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Remote sensing with LIDAR

Brian S. Keiling Program Head – Forest Management Dabney S.Lancaster Community College. Remote sensing with LIDAR. Class of 2010 - 2011. LIDAR , LiDAR , LIDaR, lidar and LADAR(laser altimetry). Light detection and ranging Laser Imaging, Detection and Ranging

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Remote sensing with LIDAR

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  1. Brian S. Keiling Program Head – Forest Management DabneyS.Lancaster Community College Remote sensing withLIDAR

  2. Class of 2010 - 2011

  3. LIDAR, LiDAR, LIDaR, lidar and LADAR(laser altimetry). Light detection and ranging Laser Imaging, Detection and Ranging Combining the words light and radar LIDAR - Light Detection and RangingNear infrared band of the electromagnetic spectrumRadar – Radio Detection and Rangingmicrowave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum

  4. Lidar Active versus Passive Remote Sensing https://www.e- education.psu.edu/lidar/l1_p3.html

  5. LIDAR Types • Airborne • Topographic • Bathymeric • Terrestrial • Mobile • Stationary

  6. LIDAR – Airborne Topographic • Active Remote Sensing method. • Laser pulses are reflected from objects on or near the ground. • XYZ data collected. • High density of data points collected. http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/pubs/pnw_gtr768.pdf

  7. Bathymetric Lidar • Blue –Green laser that can penetrate water and provide bottomland terrain modeling. • Water penetration down to 50 meters but clarity is a limiting factor. • Often flown simultaneously with digital cameras and hyperspectral sensors.

  8. Mobile mapping with Lidar • Collection of 360 degree field of view • Very accurate and highly precise data collection • Provides detailed streetscape and roadway GIS data • Ability to see where airborne lidar cannot

  9. Mobile Mapping streetscape Mobile mapping streetscape point cloud Finished streetscape from mobile mapping project https://www.e-education.psu.edu/lidar/l9_p5.html

  10. Stationary Easter Island Moai http://trl.trimble.com/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-421274/

  11. LIDAR Returns • Multiple returns. • First is the highest object. • Up to five (5) returns per pulse. • Last is not always the ground. http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.1/index.html#//015w00000041000000

  12. LIDAR Attributes

  13. Classification

  14. LAS – specification for a point cloud file format with x,y,z and other attributes. ASCII – original format for LIDAR data. LAZ – lossless LIDAR Compression. http://www.laszip.org/ Data we will use compressed from 164 mb to 29 mb. LAS Dataset –LAS storage for use in ArcGIS. Convert into TIN, DEM, contours and others. File Types

  15. Flooding Coastline erosion- changes Vegetation Forestry Improving accuracy and resolution of basemaps. Planning Urban Growth Uses of LIDAR

  16. Virginia- William and Mary hosts state LIDAR http://www.wm.edu/as/cga/VALIDAR/index.php USGS CLICK: Center for LIDAR Information Coordination and Knowledge (not compressed!) http://lidar.cr.usgs.gov/ LIDAR LINKS for mappers http://www.lidarbasemaps.org/ Find Data

  17. Lidar Availability in Virginia

  18. Student service learning project. VWCC, TNCC and DSLCC Tree inventory and analysis as part of a Geospatial Technology project Student participation from both GIS and Forestry disciplines NASA – Tree Inventory and GIS utilizing lidar for tree assessment

  19. NASA Tree Inventory and GIS Lidar point cloud classified with elevation of the return. Google Earth Image

  20. NASA Tree Inventory and GIS State Record Sassafras

  21. NASA – Tree Inventory

  22. NASA Tree Inventory

  23. NASA Tree Inventory Utilizing the point cloud to provide tree canopy width measurements

  24. NASA Tree Inventory Utilizing the point cloud to provide tree height measurements

  25. Selecting Mutiple trees with lidar

  26. OSO Washington Mudslide http://seattletimes.com/ABPub/zoom/html/2023244527.html

  27. Aerial View of slide http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/26731774

  28. http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?useExisting=1&layers=62a2c2dbb4434b31b9a3ead595b5a0aehttp://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?useExisting=1&layers=62a2c2dbb4434b31b9a3ead595b5a0ae Lidar imagery of oso slide

  29. Questions? NASA Tree Inventory

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