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trnd makes TV more effective *: +69%. trnd makes print media more effective *: +95%. trnd makes online media more effective *: +142%. * Boost in Awareness Increase. STUDY. trnd boosts the effects of TV, Print, Online & Social Media.
trnd makes TV moreeffective*: +69% trnd makesprint mediamoreeffective*: +95% trnd makes online mediamoreeffective*: +142% * Boost in Awareness Increase STUDY trnd boosts the effects of TV, Print, Online & Social Media. A large-scale research project with 27,563 consumers assessed the effects of the trnd campaign format “FMCG, Food & Co.”, when used in connection with other media. Combining such a campaign with TV, print, online or social media on average more than doubles the effect of the other media channels.
trnd increases Brand Awareness. Average increase of the advertising effect on Brand Awareness: 109% 27,563 consumers were asked* which media channel they remember for a specific brand / campaign (TV, Print, Online and Social Media). A percentage of these consumers were also reached by recommendations from their circle of friends (triggers through trnd campaigns using the format “FMCG, Food & Co.”), alongside TV, Print, Online and Social Media. Among those consumers who were reached by the trnd WOM campaign in addition to the other traditional and non-traditional channels, the positive effect on Brand Awareness was more than doubled. 69% Higher AwarenessIncrease 95% Higher AwarenessIncrease 142% Higher AwarenessIncrease 129% Higher AwarenessIncrease Increase in Awareness TV TV+trnd Print Print+trnd Online Online+trnd SocialMedia SocialMedia+trnd * Supported and unsupported survey. Products / brands from a large FMCG company.
trnd increases Purchase Intention. Average increase of the advertising effect on Purchase Intention: 194% The impact on Purchase Intention is even more powerful. The right combination of “traditional” media channels and a trnd campaign boosted the increase in Purchase Intention up to four times. The combination of a targeted marketing message andcredible recommendations from the circle of friendsenables this increase in effectiveness. 259% higher purchase intention increase 122% higher purchase intention increase 302% higher purchase intention increase 91% higher purchase intention increase Increase in Purchase Intention TV TV+trnd Print Print+trnd Online Online+trnd SocialMedia SocialMedia+trnd * Supported and unsupported survey. Products / brands from a large FMCG company.
Study details and background: Model type: Mixed (multi-level) fixed-effects model, per respondent. Direct effects and interaction effects (synergy) included in the model. Data: A series of large scale surveys (n = 27,563). Each respondent was asked about three different products. In each case, we obtained responses about media exposure and brand impression. Estimation algorithm: Maximum Likelihood. Researched trnd campaign format: “FMCG, Food & Co.” Rationale: Such a multi-level model (per participant) enables the estimation of generalizable effects when the sample is heterogeneous enough, without distortion from population effects. The large sample makes it possible to also estimate the effects of media combination, in addition to the direct effects of the various media types. This study is a preliminary report, published within the context of an on-going research collaboration between trnd AG, Europa University Viadrina and ifwom – Institute for Marketing and Word-of-Mouth Research. Authors of the study: Dr. Florian Dost, Professor Europa-UniversitätViadrinaDr. Martin Oetting, Research Director trnd AG About trnd: trnd is the leading Technology and Service Company for Collaborative and Word-of-Mouth Marketing. trnd enables brands and companies to target and work together with their consumers using a 1:1 dialogue, and monetise Collaborative Marketing concepts in all of their business and marketing processes. Working as the technical foundation, trnd offers the SaaS (Software as a Service) solution trndsphere™ Collaborative Marketing Suite. This allows already existing Online Platforms, CRM Systems and Communities to switch over to a collaborative engagement platform quickly and easily. trnd has worked with many clients from a whole range of industry areas, for example: Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Henkel, Nestlé, Philips, Samsung, HTC, Microsoft, L'Oréal, Nintendo, Danone and GSK. trnd was founded in 2005 and has more than 200 members of staff in offices in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Spain, Portugal, France, Belgium, Italy, Greece, The Netherlands, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Chile. trnd AG Winzererstraße 47d-e 80797 Munich Germany Phone +49 89 – 307 668 250 eMail beratung@trnd.com Web www.trnd.com/company Do you want to make your Media Mix more effective? You can download this brochure in PowerPoint format for further usage: http://www.trnd.com/downloads