008 KPK Annual Report; Article Source: Time, Sep. 11, 2008

  20. Civil Servants’ Perception of Corruption


  22. Metastatik / penyebaran Perkomplotan / clustering effect Differential delivery effect Penghilangan potensi Transmutasi (pegawai yg jujur kehilangan integritas, kehilangan semangat) Pamer kekuasaan (demonstration effect) Derivasi kumulatif (umum kehilangan kesadaran tentang bahaya korupsi) Psikosentris (budaya semu di semua jenis jabatan) Climactic effect (biaya mahal karena korupsi) Economic effect of corruption. EFEK KORUPSI (Alatas, 1997)

  23. Korupsi menambah biaya perumusan kebijakan publik.  Displacement effect dalam anggaran publik Money politics. Rakyat gagal memperoleh manfaat dari demokratisasi Biaya transaksi dalam pelayanan publik meningkat.  Korupsi mengakibatkan EBIT (Ekonomi Biaya Tinggi). Korupsi melemahkan daya-saing, menyulitkan penerapan merit system. PENGARUH KORUPSI DI INDONESIA

  24. Anti-corruption Strategies Source: Daniel Kaufmann, 2000, “Governance and Controlling Corruption is Central for Socio-economic Development and Growth,” ICPS Roundtable. 26

  25. OPEN System(Online Procedures ENhancement for Civil Applications)

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