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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Lecture 1 IEM5010 Summer 2002 Paul E. Rossler, Ph.D., P.E. Overview. Review the course syllabus Identify and discuss common factors in technology disasters Consider Squire’s concepts: the politics of bureaucracy and maestros of technology
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum Lecture 1 IEM5010 Summer 2002 Paul E. Rossler, Ph.D., P.E.
Overview • Review the course syllabus • Identify and discuss common factors in technology disasters • Consider Squire’s concepts: the politics of bureaucracy and maestros of technology • Discuss the implications of Harvey’s Abilene paradox on technology initiatives
Learning objectives • Increase your understanding and awareness of the key factors that increase the probability of effective implementation and use of new technology (i.e., new methods, processes, equipment, hardware, software)
Learning objectives • Know the characteristics of effective leaders and processes associated with new technology initiatives • Relate the above knowledge to your own industry, company, and experience
Grade based on five essays • 3-5 pages in length (note change from syllabus) • Wild card option available on all • Question (or questions) of your own choosing • Must get your question approved • Response must be grounded in the course material
Essay grading criteria • Logical Flow and Organization • Strength of Argument • Critical Thinking Skills • Use of Course Material • Professionalism
Factors in 10 technology disasters • Specifications decided by technology-illiterate customer • Less than honest communication • Relying on guesswork; Ignoring scale effects • Cutting corners to cut cost • Lack of attention to detail Please refer to Excel spreadsheet/handout
Factors (continued) • Mismatch between new technology and old ones • Foregoing proven technologies for novel ones • Over-reliance on technology • "Normal" accidents inherent in system design
What makes some development efforts succeed? Willingness to Cooperate Level of Interpersonal Trust Propensity to Experiment and Adapt Comfort Level With Changes Form Cross- Functional Teams Integration of Diverse Skills Culture Team Leadership Top Management’s Tolerance for Delays and Failures Access to Information and Resources Based on Jassawalla, A.R. and H.C. Sashittal, Building collaborative cross-functional product teams. Academy of Management Executive, 1999. 13(3): p. 50-63.
He also thinks that maestros of technology are key to success • Possess great technical and managerial skills • Didn’t rush into management but served apprenticeships that provided tests of competence • Focus on improvement rather than innovation • Aren’t seduced by gadgets or new technology • Understand Watson-Watts Law of Third Best
Watson-WattsLaw of Third Best Best never comes. Second best takes too long or costs too much. Pick the third best and get on with it.
Maestros of technology (continued) • Show tremendous loyalty to the project’s objectives • Workaholics • Get around; know what’s happening • Aren’t concerned about position • Help others become maestros
Complex projects require a great many maestros and… • A great leader who ensures they cooperate and who sorts things out when they don’t
Harvey provides a fundamental insight “The inability to manage agreement - not the inability to manage conflict - is the essential symptom that defines organizations caught in the web of the Abilene Paradox.” J. B. Harvey, The Abilene Paradox and other meditations on management (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1988).
The Abilene Paradox “Organizations frequently take actions in contradiction to the data they have for dealing with problems and, as a result, compound their problems rather than solving them.” Source: J. B. Harvey, The Abilene Paradox and other meditations on management (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1988).
Some underlying causes of the paradox • Action anxiety • Negative fantasies • Real risk • Separation anxiety • Psychological reversal of risk Source: J. B. Harvey
Is there a solution? “Most individuals like quick, ‘clean,’ ‘no-risk’ solutions to organizational problems. Furthermore, they tend to prefer solutions based on mechanics and technology, rather than on attitudes of "being." Unfortunately, the underlying reality of the paradox makes it impossible to provide either no-risk solutions or action technologies that are divorced from existential attitudes and realities.” Source: J. B. Harvey
Some questions • Why do many new technology initiatives either fail to deliver all that’s been promised or fail to deliver altogether? • What can a leader do to reduce or eliminate the probability of failure (or outright disaster) of a new technology or change initiative
Some questions (continued) • What things can be done by those who are not in a position of power?
Something to look forward to • Essay 1 due June 20 for TUL, STW, and compressed video students • Due June 27 for all others • Next class is Tuesday, June 25. • Read Alexander’s The Endurance