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Vestfold University College. Digital Portfolio as a Tool in Assessment FOR Learning?. Eli Kari Høihilder. ”The school – a learning organisation? ” Lillehammer 07.04 -08.04 2008. Background. Digital portfolio at Vestfold University College Socio-cultural learning perspective
Vestfold University College Digital Portfolio as a Tool in Assessment FOR Learning? Eli Kari Høihilder ”The school – a learning organisation? ” Lillehammer 07.04 -08.04 2008
Background • Digital portfolio at Vestfold University College • Socio-cultural learning perspective • Collaborative knowledge • Openness - Internet • Learning platforms (LMS) Eli Kari Høihilder
Methodology A research undertaken by Asgjerd Vea Karlsen and Eli Kari Høihilder based on goals in the Curriculum for Pedagogy Triangulation: • Survey (2006 –2007) • Letters (2007- 2008) • Group interview (2007- 2008) Eli Kari Høihilder
Assessment for learningKey ideas • Emphasise real progress and achievement rather than failure • Praise effort rather than ability • Help the learners to become more aware of how as well as what they`re learning • Give them guidance on how to improve • (Black and Wiliam 2004) Eli Kari Høihilder
What is it like assessing a peer student’s exam portfolio? Vea Karlsen og Høihilder 08 Eli Kari Høihilder
Which form of feedback for your portfolio work has had the most significance for you? Vea Karlsen og Høihilder 08 Eli Kari Høihilder
What was it like being assessed by a peer student in connection with your education exam? Eli Kari Høihilder
What kind of learning outcome have you had with collaborative learning? Eli Kari Høihilder
Overall, to what extent has the portfolio process been a great benefit to your learning? Eli Kari Høihilder
Learning outcomes Quotes from the letters • ”Peer students have read my submitted work on the internet and made me aware of my mistakes or lacks. I can also compare my own solutions with theirs, and make a positive or negative judgment.” • ”You can practise in being concrete. It is important to encourage the new students so they will publish their work on their web-pages, and that one will become familiar with re-working a first draft after a tutorial.” Eli Kari Høihilder
”I have received feedback that some of my work was so good that others have used it as a guideline when they were stuck. In addition I have been able to see if some people are finished with the tasks we have been set, and also gets tips on how I can do the work. I can also compare my own solutions with other people and assess the positive and the negative.” ”I have been able to see what kind of literature others have used, and I have had the opportunity to find answers to questions I might have had on a given topic. I have also seen how other students have organised their portfolios, and obtained ideas about how to design my own portfolio so that is was as userfriendly as possible.” . Eli Kari Høihilder
What are the learning outcomes? The students` opinions • Reflection – meta-text • Sharing of competence via assessment of fellow students • Improvements in work submitted in the course of the program • Constructive criticism Eli Kari Høihilder
Challenges • Unfinished work • Find the balance between self-directed (ansvar for egen læring) and obligatory learning • Openness/individual rights • Technological challenges • General understanding of portfolio assessment Eli Kari Høihilder
Effective feedback must answer 3 questions: (Dysthe 2007, PowerPoint) • How am I going? FEED BACK • Where to next? FEED FORWARD • Where am I going ? (goal) FEED UP Eli Kari Høihilder
Research-based quality assurance demands:Seven principles for good feedback practice (Dysthe 2007) • Help to clarify what is a good piece of work (goal, criteria, standards) • Promote the development of self-assessment and reflection over one’s own learning • Promote feedback about the quality of learning • Contribute to dialogue between teachers and co-students about learning • Contribute to positive motivation • Provide the opportunity to close the gap between what is achieved and what is required • Provide feedback to teachers in order to improve teaching Eli Kari Høihilder
The way forwards • How to find a balance between individual rights and the socio-cultural view of knowledge? • How to develop student and teacher competence such that the digital portfolio will serve as assessment FOR learning? Eli Kari Høihilder
Literature • Black, P et al (2004) Working inside the black box London: King`s college • Dysthe, O og Engelsen, K., S (2003). Mapper som pedagogisk redskap. Perspektiver og erfaringer Oslo: Abstract forlag • Dysthe, O (2007): Mappevurdering som opplæringsform. I Tveit S. (red.) Elevvurdering i skolen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget • Engh, R, Dobson S og Høihilder, E.K (2007) Vurdering for læring. Kristiansand: Høyskoleforlaget • Karlsen, A,V og Wølner T, A (2006).Den femte grunnleggende ferdighet Portefølje og digitale mapper – et sted for læring. Gyldendal • Uniped 3/2007: Dysthe: Pedagogiske endringar etter Kvalitetsreformen og konsekvensar for læring. Utfordringar og strategiar • Wittek, A.L. ( 2007): Mappe som redskap for læring i høyere utdanning. Strukturer, kulturell praksis og deltakelsesbaner. Oslo UIO, Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet • Øhra, M: Kunnskapsdeling ved hjelp av digitale mapper I: Otnes (red) IKT og nye læreprosesser (Høgskolen i Vestfold, 2004) Eli Kari Høihilder