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Assessment Tool : assessment FOR learning. PED3177 C Amy Oswick, Juliana Siok, Lindsey Leipsic and Andrea Secord. Changing times…. Discuss. 1. Designed to accomplish: Assessment FOR learning Diagnostic assessment Informal observation 2. Designed to collect: “ENTER” stage View a clip
Assessment Tool: assessment FOR learning PED3177 C Amy Oswick, Juliana Siok, Lindsey Leipsic and Andrea Secord
Discuss 1. Designed to accomplish: • Assessment FOR learning Diagnostic assessment • Informal observation 2. Designed to collect: • “ENTER” stage • View a clip • Questions pertaining to social issues • existing knowledge and general understanding pertinent to these social issues Article: “Assessment for Differentiation” by Elizabeth Falconer Hall diagnostic formative DI
1. Identify Desired Results 3. Plan Learning Experiences And Instruction 2. Determine Acceptable Evidence Discuss cont’d 3. How will the information be used?: • Based on the collection of this information, the teacher will be able to gauge how the information will be presented in future lessons (the unit). • Stages of Backward Design 4. How does it fit within a larger unit study?: • Diagnostic assessment the first day of the unit study (novel study)
Explain 1. How our assessment tool reflects approaches to teaching/assessing ELA in current literature: • What we already know, what we want to learn and what we have learned 2. Curriculum learning objectives: • Oral Communication 1. Listening to understand: • 1.2 Using Active Listening Strategies • 1.8 Critical Literacy 2. Speaking to communicate: • 2.1 Purpose • Media Studies 1. Understanding Media texts: • 1.2 Interpreting Messages • 1.5 Critical Literacy
Demonstrate “The Blind Side:” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hn5-pxWM6k
Diagnostic LearningAssessment for Learning • Can students identify implicit vs explicit racism • Do they believe racism still exists today? • Do student’s posses’ vocabulary in relation to racism? • Do students see a difference between racism then (1920’s) and now (present day)?
ConclusionQuestions?Comments? • Bibliography Hall,Elizabeth Falconer. (1992). Assessment for Differentiation. Britsh Journal of Special Education, Vol 19, No.1.pp.20-23. Goode,Kevin, Teresa Kingston, Janet Millar Grant and Lorellie Munson.(2010). Assessment for Learning. Etfo Voice. Ottawa-Carleton District School board. (2008). Educator’s Resource Guide: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting of Student Achievement.