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Qatar Economic Horizons

Qatar Economic Horizons. Past. Present. Future. 1. Qatar Macroeconomic Environment. 2. Crude Oil Prices. 3. Qatar LNG Expansion Plans. 4. Qatar GDP Per Capita. GDP per capita is amongst the highest in the world ($32k in 2003, $38k in 2004, and $43k in 2005). 5. Qatar GDP Composition.

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Qatar Economic Horizons

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Qatar Economic Horizons Past Present Future 1

  2. Qatar Macroeconomic Environment 2

  3. Crude Oil Prices 3

  4. Qatar LNG Expansion Plans 4

  5. Qatar GDP Per Capita GDP per capita is amongst the highest in the world ($32k in 2003, $38k in 2004, and $43k in 2005) 5

  6. Qatar GDP Composition • Oil and gas is major contributor – 60% of total • Manufacturing – 7% of total • Oil and gas dominates Qatar’s economic structures 6

  7. Qatar Export Composition 7

  8. Initial Qatar Advantage World-Class Resource Political Stability Commitment to LNG 8 a

  9. Qatar Advantage in the Late 90s Strong Financial Condition Commitment to LNG World-Class Resource Political Stability Strong Sponsors and Management World-Class LNG Port 8 b

  10. Present Qatar Advantage World-Class Resource Strong Financial Condition World-Class Infrastructure Commitment to LNG Flexibility Political Stability Competitiveness Strong Sponsors and Management Reliability 8 c

  11. Pure EnergyFrom Qatar to the World Europe Korea North America Japan Taiwan India 9

  12. Oil and Gas Value Chain 10

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