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Standards-based reform and students with disabilities

Chapter 9. Standards-based reform and students with disabilities. Standards based reform as described by IDEA ’04 & NCLB assumes. All children can learn All children do best in environments where learning expectations are high

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Standards-based reform and students with disabilities

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  1. Chapter 9 Standards-based reform and students with disabilities

  2. Standards based reform as described by IDEA ’04 & NCLB assumes • All children can learn • All children do best in environments where learning expectations are high • All children can be successful if they are provided adequate & appropriate opportunities to learn • All these assumptions stem from the theory that parents/communities are dissatisfied with the public school system

  3. The text suggests that in order to make meaningful improvement schools must • Have high content standards* • Use assessments to measure student support to meet the standards • Have an emphasis on accountability for educators & students *standards being defined as what students should know and be able to do, i.e., a framework for curricula

  4. In Texas, the standards are represented by • Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) • The state curriculum • The state-wide assessment system • As well as TAKS M, TAKS Alt, & TAKS I (State developed alternative assessment are undergoing modification)…IT CONTINUES TO CHANGE • Texas Assessment of Knowledge & Skills (TAKS) Therefore, in theory, if we are teaching the state curriculum, our students should do well on the state test.

  5. For teachers, the standards are described by SBEC • If you look at the state standards for teachers, they are written in terms of what special education teachers should know & what special teachers should be able to do • Mastery of the standards are measured on the TExES…the certification exam • Go to: http://www.sbec.state.tx.us/SBECOnline/standtest/standards/allspeced.pdf • Check out the standards that you are expected to master to be a professional educator in Texas. With your team, discuss which standards you think we will cover in this class based on text and syllabus. Discussion topic: Teacher Standards

  6. It is interesting to note that • Although there is much in the news about the public’s dissatisfaction with the public schools and your text further alludes to the fact that school reform is in response to public outcries… • Phi Delta Kappa (an international organization for professional educators) national survey information for the past few years suggests that parents/Americans are satisfied with the public schools. • Go to http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/docs/k0909pol.pdf and view the information. What did you learn about Joe America’s attitude toward the public schools? • In the Assignments area, Response Assignment PPT Chapter 9, describe what Joe America’s attitude is about public school and respond with your pithy opinion regarding Joe America’s attitude. • !!!!!!!!!BEFORE YOU MOVE ON SEE NEXT SLIDE for the whole assignment!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Just to get a clear view of what questions were asked… • Please go to http://www.pdkintl.org/kappan/docs/k0909pol.pdf Please look at the results from the areas…. • NCLB, • CHARTER SCHOOLS, • TEACHER PAY, • TENURE, • DROPOUTS, • EARLY CHILDHOOD ED, • MOVING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION • ECONOMIC STIMULUS • MEDIA COVERAGE OF EDUCATION • Summarize the responses in In the Assignments area, Response Assignment PPT Chapter 9, What did you find out from this public opinion poll? How does the poll information relate to your learning from the text?

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