RESEARCH METHODS IN PSYCHOLOGYPSYC.314, section .007Fall session, 2012Bryan D. Devan, Ph.D.Class Meeting: CLA Bldg, Rm LA2130, Tues & Thur, 2:00–3:15pmLab Meeting: see below scheduleOffice and Phone: LA3146; 410.704.3727Office Hours: Mon/Tue: 1 - 2 pm; Wed/Thur, 12 -1 pm; Fri, 11-12 pmEmail: bdevan@towson.edu Websites: Homepage: http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan Class website: http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/PSYC-314%20slides.htm Other resources: http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/Res%20_Meth.htm Lab website (LCN): http://pages.towson.edu/bdevan/LCN.htm (Internet Explorer only)
Myers, A. and Hansen, C. (2012). Experimental Psychology (7th Ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth. TEXTBOOK: This is the course Textbook You could use a previous copy of the text: 6th Edition 5th Edition But you are responsible for ALL assigned material from the new edition
PREREQUISITES: You may remain in this course only if you have passed "Introduction to Psychology" (PSYC 101), "Behavioral Statistics" (PSYC 212 or its equivalent) and "Writing for a Liberal Education" (ENGL 102 or its equivalent) with at least a grade of "C" (2.00 GPA) in each course. If this is not the case, it is your responsibility to drop the course immediately. Please present a transcript (either official or unofficial) to me by the second course meeting so that I can verify that you have successfully completed the course prerequisites. A Towson University transcript may be printed by going to online services on the Towson University website. The trail to obtain an unofficial transcript is as follows: Learner Services > Academics > View Unofficial Transcript. From there you should be able to print a copy of your unofficial transcript.
OBJECTIVES OF THIS COURSE: Goal 1: Research Methods in Psychology Students will understand and apply basic research methods in psychology including research design, data analysis, and interpretation. Goal 2: Critical Thinking Skills in Psychology Students will respect and use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and when possible, the scientific approach to solve problems related to behavior and mental processes. Goal 3: Values in Psychology Students will be able to weigh evidence, tolerate ambiguity, act ethically, and reflect other values that are the underpinnings of psychology as a discipline. Goal 4: Information and Technological Literacy Students will demonstrate information competence and the ability to use computers and other technology for many purposes. Goal 5: Communication Skills Students will be able to communicate effectively in a variety of formats.
University Core Curriculum – Advanced Composition Learning Goals: • Recognize and employ models and practices of written communication specific to a particular discipline or profession (i.e., psychology). • Recognize and employ techniques of formatting and documentation appropriate to a particular discipline or profession (i.e., APA-style). • Integrate material effectively from outside sources into their own prose. • Analyze and evaluate complex discipline-based claims and current research questions. • Demonstrate clear, effective prose, including through the practice of revision. • Produce professional prose that follows accepted conventions of grammar, punctuation, and style.
Learning Objectives: • In order to meet the learning goals described above, specific objectives for PSYC 314 include gaining of knowledge and/or increased competence in: • Thinking empirically using logical thinking in a research context. • Critically examining and evaluating claims and information about behavior. • Appreciation of ethical issues in psychological research. • Reading and critically evaluating journal articles in psychology. • Using online research databases with a critical eye and distinguishing between “good” sources and “poor” sources of online information. • Abilities to organize, summarize, and interpret data. • Using SPSS for data entry and calculation of various descriptive and inferential statistics. • Communication of research via writing and presenting psychological research. • Using APA-style appropriately.
ADVANCED WRITING COURSE: This course fulfills General Education Requirement ID, “Advanced Composition” and is designed to prepare you to write in your chosen field. This course will help you to 1. Write papers that are adequately sophisticated/nuanced/complex for upper division work; 2. Follow an appropriate disciplinary format and write papers with a clear beginning, middle, and end, each part being proportionate to their purpose; 3. Support your main idea with correct, strong, and germane evidence; 4. Develop strong reasoning and analysis and avoid common fallacies of logic; 5. Write paragraphs, sentences, and clauses and phrases within sentences that are clear and logically related; 6. Use correct words, phrases, and disciplinary vocabulary that are emphatic when needed and avoid clichés 7. Vary sentence lengths, leads, and syntax and use a tone and point of view that are conventional to the discipline; 8. Avoid subliterate errors in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and spelling; and 9. Provide documentation that is standard to the discipline. (memo: Dr. Hahn, Coordinator of GenEd Advanced Writing Courses,11/24/2004)
COURSE FORMAT: The course will include a combination of lecture material, including multimedia presentations, and open discussion of topics. The course is not constructed such that the lectures will stand alone. Therefore, your participation in class discussion is essential. You are expected to do the assigned readings before our discussion of the material in class (that is, if the material will be discussed). This course also includes several lab assignments and a hands-on research project that will require your participation.
EXAMINATIONS: There will be four equally weighted exams in this course covering material from the textbook (Myers & Hansen, 2006) and lectures. Exams are given on the dates scheduled. Make-up exams will only be given if an exam is missed due to a medical emergency or a religious holiday (a doctor’s note with the physician’s phone number must be presented in case of a medical emergency). No other reasons will be accepted. If you are going to miss an exam, you must contact me in advance of the exam. If you do not contact me in advance, you will not be permitted to make up the exam and will receive a 0 for that exam. All makeup examinations will be short essay in format and must be completed within three days of the student’s return to class. It is the student's responsibility to arrange this time with the instructor.
ASSIGNMENTS: Written assignments: Each student will submit 4 written assignments as follows: 1- Introduction and References (5 minimum) (25 pts.) 2- Methods (25 pts.) 3- Results (20 pts.) 4- Final Report in APA Format (40 pts.) Lab assignments (10 pts.): During the course of the semester students will be assigned laboratory activities that are designed to assist with the completion of the above written assignments, mastery of textbook material and to meet the objectives of the course outlined above (Goals 1-4). Handouts of the assignments will be given in class or lab meetings and posted on the class website.
ASSIGNMENTS: Participation in research project (10 pts.): Students will complete a virtual navigation task during lab time in order to generate a sham data set that will be used by the class to complete part of the written assignments. Further details will be provided in class. Summary presentation (10 pts.): Each student will give an 8-minute summary presentation on the proposed research project. The focus of the presentation should be on how the student would really carry out the research project (instead of using the sham data set) given their lab experience and knowledge gained from the textbook and class discussion. Further details on the format of the presentation will be discussed in class. A sign-up sheet will be provided to select your time and date for the presentation.
GRADING: Four equally weighted exams (35 pts. each) in multiple-choice format will be given. Taken together, the four exams will be worth 50% of your grade. The remaining 50% of your grade will be based on the lab assignments described above. Late written assignments will be penalized 10% of the point value for each day the assignment is late (including Sat and Sun). The final breakdown of points available on the tests and lab assignments is as follows:
Academic Integrity Expectations Towson University’s full policy to address the variety of behaviors that represent a breach of academic integrity can be found in Appendix F of the University Catalog. In addition, if you type in “Academic Integrity Policy” in the search box in the upper right-hand corner of the Towson University webpage, you will be taken to a page of links. Click on “Towson University Policies” and open the “Academic Affairs” link. You will find a link to the full Academic Integrity Policy at that location. The site can be access by clicking the following link: https://inside.towson.edu/generalcampus/tupolicies/documents/03-01.00%20Student%20Academic%20Integrity%20Policy.pdf
IMPORTANT!!! Plagiarism & Cheating • No credit given (stole the idea) • Credit given but used the same wording • Cheating will not be tolerated No lateral eye movements during exams Attendance • Expected and necessary • Considered in the case of a Borderline grade
Emergency Statement: In the event of a University-wide emergency, course requirements deadlines and grading schemes are subject to changes that may include alternative delivery methods, alternative methods of interaction with the instructor, class materials, and/or classmates, a revised attendance policy, and a revised semester calendar and/or grading scheme. In the case of a University-wide emergency, please refer to the following about changes in this course: • Course web page (see above) • Instructor’s email (see above) • Emergency telephone number (i.e., my mobile # -- 410/446-1425)
Emergency Statement: For general information about any emergency situation, please refer to the following: • Towson University’s Website: www.towson.edu • TU Text Alert System: This is a service designed to alert the Towson University community via text messages to cell phones when situations arise on campus that affect the ability of the campus to function normally. Sign up: http://www.towson.edu/adminfinance/facilities/police/campusemergency/ • Please note: I will attempt to communicate with you via your Towson e-mail address, the course webpage (given above) and/or the course Blackboard site.
ARRANGEMENTS AND INFORMATION • Students with Disabilities Please see me • Academic Standards • Can only be repeated once without permission of ASC General info turn off cell phones syllabus subject to change as needed
Why study Research Methods? • It’s a requirement for the psych major • It will prepare you for grad school • It may present opportunities to engage in active research, which helps with rec letters and getting into grad school • A sacrament to the flying spaghetti monster • all of the above
Brainstorming 1.0 What research question will you investigate? Here’s are a couple that my lab is interested in… • memory enhancement (pharmaological and nutritional supplements) • sex differences and brain systems involved in memory formation • multiple memory systems and therapeutic intervention of age-related cognitive decline
Multiple levels of organization Psychology: The complete organism Behavior and Cognition Top-down reductionism should be balanced with a bottom-up approach to put the organism back together Why? Systems and Circuits Smaller parts Synapses and Neurons Neurogenetics Molecular Biology Genes and Molecules Can we go even smaller?
Why study behavior if the all the action is at the molecular and genetic levels? Answer: The proof is in the behavior
The silver bullet of longevity that could extend your life by 50 years A Drug company makes a major discovery! Would you take a longevity pill? But what if there was no proof that it preserves cognitive function?
Genes and Aging http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/sciencenow/3401/01.html