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Weeds, Insects & Diseases

Weeds, Insects & Diseases. Information courtesy of Texas A&M University Turf Grass http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/golf/gcindex.html. Weeds. Number one problem on golf courses Detract from green uniformity Aggressive competitors for Sunlight Moisture Nutrients . Weeds (cont.).

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Weeds, Insects & Diseases

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  1. Weeds, Insects & Diseases Information courtesy of Texas A&M University Turf Grass http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/golf/gcindex.html

  2. Weeds • Number one problem on golf courses • Detract from green uniformity • Aggressive competitors for • Sunlight • Moisture • Nutrients

  3. Weeds (cont.) • Effective weed control requires proper identification of the unwanted plants • Types • Grassy • Sedges • Broadleaf

  4. Common Turfgrass Weeds • Must identify weeds in order to properly treat the turf without damage • Grassy weed identification depends heavily on the vegetative characteristics of the plant. • Additional clues used in identification are • time of year • cutting height • soil moisture • shade. • Vegetative identification of grasses requires careful inspection of primary vegetative characteristics.

  5. Common Turfgrass Weeds (cont.) • Warm Season • Bermuda grass • St. Augustine grass • Buffalo grass • Cool Season • Annual Bluegrass • Chewings Fescue • Kentucky Bluegrass • Tall Fescue • For a complete list visit http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/grasswee/turf.html

  6. Grassy Weeds- Perennials • Broomsedge • Carpetgrass • Johnsongrass • Knotgrass • Smutgrass • For a complete list visit http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/grasswee/grass.html

  7. Grassy Weeds- Annual • Annual bluegrass • Crowsfootgrass • Egyptian Crabgrass • Sandbur • Stinkgrass • Wild Oats • For a complete list visit http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/grasswee/grass.html

  8. Broadleaf Weeds • Can be easily controlled • Usually during post emergence • Common broadleaf weeds include • Bindweed • Ground Ivy • Poison Ivy • Wild Violet • For a complete list visit http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/grasswee/broadlf.html

  9. Sedges • Usually appear in water soaked or slow draining areas in the turf • Hard to get rid of because they produce underground nutlets that produce new sedge plants • Common Sedges • Yellow Nutsedge • Texas Sedge • Annual Sedge • For a complete list visit http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/grasswee/sedge.html

  10. Insects • Insects must be properly identified in order to utilize control recommendations • Common Turf Insects • Big Eyed Bugs • Bermudagrass mites • Chinch Bugs • Red Fire Ants

  11. Big Eyed Bug

  12. Bermudagrass mites

  13. Chinchbugs • Common in St. Augustinegrass • Creates yellow patches in turf

  14. Red Fire Ants • Common in Texas

  15. Diseases • Insects must be properly identified in order to utilize control recommendations • Common Turf Diseases • Dollar Spot • Rust • St. Augustine Decline • Take-All Patch

  16. Dollar Spot • Symptoms include silver dollar sized circular spots that are straw colored • Host Grasses Include • St. Augustine grass • Annual bluegrass • Kentucky bluegrass

  17. Rust • Symptoms include yellow appearance progressing to red, then brown • Host Grasses include • Kentucky bluegrass • Tall fescue • Bermudagrass • St. Augustinegrass

  18. St. Augustine Decline • Symptoms include mottling or stippling Source: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/archives/parsons/turf/publications/Staugdecline.html

  19. Take-All Patch • Symptoms include circular patches up to 2 feet in diameter • Host grasses include • Bermudagrass • St. Augustinegrass • Fine fescues

  20. Summary • Weeds and Insect control first begins with proper identification • Become familiar with common weeds, insects and diseases so a healthy turf can be maintained and treated • For more information and a complete list of weeds and insects visit http://aggieturf.tamu.edu/aggieturf2/insect/insectindex.html

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