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Characters. On the Way to the Pond. Herbert Hippo . Tess Tiger . On the Way to the Pond. The story is about Herbert Hippo and Tess Tiger going on a picnic. Author : Angela Medearis. Illustrator : Lorinda Cauley. Author. _________ writes the stories. __________ draws the pictures.
Characters On the Way to the Pond Herbert Hippo Tess Tiger
On the Way to the Pond The story is about Herbert Hippo and Tess Tiger going on a picnic. Author: Angela Medearis Illustrator: Lorinda Cauley Author _________writes the stories. __________ draws the pictures. Illustrated
Author: Jane Medina • Angela Shelf Medearis was born in Hampton, Virginia. She moved many times when she was young because her father was in the army. Now she lives in Austin, Texas. • When she was a child, Angela Shelf Medearis read a lot. Reading helped make the moving easier. Wherever she went she knew she would always find a friendly librarian to laugh with. • Angela Shelf Medearis owns more than 500 books! • "I enjoy that wonderful feeling you get when you have a great idea and can't wait to get started on it!" • "I like to make people laugh."
On the Way to the Pond Genre - Fantasy Look for: • Animals that talk • Animals that act like people. A fantasy is a make-believe story. You can’t catch me!
find Find Find - to locate Can you find his wings. 1
follow Follow follow - to go or come after The boys will follow the ostrich. 2
Found found found - opposite of lost Tess found three eggs. 3
Four four four - number before five 3 4 2 1 There are four chicks in the pen. 4
Full full full - holding all that is possible His wagon is full of papers. 5
These these These - specific things Thesegeese are swimming in the lake. 6
Way way way - certain direction The girls are folding the flag the right way. 7
Were were were-used to be They were petting the guinea pig. 8
Vocabulary Review • Say the words. • Read the sentence. • Fill in the blank.
There ________ three otters on the log. four find were full found way follow these
found way four follow find were full these The drummer will ______ the leader.
four were find found these follow way full What did he ______?
Follow Found Way Full _________ rabbits are playing hide-and-go seek. Were Find These Four
Mother Duck has _____ baby ducks. full were find these follow way found four
Which _____ do we go now? follow find found four these way were full
This frog is ______ of flies. follow these four full were find way found
The ants ________ an apple for lunch. way these find four found follow were full
way ___ full____ find___ were____ follow ____ four _____ these ____ found___ Match the words to its meaning A. - to locate B. - to go or come after C. - opposite of lost D. - number before five E. - holding all that is possible F. - specific things G. - certain direction H. - used to be G E A H B D F C
Say the Sight Words follow way were when always around because been before best
New words in the story: On the Way to the Pond path sudden felt better cried dropped lost whistle starving Tess Tiger Herbert Hippo hungry packed basket picnic food important nodded
Word Power Tess and Herbert like to find new things. They saw four birds fly past. “Where are these birds going?” asked Herbert. “Come this way,” said Tess. “Let’s follow them.” They foundfour nests. The nests were full of baby birds!
Sites You should be able to click on these sites and go to them. Reading Skills Test Tutor Surfer Girl Word Sort McFeeglebee's Pond Word Family House Hippopotamus Facts Tiger Facts
Enjoy your story. The End