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The Lion, the Witch, and the-……I mean The Lion, the Hare, and the Deer. Leo, dormientem leporem nactus , confestim eum devorare parabat . While sleeping, the lion, having gotten a hare, immediately prepared to devour him . .
The Lion, the Witch, and the-……I mean The Lion, the Hare, and the Deer
Leo, dormientemleporemnactus, confestimeumdevorareparabat. While sleeping, the lion, having gotten a hare, immediately prepared to devour him.
Cervam interim praetereuntemconspicatus, relictolepore, eampersequicoepit. • In the meantime, a stag, which caught sight of this while passing by, began to pursue him, leaving the hare abandoned.
Lepusinterea, strepituexcitatus, indefugamabripuit. • At the same time, the hare, awakened by the noise, ran off.
Leo autem, postquamcervamlongeestinsecutusneceamadsequipotuit, ad leporemreversus est. • The lion, however, after the stag pursued it far out of reach, returned to where the hare was.
Sedeumquoquefugaelapsum cum reperisset, “Ego meherculedignapatior,” inquit, “quia, paratam in manibusescamreiiciens, incertamvoluispemsequi.” • But he escaped through flight as well, and also realized, “I relate to you, and worthy is what I suffer,” he said, “because, by refusing food prepared in their hands, I have to follow uncertain hope.