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Angelus. “Jesus then went up the mountain and summoned the men he himself had decided on, who came and joined him. He named twelve as his companions whom he would send to preach the good news.” Mark 3: 13-14. Announcements. Attendance sheet

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  1. Angelus “Jesus then went up the mountain and summoned the men he himself had decided on, who came and joined him. He named twelve as his companions whom he would send to preach the good news.” Mark 3: 13-14

  2. Announcements • Attendance sheet • Thursday schedule: Group Discussion and Evening Prayer • Powerpoint presentations at: www.lantericenter.org/ipf.htm • Class material and spiritual direction

  3. Seminary Formation:Sources • Quickening the Fire, Ch. 7 • Pastores Dabo Vobis, Ch. 5 • Directory for the Life and Ministry of Priests, Ch. 1-2.

  4. Definition of a seminary: “A community established by the Bishop to offer those called by the Lord to serve as Apostles the possibility of re-living the experience of formation which our Lord provided for the twelve.” (PDV, #60)

  5. There’s no perfect seminary! What are some possible weaknesses in a seminary formation program?

  6. Robert F. Kennedy “All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don’t. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity.” May 6, 1961, Athens, Georgia

  7. Seminary Formation • Change and Transformation – “What you have done is put aside your old self with its past deeds and put on a new man, one who grows in knowledge as he is formed anew in the image of his Creator.” Colossians 3:9 “We priests become privileged heralds of this mystery of salvation. Yet unless we sense that we ourselves are saved, how can we be convincing heralds?” Pope John Paul II, 2005

  8. Seminary Formation • Change and Transformation (continued): We need to learn the message… to become and effective herald. We need to experience the mystery… to become a witness.

  9. Seminary Formation • Radical Reorientation Seminary formation should not obliterate your personality & individuality… but it should purify it!

  10. Seminary Formation • Renunciation: To re-announce my identity: The good is recognized and strengthened. The bad gets purged. Image of a blood transfusion.

  11. Four levels of Identity • How I define myself • self-image • How I project myself to others • public persona • How others define me • impression others have of me; the person they expect me to be • How God defines me • My true identity; the “new man” God forms by grace.

  12. Goal of Seminary Formation Monasticism of the Heart: • Disengagement from the world • Engagement with God • Mission to the world, within the Church

  13. Seminary Formation

  14. Centrality of Spiritual Formation • “For every priest his spiritual formation is the core which unifies and gives life to his being a priest and his acting as a priest.” PDV, #45 • “The essential foundation of priestly ministry is a deep and personal bond to Jesus Christ. Everything hinges on this bond, and the heart of all preparation for priesthood…must be an introduction to it.” (then) Cardinal Ratzinger, Called to Communion, 1996

  15. The Identity of the PriestThe priest is configured to Christ as: • The Beloved Son of the Father • Spouse of the Church (celibacy) • Spiritual Father (ministry of the Word) • Spiritual Physician – High Priest (celebration of the Sacraments) • Head and Shepherd (authority & pastoral charity)

  16. Before tomorrow’s class • Catch up on reading, if necessary • Quickening, chapters 1-7 • Review notes: • What holds the most meaning for you? • What will you pray over? • What will you talk over with your spiritual director? • Pray for a thoughtful, meaningful discussion. Remember your hour of prayer!

  17. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye’ heavenly hosts! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!Amen!

  18. Seminary Formation:Agents of Formation • Church • Bishop • Seminary Community • Professors • Other communities and associations • Seminarian himself • The Holy Spirit is the agent par excellance

  19. As an agent of your own formation, what you can you do? • Affirm your freedom to respond. • Welcome the action of the Holy Spirit. • Welcome the human agents which the Holy Spirit employs as “mediating forces.” • Offer your heartfelt and convinced cooperation to your formation.

  20. Charisms of Diocesan Priesthood 1. Ordinary Priest in the midst of common, ordinary people 2. Always on call, on the front-line 3. Living an active, non-monastic spirituality founded in a monasticism of the heart 4. Not called to the commitment of Consecrated Life 5. Ordained to represent Jesus as Head of the Body

  21. Charisms of Diocesan Priesthood(continued) 6. Distinctively marked by poverty, chastity and obedience 7. Spousal relationship 8. Territorial with special relationship with the Ordinary

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