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SB 1.18.32 - 37

SB 1.18.32 - 37. Maharaj Parikshit cursed by the sage Samika Rsi’s son. Offering obeisances. näräyaëaà namaskåtya naraà caiva narottamam devéà sarasvatéà vyäsaà tato jayam udérayet

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SB 1.18.32 - 37

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  1. SB 1.18.32 - 37 MaharajParikshit cursed by the sage SamikaRsi’s son

  2. Offering obeisances näräyaëaà namaskåtya naraà caiva narottamam devéà sarasvatéà vyäsaà tato jayam udérayet “Before reciting this Çrémad-Bhägavatam, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, Näräyaëa, unto Nara-näräyaëa Åñi, the supermost human being, unto mother Sarasvaté, the goddess of learning, and unto Çréla Vyäsadeva, the author.” SB 1.2.4

  3. nañöa-präyeñv abhadreñu nityaà bhägavata-sevayä bhagavaty uttama-çloke bhaktir bhavati naiñöhiké “By regular attendance in classes on the Bhägavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.” SB1.2.18

  4. Varnashrama System • Natural arrangement by the supreme order • It pleases the Supreme • Social Body • Brahmanas – Head and brains • Direct towards the goal of life • Ksatriyas – Arms • Work under the direction of the head • Provide protection to the body • Vaishyas – Belly • Under the direction of Ksatriyas • Provide food and other necessities • Shudras - Legs • Under the direction of other varnas • Serve the rest of the body

  5. Son of a brahmana • Has a good chance of becoming a brahmana by training • But not just by birth • Basis of a strong spiritual culture • Cultural heritage • To help everyone progress while being in their position

  6. SB 1.18.32 tasya putro 'titejasvī viharan bālako 'rbhakaiḥ rājñāghaḿ prāpitaḿ tātaḿ śrutvā tatredam abravīt SYNONYMS tasya — his (the sage's); putraḥ — son; ati — extremely; tejasvī — powerful; viharan — while playing; bālakaḥ — with boys; arbhakaiḥ — who were all childish; rājñā — by the King;agham — distress; prāpitam — made to have; tātam — the father; śrutvā — by hearing; tatra — then and there; idam — this; abravīt — spoke. TRANSLATION The sage had a son who was very powerful, being a brāhmaṇa's son. While he was playing with inexperienced boys, he heard of his father's distress, which was occasioned by the King. Then and there the boy spoke as follows.

  7. SB 1.18.32 • Ati-tejasvi (Very powerful) • Due to MaharajParikshit’s good government • PunarMushtikaBhava • Boy’s power was mixed with immaturity and pride

  8. Downfall of Varnashram • This was THE start • Hatred of lower orders of life • Cultural life began to dwindle day by day • Personality of Kali was looking for the opportunity to get a foothold • the inexperienced boy gave a chance for the age of Kali to enter into the field of Vedic culture • The first victim – • The biggest enemy of Kali at that time • MaharajParikshit

  9. SB 1.18.33 aho adharmaḥ pālānāḿ pīvnāḿ bali-bhujām iva svāminy aghaḿ yad dāsānāḿ dvāra-pānāḿ śunām iva SYNONYMS aho — just look at; adharmaḥ — irreligion; pālānām — of the rulers; pīvnām — of one who is brought up; bali-bhujām — like the crows; iva — like; svāmini — unto the master;agham — sin; yat — what is; dāsānām — of the servants; dvāra-pānām — keeping watch at the door; śunām — of the dogs; iva — like. TRANSLATION [The brāhmaṇa's son, Śṛńgi, said:] O just look at the sins of the rulers who, like crows and watchdogs at the door, perpetrate sins against their masters, contrary to the principles governing servants.

  10. SB 1.18.33 • Shringi • “Puffed up inexperienced boy” • Lacking in Culture • Compared MaharajParikshit to a watchdog • Culture • Very important in all spheres of life • Vedic Culture – Worship/Respect everything • Instead of measuring things • I can measure, because I am great • “If you are humble, you are humble in front of everyone, because you are humble”

  11. Ksatriyas are watchdogs • Protect the society • But to address MaharajParikshit like that, was sign of a less-cultured boy • Downfall of brahminical powers • More importance to birthright than culture • If we are connected to someone great, we think we are great • Since brahmanas are the heads of the social order • All other orders began to deteriorate

  12. SB 1.18.34 brāhmaṇaiḥ kṣatra-bandhur hi gṛha-pālo nirūpitaḥ sa kathaḿ tad-gṛhe dvāḥ-sthaḥ sabhāṇḍaḿ bhoktum arhati SYNONYMS brāhmaṇaiḥ — by the brahminical order; kṣatra-bandhuḥ — the sons of the kṣatriyas; hi — certainly; gṛha-pālaḥ — the watchdog; nirūpitaḥ — designated; saḥ — he; katham — on what grounds; tat-gṛhe — in the home of him (the master); dvāḥ-sthaḥ — keeping at the door; sa-bhāṇḍam — in the same pot; bhoktum — to eat; arhati — deserves. TRANSLATION The descendants of the kingly orders are definitely designated as watchdogs, and they must keep themselves at the door. On what grounds can dogs enter the house and claim todine with the master on the same plate? .

  13. SB 1.18.34 • Mentality of false prestige • Cause of the downfall of the perfect social order • Shringi • Harsh, impudent • “Uncultured boy” • Tried to explain away father’s inhospitality in an impertinent manner • Characteristic of brahmanas of Kali-yuga • Compared MaharajParikshit to a dog, who cannot drink from the same pot as his master

  14. SB 1.18.35 kṛṣṇe gate bhagavati śāstary utpatha-gāminām tad bhinna-setūn adyāhaḿ śāsmi paśyata me balam SYNONYMS kṛṣṇe — Lord Kṛṣṇa; gate — having departed from this world; bhagavati — the Personality of Godhead; śāstari — the supreme ruler; utpatha-gāminām — of those who are upstarts;tat bhinna — being separated; setūn — the protector; adya — today; aham — myself; śāsmi — shall punish; paśyata — just see; me — my; balam — prowess. TRANSLATION After the departure of Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the Personality of Godhead and supreme ruler of everyone, these upstarts have flourished, our protector being gone. Therefore I myself shall take up this matter and punish them. Just witness my power.

  15. SB 1.18.35 • Shringi • Puffed up by a little brahma-tejas • “Mahārāja Parīkṣit gave license to Kali to live in four places as mentioned hereinbefore, but by his very expert government the personality of Kali could hardly find the places allotted him. The personality of Kali-yuga, therefore, was seeking the opportunity to establish authority, and by the grace of the Lord he found a hole in the puffed-up, inexperienced son of a brāhmaṇa.”

  16. Ref: SB 1.17.38 Purport

  17. SB 1.18.35 • Shringi • Wanted to take the place of Lord Krishna after His departure • An upstart with a little power wants to become an incarnation of the Lord • False incarnations • Mislead innocent public • Accept spiritual obedience of general mass of people • To maintain false prestige

  18. SB 1.18.36 ity uktvā roṣa-tāmrākṣo vayasyān ṛṣi-bālakaḥ kauśiky-āpa upaspṛśya vāg-vajraḿ visasarja ha SYNONYMS iti — thus; uktvā — saying; roṣa-tāmra-akṣaḥ — with red-hot eyes due to being angry; vayasyān — unto the playmates; ṛṣi-bālakaḥ — the son of a ṛṣi; kauśikī — the River Kauśika;āpaḥ — water; upaspṛśya — by touching; vāk — words; vajram — thunderbolt; visasarja — threw; ha — in the past. TRANSLATION The son of the ṛṣi, his eyes red-hot with anger, touched the water of the River Kauśika while speaking to his playmates and discharged the following thunderbolt of words.

  19. SB 1.18.36 • Showoff to his friends • Circumstances were childish • Any sane man would have prevented him from such a great mistake • Association is the key • “Our life must be guided” – HG NityanandaPrana Prabhu • “Anger is the cancer. You keep feeding it, it becomes bigger and bigger till it consumes you” – HG Harivilas Prabhu

  20. SB 1.18.37 iti lańghita-maryādaḿ takṣakaḥ saptame 'hani dańkṣyati sma kulāńgāraḿ codito me tata-druham SYNONYMS iti — thus; lańghita — surpassing; maryādam — etiquette; takṣakaḥ — snake-bird; saptame — on the seventh; ahani — day; dańkṣyati — will bite; sma — certainly; kula-ańgāram — the wretched of the dynasty; coditaḥ — having done; me — my; tata-druham — enmity towards the father. TRANSLATION The brāhmaṇa's son cursed the King thus: On the seventh day from today a snake-bird will bite the most wretched one of that dynasty [Mahārāja Parīkṣit] because of his having broken the laws of etiquette by insulting my father.

  21. SB 1.18.37 • Who was the “Kulangara – Wretched of the dynasty”? • When you find fault, you have that in yourself • Take some time to analyze when we find fault • Beginning of misuse of brahminical power • Result • Brahmanas became devoid of both brahminical power and culture • Snake without poisoned teeth • Can only scare children

  22. “Thus the whole scientific system of the orders of society in this age has assumed the form of a vitiated caste system, which is now being uprooted by another class of men similarly influenced by the age of Kali. One should see to the root cause of vitiation and not try to condemn the system as it is, without knowledge of its scientific value.”

  23. Practical Application • Is this foregone history 5000 years back? • Sringiis here right now, in this room… • He is speaking to you…. • Pride • When we are proud, we are providing a foothold to Kali – within and without • Anger, Delusion follow • Consequences could be far reaching • Counter • Remove I and Mine – It is our enemy! • Cultivate humility, tolerance • In your day to day interactions • Seek advice from seniors (realized devotees) and peers when you need it • Sincerely seek to apply them • Hearing means  Hearing + Action • Remember “PunarMushtikaBhava“

  24. Practical Application • “Thus the downfall of the brahminicalpowers began as they gave importance to birthright without culture” • If we are connected to someone great, we think we are great • Purity is the force • Has to be within us! • Advanced devotee means only one thing - AmaninaMana Dena • – HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj • Check – “Am I doing this to showoff?” • What is my motivation? Appreciation, Respect? • Always be in good association • They will stop you from making blunders • In a provoking situation • Step back - Take your time • Take guidance • “Greatness of a person has to be estimated by his ability to tolerate provoking situations” – SrilaPrabhupada

  25. References • SrilaPrabhupada’s purports • “Unveiling His Lotus Feet” by HG BhurijanaPrabhu • HH BhaktiVikas Swami Maharaj lecture • HH BhaktiVijnanaGoswamiMaharaj lecture • HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj lecture

  26. SB 1.6.20 • A devotee always feels pangs of separation • That is transcendental ecstasy • Separation from Krishna’s devotees, Krishna’s name, Krishna’s service, Krishna Katha • Just be sincere • Perceiving the Lord • Lord is above the perception of senses • Still out of His causeless mercy He makes Himself perceptible • To one who He is pleased with • Not to the non-devotees (BG 7.25) • Special gift only for Sri Narada • He could see during probationary period of DS

  27. SB 1.6.21 hantāsmiñ janmani bhavān mā māḿ draṣṭum ihārhati avipakva-kaṣāyāṇāḿ durdarśo 'haḿ kuyoginām SYNONYMS hanta — O Nārada; asmin — this; janmani — duration of life; bhavān — yourself; mā — not; mām — Me; draṣṭum — to see; iha — here; arhati — deserve; avipakva — immature; kaṣāyāṇām — material dirt; durdarśaḥ — difficult to be seen; aham — I; kuyoginām — incomplete in service. TRANSLATION O Nārada [the Lord spoke], I regret that during this lifetime you will not be able to see Me anymore. Those who are incomplete in service and who are not completely free from all material taints can hardly see Me.

  28. SB 1.6.21 • Supreme Personality of Godhead • Most pure • One who has slightest tinge of materiality cant approach Him • Hold on to SrilaPrabhupada’s Dhoti! • Impurity in SrilaNarada Muni??? • Mode of goodness • Steps of purity – Removal of • Passion and Ignorance (Kama and Lobha) • Then goodness • Searching for God • Goodness (Forest) • Passion (Cities) • Ignorance (Brothels, Night clubs) • Transcendence (Temple) • Recommended for neophyte devotees (Deity Worship – Beginning of DS) • Narada Muni’s current life • Preaching instead of going to forest • We follow in his footsteps

  29. All on a platter! • Best transcendental environment • One of the best temples • Enthusiastic, energetic • Most Loving devotees • On top of that • Most wealthy country • Most successful companies • High salaries • Beautiful neighborhood • Minimum travel So lets preach!

  30. SB 1.6.22 sakṛd yad darśitaḿ rūpam etat kāmāya te 'nagha mat-kāmaḥ śanakaiḥ sādhu sarvān muñcati hṛc-chayān SYNONYMS sakṛt — once only; yat — that; darśitam — shown; rūpam — form; etat — this is; kāmāya — for hankerings; te — your; anagha — O virtuous one; mat — Mine; kāmaḥ — desire; śanakaiḥ — by increasing; sādhuḥ — devotee; sarvān — all; muñcati — gives away; hṛt-śayān — material desires. TRANSLATION O virtuous one, you have only once seen My person, and this is just to increase your desire for Me, because the more you hanker for Me, the more you will be freed from all material desires.

  31. Why does Krishna makes Himself perceptible directly/indirectly? • Just to increase our hankering for Him

  32. Hankering for Krishna = Hankering for His service • His service and His person are identical • Service to Krishna = Seeing Krishna • The only means to see = Service • Atah Sri Krishna Namadi • Choose your hankering! • Material Entanglement • Krishna’s Service  Liberation • Hankering for Krishna  Freedom from material hankering • Also the other way round..

  33. Nature of Transcendental Hankering • The more you satisfy the hankering (by engaging in service) • The more you hanker ad infinitum (SB 1.18.14) • Eternal (Real) ever increasing satisfaction (Suprasidati) • Tusyanti ca Ramanti ca • Natural to the soul (Paro Dharma) • Material hankering • “Law of Satiation” applies • Temporary (unreal) satisfaction • A new toy everytime!

  34. No satiation! • SB 1.18.14 Can anyone who is expert in relishing nectar [rasa] ever be fully satiated by hearing topics about Him? • SB 1.1.19 We never tire of hearing the transcendental pastimes of the Personality of Godhead, who is glorified by hymns and prayers. Those who have developed a taste for transcendental relationships with Him relish hearing of His pastimes at every moment. Mundane news is static whereas transcendental news is dynamic, in as much as the spirit is dynamic and matter is static. Those who have developed a taste for understanding the transcendental subject matter are never tired of hearing such narrations. One is quickly satiated by mundane activities, but no one is satiated by transcendental or devotional activities. Uttama-sloka indicates that literature which is not meant for nescience. Mundane literature is in the mode of darkness or ignorance, whereas transcendental literature is quite different. Transcendental literature is above the mode of darkness, and its light becomes more luminous with progressive reading and realization of the transcendental subject matter. 

  35. What is the result of the hankering/service?

  36. SB 1.6.23 sat-sevayādīrghayāpi jātā mayi dṛḍhā matiḥ hitvāvadyam imaḿ lokaḿ gantā maj-janatām asi SYNONYMS sat-sevayā — by service of the Absolute Truth; adīrghayā — for some days; api — even; jātā — having attained; mayi — unto Me; dṛḍhā — firm; matiḥ — intelligence; hitvā — having given up; avadyam— deplorable; imam — this; lokam — material worlds; gantā — going to; mat-janatām — My associates; asi — become. TRANSLATION By service of the Absolute Truth, even for a few days, a devotee attains firm and fixed intelligence in Me. Consequently he goes on to become My associate in the transcendental world after giving up the present deplorable material worlds.

  37. Serving the Absolute Truth means • Serving the SPG • Under the direction of a bonafide SM • who is a transparent medium between the Lord and the neophyte devotee • The Only means to know God – “Atah Sri Krishna Namadi” • Service gives Intelligence • “DadamiBuddhiYogamTvam” • Intelligence • “ By which you can come to Me” • Give up the deplorable material world • Become one of the liberated associates of the Lord (Mat-Janatam)

  38. What if I lose it?

  39. SB 1.6.24 matir mayi nibaddheyaḿ na vipadyeta karhicit prajā-sarga-nirodhe 'pi smṛtiś ca mad-anugrahāt SYNONYMS matiḥ — intelligence; mayi — devoted to Me; nibaddhā — engaged; iyam — this; na — never; vipadyeta — separate; karhicit — at any time; prajā — living beings; sarga — at the time of creation;nirodhe — also at the time of annihilation; api — even; smṛtiḥ — remembrance; ca — and; mat — Mine; anugrahāt — by the mercy of. TRANSLATION Intelligence engaged in My devotion cannot be thwarted at any time. Even at the time of creation, as well as at the time of annihilation, your remembrance will continue by My mercy.

  40. BG 2.40 • “Nehabhikrama..” • Eternal time frame • Akarma/Spiritual A/c balance only goes up!

  41. SB 1.6.25 etāvad uktvopararāma tan mahad bhūtaḿ nabho-lińgam alińgam īśvaram ahaḿ ca tasmai mahatāḿ mahīyase śīrṣṇāvanāmaḿ vidadhe 'nukampitaḥ SYNONYMS etāvat — thus; uktvā — spoken; upararāma — stopped; tat — that; mahat — great; bhūtam — wonderful; nabhaḥ-lińgam — personified by sound; alińgam — unseen by the eyes; īśvaram — the supreme authority; aham — I; ca — also; tasmai — unto Him; mahatām — the great; mahīyase — unto the glorified; śīrṣṇā — by the head; avanāmam — obeisances; vidadhe — executed; anukampitaḥ— being favored by Him. TRANSLATION Then that supreme authority, personified by sound and unseen by eyes, but most wonderful, stopped speaking. Feeling a sense of gratitude, I offered my obeisances unto Him, bowing my head.

  42. Supreme Lord isHis Vani • Can be seen and realized by His Vani • The Vedas • The BhagavadGita is identical to the Lord • Arjuna realized this on returning to Hastinapur after Lord’s departure • The need • Persistent chanting of the Transcendental sound

  43. Now I know...

  44. SB 1.6.26 nāmāny anantasya hata-trapaḥ paṭhan guhyāni bhadrāṇi kṛtāni ca smaran gāḿ paryaṭaḿs tuṣṭa-manā gata-spṛhaḥ kālaḿ pratīkṣan vimado vimatsaraḥ SYNONYMS nāmāni — the holy name, fame, etc.; anantasya — of the unlimited; hata-trapaḥ — being freed from all formalities of the material world; paṭhan — by recitation, repeated reading, etc.; guhyāni — mysterious; bhadrāṇi — all benedictory; kṛtāni — activities; ca — and; smaran — constantly remembering; gām — on the earth; paryaṭan — traveling all through; tuṣṭa-manāḥ — fully satisfied;gata-spṛhaḥ — completely freed from all material desires; kālam — time; pratīkṣan — awaiting; vimadaḥ — without being proud; vimatsaraḥ — without being envious. TRANSLATION Thus I began chanting the holy name and fame of the Lord by repeated recitation, ignoring all the formalities of the material world. Such chanting and remembering of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord are benedictory. So doing, I traveled all over the earth, fully satisfied, humble and unenvious.

  45. The child now became aware that he could associate with the Lord through constant devotional service • Began to continuously chant Lord’s Holy Name and Fame • The child already began to act like Narada Muni • Even in this material body • A Devotee’s life in a nutshell • After initiation from the Lord or His representative • One single desire (VyavasayatmikaBuddhir) • To go back to Godhead • Which awaits them in near future • Non envious • Not proud • Fully satisfied • Takes seriously chanting the name and glories of the Lord • Travels all over the world so others may hear the message • According to one’s personal capacity • Preach to the walls if no one comes – SrilaBhaktiSiddhantaSaraswatiThakura

  46. SB 1.6.27 evaḿ kṛṣṇa-mater brahman nāsaktasyāmalātmanaḥ kālaḥ prādurabhūt kāle taḍit saudāmanī yathā SYNONYMS evam — thus; kṛṣṇa-mateḥ — one who is fully absorbed in thinking of Kṛṣṇa; brahman — O Vyāsadeva; na — not; āsaktasya — of one who is attached; amala-ātmanaḥ — of one who is completely free from all material dirt; kālaḥ — death; prādurabhūt — become visible; kāle — in the course of time; taḍit — lightning; saudāmanī — illuminating; yathā — as it is. TRANSLATION And so, O Brāhmaṇa Vyāsadeva, in due course of time I, who was fully absorbed in thinking of Kṛṣṇa and who therefore had no attachments, being completely freed from all material taints, met with death, as lightning and illumination occur simultaneously.

  47. Fully absorbed in thoughts of Krishna means • Clearance of material dirts or hankerings • Like a rich man has no hankering for small petty things • Sign of a spiritually enriched person • Death, at his leisure, suddenly appeared before Narada Muni • For a pure devotee • Death is like simultaneous • Lightning – Loss of the current body • Illumination – Development of a spiritual body • Spiritualized body even before death • Red hot iron in contact with fire

  48. Summary • Service to Krishna • Means Seeing Krishna • Is the only means to see Krishna • Gives intelligence • Is never lost • Leads to the ultimate goal - BTG • “Law of satiation” does not apply to Krishna’s service, name, katha etc. • The more you do, the more you hanker • Gives the ever increasing ultimate satisfaction • Best place for the cultivation of service • A temple ( it is transcendental) • The highest transcendental activity • Follow Narada Muni’s example • Travel and preach throughout the world, as per your personal capacity • F or one thus purified, change of body • Simultaneous lightning and illumination

  49. References: • SrilaPrabhupada’s purports on these verses • HG BhurijanaPrabhu’s book: “Unveiling His Lotus Feet” • ISKCONDESIRETREE • HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj’s lecture – 1.6.34 • HH Mahanidhi Swami’s lecture – 1.6.27

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