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Angelus. “Be solicitous to make your call and election permanent, brothers; surely those who do so will never be lost. On the contrary, your entry into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for.” II Peter 1: 10. Announcements. Attendance sheet

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  1. Angelus “Be solicitous to make your call and election permanent, brothers; surely those who do so will never be lost. On the contrary, your entry into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be richly provided for.” II Peter 1: 10

  2. Announcements • Attendance sheet • The paper – What ideas are germinating? • Course evaluations – next week • Contact information: rouch001@gannon.edu • Feedback about yesterday’s discussion groups • Reading over the weekend: • Aschenbrenner, “Minister of forgiveness” (ch. 10) • Archbishop Dolan, “Preaching” (handout)

  3. Week’s review: • What is spirituality? • Experience of being in relationship with God • Relationship – Identity - Mission • What are the foundations of a diocesan priest’s spirituality? • Active vs. Monastic • The heart of Christ • Love of the Father • Mission to humanity • Monasticism of the heart • Seminary formation • 18 charisms of diocesan priestly spirituality

  4. Today:Priest radiates a discerning presence I. A helpful understanding of the human person • “Hidden Self Grown Strong” II. Discernment (ch. 9) III. Discerning one’s vocation (ch. 8)

  5. A helpful understanding of the human person • External, observable behavior • Skin of the soul • Core of the soul

  6. Mary’s fiat External behavior …Gabriel came to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph Skin of the soul …She was deeply troubled and wondered what is greeting meant Core of the soul …I am the servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say.

  7. II. Discernment:Introduction • This charism allows the priest to: • Discern his own experiences in the light of faith and his vocation; • Assist his people in their discernment of God’s presence and God’s will in their lives, so to help them grow in holiness • This charism demands that the priest have a reflective understanding of discernment.

  8. Why do I discern? • When I am awakened in faith, I want to know God’s will for me. I do not define myself. God’s will for me is my true self, my meaning, my purpose, my identity. • In a complex and changing world, how do I find this meaning and remain loyal to Christ? • God’s will can be hard to find because of the dark, messy spontaneous stuff found within. Not everything comes from God… I need to sort things out.

  9. Process of Discernment: 1. Recognize that my identity is in Christ • Demands radical openness, surrender • Such surrender only happens when I experience God’s love for me as greater than my self-love “Duc in altum!” Put out into the deep!

  10. Process of Discernment: 2. Get in touch with the spontaneous inner experiences, the skin of the soul. • Demands self-awareness and honesty • Frequent obstacles • over-intellectualizing • hyper-affectivity • fear of the mess of it all • misjudging the source of thoughts, feelings, desires

  11. Process of Discernment: 3. Interpret these inner experiences (movements) in the light of faith-- • Is this from God? • Will it bring me closer to Him? • Will it help me live the vocation He has given? • Paschal wisdom is needed here… not the pleasure/pain principle.

  12. Process of Discernment: 4. Apply “tactics” based on faith-interpretation of experiences: • If it’s consolation- go with it • If it’s desolation- go against it • Remember how the “enemy” works— • Attacks at our weakest points • Tries to keep things secret • Can appear as an “angel of light”

  13. III. Discerning one’s vocation • At least two years before ordination to diaconate; • Make a presumption • E.g. “Lord, I will presume that you are calling me to diocesan priesthood; and I want to say yes!” • Make this statement in prayer, in a deliberate, clear act, a private rite before God. (N.B. role of Sp. Dir.) • Live the life as if the commitment was permanent. • Remain interiorly aware, i.e. keep track of the “skin of the soul,” what supports the presumption and what does not. If it does not, go against it. • Your core identity will either become clear and stronger, or it just won’t work.

  14. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye’ heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!Amen!

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