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Indicators. Basic Competence. BACTERIA. Exercise. Summary. By Dra. Tuti Sugiyarti. BASIC COMPETENCE. Describing the characteristics of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria, and their role to life. INDICATORS. Explaning the what procariot is
Indicators Basic Competence BACTERIA Exercise Summary By Dra. Tuti Sugiyarti
BASIC COMPETENCE • Describing the characteristics of Archaebacteria and Eubacteria, and their role to life
INDICATORS • Explaning the what procariot is • Describing various kinds of cells and Eubacteria colony • Explaining the structure of Eubacteria and Archaebacteria • Describing bacteria’s role to human life
MONERA KINGDOM Archaebacteria Eubacteria Terdiri dari Terdiri dari Halofil Ekstrim Termofil Ekstrim Metanogen Bakteri Autotrof Bakteri Heterotrof Hidup di Hidup di Dibedakan berdasarkan Tempat yang sanitasinya tinggi Tempat yang suhunya ekstrim panas Kebut akan O2 Kebut energi dr cahaya Terdiri dari Terdiri dari Bakteri patogen Bakteri parasit Bakeri kemoautotrof Bakteri aerob Bakteri anaerob Bakteri saprofit Bakteri fotoatrotof
ARCHAEBACTERIA • METANOGEN • Reduce CO2 CH4 (methane) • anaerobic and chemosynthetic • Habitat: mud, swamp, and places with minimum O2 • Example: Ruminococcus albus
ARCHAEBACTERIA • HALOFILIK (Halofil Ekstrem) • Heterotrophic • Habitat: places with high salt content • Example: Halo bacterium
ARCHAEBACTERIA • TERMOASIDOFILIK (Termofil Ekstrem) • Live by Sulfur oxidation • Habitat: places with high temperature and acid such as volcanic cavity, volcanic crater, and sulfured well • Can live at 45 – 110 oC and acid degree (pH) 1-2 • Example: Sulfolobus
EUBACTERIA (BACTERIA) Basic Structure of Bacteria Cell Cytoplasm Ribosome DNA Plasma membrane Peptidoglikan Dinding sel Outer membrane Capsule
Bacteria Shapes a. Kokus (round); b. Basil (bar); c. Spirilum (Spiral)
Positive Gram Bacteria and Their Cell Structure Peptidoglikan Plasma membrane Cytoplasm Contoh: Bacillus subtilis
Negative Gram Bacteriaand Their Cell Structure Capsule Outer Membrane Peptidoglikan Plasma membrane Contoh: Escherichia coli Cytoplasm
Some Samples of Bacteria Camphylobacter jejuni (causes diary) Salmonella (food toxin) Streptococcus lactis (cheese) Thiomargarita (the biggest bacteria) Mycoplasma (the smallest bacterial) Escherichia coli Vibrio cholerae Clostridium tetani Thiocystis sp.
Additional Structure on Bacteria Cell Growing Endosperm • Flagella. • Monotrik • Lofotrik • Amfitrik • peritrik Pilus Endosperm
Binary Multiplication on Bacteria Sel induk Penggandaan materi genetik dan pelekukan dinding sel Pembentukan sekat dinding sel Terbentuk sekat dinding (pemisahan menjadi dua sel baru)
Genetic Recombination on Bacteria Sel bakteri pertama DNA bebas Bakteriofage Sel bakteri Plasmid Infeksi fage DNA diambil oleh sel Sel bakteri kedua Kromosom Pelepasan fage Kontak antara dua sel;kopi plasmid dipindahkan Rekombinasi DNA ke dalam kromosom Reinfeksi bakteri baru Dua sel yang Mengandung plasmid Sel rekombinan Sel rekombinan Transformasi Transduksi Konjugasi
Cyanobacteria • Mengandung sejenis klorofil a, juga fikosianin => hijau kebiruan • Habitat perairan, tanah, dan batu-batuan dengan pH netral • Dapat bersimbiosis, misal nostoc + alga => lichen (lumut kerak) • Mampu memfiksasi nitrogen => terjadi di bagian heterosista Gloeocapsa Nostoc Anabaena
THE ROLE OF BACTERIA • Advantageous • Disadvantageous
ADVANTAGEOUS Menghasilkan CO2 dan Amonia Menyusun senyawa nitrat dari amonia Tahap I : 2NH3 + 3O2 => 2HNO2 + 2H2O + energi (nitritasi) Tahap II : HNO2 + O2 => • Decomposer • Nitrification Bacteria • Nitrogen Bacteria • Coli Bacteria • Fermentation Bacteria
DISADVANTAGEOUS • Bacteria which are harmful to human, plants and animals. On human: Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes TBC Salmonella thyphosa causes Typhoid fever Vibrio comma causes cholera On plants: Psedomonas cattleyae cause disease on orchid P. solanacearum causes disease on banana tree On animals: Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax Mycobacterium bovis causes ‘kuku dan mulut’ disease on cows M. avium causes disease on poultry