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Keyword Translation Accuracy and Cross-Lingual Question Answering in Chinese and Japanese

Keyword Translation Accuracy and Cross-Lingual Question Answering in Chinese and Japanese. Teruko Mitamura Mengqiu Wang Hideki Shima Frank Lin In CMU EACL 2006. Introduction. JAVELIN is a modular and extensible architecture for building QA systems.

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Keyword Translation Accuracy and Cross-Lingual Question Answering in Chinese and Japanese

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  1. Keyword Translation Accuracy and Cross-Lingual Question Answering in Chinese and Japanese Teruko Mitamura Mengqiu Wang Hideki Shima Frank Lin In CMU EACL 2006

  2. Introduction • JAVELIN is a modular and extensible architecture for building QA systems. • Since JAVELIN is language independent, this paper extend the original English version for CLQA in Chinese and Japanese.

  3. JAVELIN • The JAVELIN architecture: • Question Analyzer • Producing keywords • Retrieval Strategist • Finding documents • Information Extractor • Extracting answers • Answer Generator • Ranking answers

  4. JAVELIN Extension • Extension for Cross-Lingual QA:

  5. Question Analyzer • Input questions are processed using the RASP parser (Korhonen and Briscoe, 2004). • The module output contains three main components: • selected keywords • the answer type (e.g. numeric-expression, person-name, location) • the answer subtype (e.g. author, river, city) • The QA module is extended with a keyword translation sub-module.

  6. Translation Module • The TM selects the best combination of translated keywords from several sources: • Machine Readable Dictionaries (MRDs) • Machine Translation systems (MTs) • Web-mining-Based Keyword Translators (WBMTs) (Nagata et al., 2001, Li et al., 2003). • For E-to-J translation, two MRDs, eight MTs and one WBMT are used. • If none of them return a translation, the word is transliterated into kana for Japanese. • For E-to-C translation, one MRD, three MTs and one WBMT are used.

  7. Translation Module • After gathering all possible translations for every keyword, the TM uses a noisy channel model to select the best combination of translated keywords: • The TM estimates model statistics using the World Wide Web:

  8. TM: Smoothing • When the target keyword co-occurrence count with n keywords is below a set threshold, a moving window of size n-1 would “move” through the keywords in sequence. • If the co-occurrence count of all of these sets is above the threshold, return the product of the score of these sets as the language model score. • If not, decrease the window and repeat until either all of the split sets are above the threshold or n = 1. • Drawbacks: • "Moving-window smoothing" assumes that keywords that are next to each other are also more semantically related, which may not always be the case. • "Moving-window smoothing" tends to give the keywords near the middle of the question more weight, which may not be desirable.

  9. TM: Pruning • Early Pruning: • Possible translations of the individual keywords are pruned before being combined. • A very simple pruning heuristic via a word frequency list is used. Very rare translations produced by a resource are not considered. • Late Pruning: • Possible translation candidates of the entire set of keywords are pruned after calculating translation probabilities. • Since the calculation of the translation probabilities requires little access to the web, we can calculate only the language model score for the top N candidates with the highest translation score and prune the rest.

  10. Retrieval Strategist • Lemur 3.0 toolkit (Ogilvie and Callan, 2001) is used. • Lemur supports structured queries using operators such as Boolean AND, Synonym, Ordered/Un-Ordered Window and NOT. • For example: • The RS uses an incremental relaxation technique: • It starts from an initial query that is highly constrained. • The algorithm searches for all the keywords and data types in close proximity to each other. • The priority is based on a function of the likely answer type, keyword type (word, proper name, or phrase) and the inverse document frequency of each keyword. • The query is gradually relaxed until the desired number of relevant documents is retrieved.

  11. Information Extractor • The Light IX module: • The algorithm considers only those terms that are tagged as named entities which match the desired answer type. • E-C uses character-based tokenization and the linear Dist measure. • E-J uses word-based tokenization and logarithmic Dist measure.

  12. Answer Generator • The task of the AG module is to produce a ranked list of answer candidates from the IX output. • The AG is designed to resolve representational differences and combine answer candidates that differ only in surface form. • Even though the AG module plays an important role in JAVELIN, its full potential is not used in the E-C and E-J systems, since some language-specific resources required for multilingual answer merging are lacked.

  13. Experiment Settings • Three different runs were carried out for both the E-C and E-J systems. • The same 200-question test set and the document corpora provided by the NTCIR CLQA task is used. • The first run: • A fully automatic run using the original translation module in the CLQA system. • The second run: • The keywords selected by the Question Analyzer module are manually translated. • The third run: • The corresponding term for each English keyword in the translations for the English questions provided by NTCIR organizers is looked up.

  14. Experiment Results

  15. Discussions • Chinese: • Word sense disambiguation for keywords • e.g. “埋” and “葬” • Regional language difference • e.g. “软件” and “軟體” • Japanese: • Representational gaps • e.g. “ヴェルナー ・ シュピース” and “ヴェルナー シュピース”. • This problem can be resolved by Lemur. • Transliteration in WBMT • Japanese nouns written in romaji (e.g. Funabashi) are transliterated them into hiragana for a better result in WBMT. • Since there may be higher positive co-occurrence between kana and kanji (i.e. “ふなばし” and “船橋”) than between romaji and kanji (i.e. “funabashi” and “船橋”). • Document Retrieval in Kana • Transliteration from kana into kanji is more ambiguous than transliteration from romanji into kana. • Therefore, indexing kana readings in the corpus and querying in kana is sometimes a useful technique for CLQA.

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