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Internet-of-Things (IoT)

Join the IoT Engineering Summer Program 2018 at the University of Notre Dame to learn UNIX 101 Command Line and Raspberry Pi operations like echo, clear, pwd, ls, and more. Explore file management and directory structures to enhance your skills.

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Internet-of-Things (IoT)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Internet-of-Things (IoT) Summer Engineering Program 2018 University of Notre Dame UNIX 101

  2. Command Line

  3. RPi Command Line

  4. Man pages echo helloworld clear pwd man echo man clear man pwd

  5. Directory Structure /home/its/ug1/ee51vn/report.doc

  6. Directory Structure ls ls –a mkdirmynewdirectory cd mynewdirectory cd . cd ..cd ~ pwd cd ~/mynewdirectory

  7. Directory Structure

  8. File Operations Write simple file (vi, nano, …) cp, mv, rm, mkdir, rmdir, cat Wild cards: * ? find . -name "*.txt" -print

  9. Directory Structure (Files) r (or -), indicatesreadpermission (orotherwise), thatis, thepresenceorabsenceofpermissiontoreadandcopythefile w (or -), indicateswritepermission (orotherwise), thatis, thepermission (orotherwise) tochange a file x (or -), indicatesexecutionpermission (orotherwise), thatis, thepermissiontoexecute a file, whereappropriate

  10. Directory Structure (Directories) rallowsuserstolistfiles in thedirectory; wmeansthatusersmaydeletefilesfromthedirectoryormovefilesintoit; x meanstherighttoaccessfiles in thedirectory. This impliesthatyoumayreadfiles in thedirectoryprovidedyouhavereadpermission on the individual files.

  11. Directory Structure chmod chmodgo-rwxsomefile chmoda+rwbiglist

  12. Processes ps kill -9 PID 9: SIGKILL

  13. Superuser Normal user vs. superuser (root) su sudocommand /etc/sudoers

  14. Package Management (APT) sudoapt-get update sudoapt-get upgrade sudoapt-getinstall PACKAGE

  15. Other Commands raspi-config reboot shutdown –h now ifconfig iwconfig iwlist wlan0 scan ping IPADDRESS wgethttp://www.website.com/example.txt hostname -I

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