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Jason and The Argonauts

Jason and The Argonauts. Jason . Son of King Aeson of Iolcus in Thessaly. A man named Pelius took the throne from Jason`s father. Jason was sent to the hills of Thessaly, where he was taught by a Centaur named Chiron.

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Jason and The Argonauts

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  1. Jason and The Argonauts

  2. Jason Son of King Aeson of Iolcus in Thessaly. A man named Pelius took the throne from Jason`s father. Jason was sent to the hills of Thessaly, where he was taught by a Centaur named Chiron. After 20 years, he returned to gain his rightful place as king of Iolcus, but Pelius wasn`t so compliant….

  3. The Bargain Pelius agreed to relinquish the throne to Jason only if he could bring back the Golden Fleece of Colchis. Jason would need a great ship and a crew of heroic men for this adventure. If only he could have some divine intervention…

  4. Origin of the Golden Fleece Athamas, the kind of Boetia, had a son and a daughter with his wife Nephele “The Cloud”. After bearing the two kids (Phrixus and Helle), she evaporated into the sky. Athamas remarried Ino, who decided the get rid of these pesky step children. She convinced Athamas to sacrifice his children in order to have a bountiful harvest. As Phrixus was about to be killed, his mother Nephele appeared and sent a Golden Ram to rescue both he and his sister.

  5. Phrixus and Helle

  6. Flying on a Golden Ram The Ram took the two children to Colchis, however, poor Helle fell off and died on the way. Phrixus arrived safely to the kingdom of King Aeetes. Phrixus married the king`s daughter Chalciope, and after sacrificing the ram to Zues, he gave the golden fleece to Aeetes. Aeetes hung it in Ares` sacred grove where it was to be guarded by a never-sleeping dragon.

  7. The Argonauts The ship was built with the help of Athena, who carved the lumber from enchanted trees. Hera recruited around 50 of the most noble men at that time, many who were descendants of gods. They each had their own unique powers.

  8. Meleagers These men took part in the great Calydonian Boar Hunt. They were fierce huntsman, and were experts of the bow and arrow.

  9. Idas and Lynceus Well known for their extreme vision. They could see through the ground all the way to the Earth`s core!

  10. Euphemus Euphemus was the son of Posiedon, and was known to run so quickly across water that his feet would stay completely dry.

  11. The Long Voyage The crew set from Iolcus on the Argo (“Swift”), after which the crew was named. They first reach an island of bizarre women. They had arrived at Lemnos.

  12. The Island of Grotesque Women Aphrodite was unsatisfied with the sacrifices made by the Women of Lemnos, so she cursed them to be ugly for all eternity. As a result, all of the husbands had concubines take the place of their wives. The ladies were not happy, and they murdered all of their husbands…and the concubines too. The crew inhabited the island for a year, and several of the men had children there.

  13. Into the Black sea The crew encountered many other peculiar islands on the way, but eventually they made it to Colchis!

  14. Jason`s tasks King Aeetes would agree to give up the Golden Fleece only if Jason could prove himself worthy by completing several herculean tasks.

  15. Jason`s First Task As part of the first task, Jason had to yoke a pair of colossal bronze bulls which had been forged by Hephaestus. As if the task wasn’t frightening enough… the bulls also breathed fire. He then was told to plow the field of Mars.

  16. Jason`s Second Task After the field was plowed, Jason was then instructed to sow the seeds laid down in the field. But he couldn`t just use an old hoe, Jason had to use the teeth of the dragon that guarded the fleece.

  17. Jason`s Final Task After the field was plowed and sown, Jason had one last terrifying task. He had to kill each of the armed men that sprouted from the seeds in the ground.

  18. Jason and Medea The daughter of Aeetes, Medea, was very attracted to Jason, and came up with a plan to help him get the Fleece in exchange for his courtship. She gave him an ointment that gave him immunity to the bulls` and the dragon`s fire. Medea also drugged the dragon so Jason could kill it while it slept. She was pretty much the hero of this saga…

  19. Happily Ever After Because of Medea`s brilliance, Jason was able to accomplish these extreme tasks, and retrieve the fleece. Yes…he saves the day and gets the girl.

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