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Conquering Procrastination

Conquering Procrastination. Counseling and Psychological Services Indiana University Health Center. “You can procrastinate later.” -- kanzure. Procrastination -. “to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring” - Cambridge Dictionary Online.

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Conquering Procrastination

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  1. Conquering Procrastination Counseling and Psychological Services Indiana University Health Center

  2. “You can procrastinate later.” -- kanzure

  3. Procrastination - “to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring” - Cambridge Dictionary Online

  4. Several types … • Life routine procrastination • Decisional procrastination • Academic procrastination • … Milgram, Batori, and Mowrer (1993)

  5. Questions for reflection… • How is your time spent every week? • When are you most productive? • What activities or habits most get in the way of your work? • Do you procrastinate? What leads you to procrastinate?

  6. Weekly Hours Devoted to ActivitiesComparing “A” and “F” Students Graphs were provided by Victor Barr, Ph.D. Counseling Center Director, University of Tennessee

  7. Weekly Hours Devoted to StudyComparing “A” and “F” Students

  8. There are several causes… • Poor time management • Difficulty setting priorities and goals • Distractions in the environment • Fear and anxiety about failure • Negative beliefs about self • Personal problems • Perfectionism Balkis (2007)

  9. An insight • Procrastination is reinforcing – every time you delay, it reinforces your negative attitude toward the task or yourself… You • Strengthen the habit of not doing • Practice avoidance instead of participation • Indoctrinate yourself with fears • On the other hand… Active participation tends to give you a positive attitude toward that activity. Academic Services at California Polytechnic State University http://sas.calpoly.edu/asc/ssl.htm

  10. Conquering Procrastination • Poor time management • Weekly schedule sheets • Difficulty setting priorities and goals • Structured goal setting • Breaking assignments down

  11. Conquering Procrastination • Distractions in the environment • Best places to study • Personal problems • How do you work through personal problems?

  12. Conquering Procrastination • Fear and anxiety about failure • Negative beliefs about self • Perfectionism • What are your procrastination thoughts? • Dispute these thoughts. Be vigorous. • Repeat, repeat, repeat.

  13. Tips on procrastination • Make tasks look small and easy • Do only a small part at a time • Challenge your negative thoughts • Don’t look too far ahead • Get yourself to work on it for just 5 minutes • Use peer pressure – tell friends about your plans to get it done

  14. Tips on procrastination • Work with a good role model • Modify your environment • Plan and establish priorities • Set product goals, not time goals • Set time goals, not product goals • Don’t expect perfection. Accept setbacks and start again.

  15. Tips on procrastination • Schedule time for fun • Reward yourself when a task is done • Set Priorities and Goals • Write down tasks • Break large tasks into smaller parts • Estimate time & prioritize • Write out small goals for completion (e.g. write on Saturday and Sunday, paper done by Monday, revise on Tuesday, due Wed.)

  16. Contact CAPS for future “Conquer Procrastination Workshops” (855-5711) And remember to… procrastinate later!

  17. Hour of the Day When Study OccursComparing “A” and “F” Students

  18. Weekly Sleep ScheduleComparing “A” and “F” Students

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