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Land Use Committee Working Session Agenda Overview of proposed project, Planning Department Jeffrey S. Dirk, P.E., PTOE, Vice President, Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Jason Adams, P.E., Project Manager, McMahon Associates
Land Use Committee Working Session Agenda Overview of proposed project, Planning Department Jeffrey S. Dirk, P.E., PTOE, Vice President, Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Jason Adams, P.E., Project Manager, McMahon Associates Clint Schuckel, P.E., PTOE, Associate City Engineer, Department of Public Works
EXISTING CONDITIONS 11.32-acre site 11 parcels (13 proposed to be rezoned) Zoned Business 1, Limited Manufacturing, Multi Residence 2 Improved w/ 5 commercial buildings Surface parking Vehicular access from both Boylston St (Route 9) and Florence St
PROPOSED PROJECT Special permit for mixed- use development Request rezoning to Business 4; Approval of Easement Relocation and Discontinuance Order and Plan
Mix of Uses Phase I 102,000 sf retail & restaurant 51,000 sf grocery 30,000 sf health club 60,000 sf medical office building 699 at-grade parking stalls Phase II ~91 residential units +313 structured parking spaces 912 Total parking spaces
Peak Usage by Land Use General retail: Noon and 5-7 PM weekdays; 1-3 PM Saturdays Restaurants: Noon and 6-8 PM weekdays; 1-3 PM Saturdays Grocery Store: Noon and 5-7 PM weekdays; 9-11 AM Saturdays Health Club: 8-9 AM weekdays and Saturdays Medical Office: 9-11 AM and 1-3 PM weekdays; closed weekends Residential: 7-9 AM and 4-6 PM weekdays; 10-noon Saturdays
Proposed Access All vehicular access from Route 9 by way of 2 driveways including: Primary signalized access just east of driveway serving Chestnut Hill Mall (two lanes in ~ one out) Easternmost exit near ramp and Milton’s & Barnes & Noble access (one lane in ~ one out) Existing driveway serving Capital Grille & David & Co. (one lane in only)
Florence Street Some access from Florence Street during construction Closed with gate upon completion of construction Electronic override of gate for emergency response vehicles
Traffic Impacts Petitioners submitted: Traffic Impact and Access Study Supplemental Traffic Impact Assessment Shared Parking Analysis Have responded to issues raised by City’s Peer Traffic Consultant Study area includes 44 intersections and 10 ramp junctions Traffic volumes LOS Build with Mitigation
Traffic Impacts Traffic volume counts 2004/2009 ~62,000 vehicles avg. weekday ~54,500 vehicles avg. Saturday Proposed project add ~5,660 new vehicle trips avg. weekday 6,720 new vehicle trips avg. Saturday Increasing traffic by ~ 9% weekdays, ~12% weekends Many of proposed changes originate from Route 9 Corridor in Brookline and Newton Report produced by CTPS for Mass Highway Dept 2002 Study confirms demand at many intersections exceeds capacity causing delays, backups, and traffic signal cycle failures
Off-site mitigation Encouraged by size & number of proposed infrastructure improvements Improvements required to be completed as part of State (MEPA) approval process All mitigation designed and constructed by petitioners with proper approvals prior to occupancy of Phase I Petitioners proposing escrow funds for traffic-calming measures Florence/Heath Streets Study of parking and traffic flow on Florence Street as it relates to pedestrian and bicycle safety docketed with Traffic Council; will approach Brookline with results of study DPW asked petitioners to use “Complete Streets” approach to accommodate vehicles, pedestrians & bicyclists Clarification of where they are in design and approval process with MHC & DCR
Other Submittals by Petitioners Transportation Demand Management Plan appears adequate Parking Management Plan appears adequate Will provide stop for Route 60 MBTA bus
Other Reviews Planning and Development Board Recommended approval of proposed rezoning Noted concerns about site plan MEPA Received Certificate 2007 Submitted Notice of Project Change (NPC) Does not require further MEPA review 9/2010
Points of Concern Lack of sidewalk along north side Florence Street High transit credits/long term viability of shuttle Concern with weaving at easternmost project exit Internal backups within site at access points Access through Capital Grille lot Handicap drop-off access and parking “After study” to check traffic volume counts and monitor key intersections upon completion and determine need for additional mitigation; proposed commencement one year after full occupancy for 5 years thereafter Planning Department recommends monitoring after completion of Phase I with additional plan after 5 years
Proposed traffic mitigation Jeffrey S. Dirk, P.E., PTOE, Vice President, Vanasse & Associates, Inc. Jason Adams, P.E., Project Manager, McMahon Associates Clint Schuckel, P.E., PTOE, Associate City Engineer, Department of Public Works