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Introdução à Medicina II Final Project Proposal 16th April 2008

FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF PORTO. Introdução à Medicina II Final Project Proposal 16th April 2008. Class 18. Project Proposal. H uman P apilloma V i rus :. What do University students know ?. Project Proposal. Project Structure. Introduction Aims Participants and Methods

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Introdução à Medicina II Final Project Proposal 16th April 2008

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  1. FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF PORTO Introdução à Medicina II Final Project Proposal 16thApril 2008 Class 18

  2. Project Proposal HumanPapillomaVirus: What do University studentsknow?

  3. Project Proposal Project Structure • Introduction • Aims • Participants and Methods • Results

  4. Project Proposal I. Introduction • HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is a highly contagious virus that is spread by skin-to-skin contact. [1] • “Low risk” types of HPV cause common skin warts (on the hands and feet) or genital warts (transmitted by sexual contact). [2],[3] • “High-risk” HPV (type16 and type18) are associated with malignant disease of the female lower genital tract. [2],[3] Skin by skin contact Observation Transmission Diagnose Sexual contact Papanicolau smear Prevention Prophylactic HPV vaccination [1] Brown DR, Shew ML, Qadadri B, Neptune N, Vargas M, Tu W, Juliar BE, Breen TE, Fortenberry JD. A longitudinal study of genital human papillomavirus infection in a cohort of closely followed adolescent women. J Infect Dis 2005; 191: 182-192 [2] Burk RD. Human papillomavirus and the risk of cervical cancer. Hosp Pract (Off Ed) 1999; 34: 103-111 [3] de Jong A, van Poelgeest MI, van der Hulst JM, Drijfhout JW, Fleuren GJ, Melief CJ, Kenter G, Offringa R, van der Burg SH. Human papillomavirus type 16-positive cervical cancer is associated with impaired CD4+ T-cell immunity against early antigens E2 and E6. Cancer Res 2004; 64: 5449-5455

  5. Project Proposal Incidence Figure 1: Worldwide age-standardized annual incidence (per 100 000) of cervical cancer (all ages). (Vaccine 2006;24[Suppl 3]:11,25). Figure 2: Knowledge scores (possible scores are 0 to 14) by self reported level of knowledge about HPV. The central dark line is the median, the box is the scores between the 25th and 75th percentiles, and the line represents the range of scores.

  6. Project Proposal II. Aims • To evaluate college students’ knowledge about HPV, using questionnaires. • To compare the knowledge of questioned students according to their gender, studies level and studies area.

  7. Project Proposal III. Participants and Methods PARTICIPANTS convenience sampling* 100 FLUP’s students 1st grade University of Porto’s students 100 FEUP’s students 1st grade stratified random sampling** 1st grade 100 FMUP’s students 100 5th grade Exclusion Criteria: frequency of the programme ERASMUS or frequency of a second degree *The classes have been selected by schedule compatibility. As the students are randomly distributed by the classes, this is not considered to constitute vieses. ** The classes have been selected randomly . In each faculty, the number of selected classes was defined according to the number of students per class: N(classes)>[100/N(students per class)] FMUP stands for Faculty of Medicine of Porto’s University FLUP stands for Humanistic Faculty of Porto’s University FEUP stands for Faculty of Engeneering of Porto’s University

  8. Project Proposal Due to the high rate of response, the analysed sample was not very lower than the foreseen sample, as it is shown in this table. So, the aims relating to the sample size were achieved. N = 427 STUDY DESIGN Analytic, nonexperimental and cross-sectional study; Unity of analysis: individual. FMUP stands for Faculty of Medicine of Porto’s University FLUP stands for Humanistic Faculty of Porto’s University FEUP stands for Faculty of Engeneering of Porto’s University

  9. Project Proposal VARIABLES Outcomes: • Presence or absence of information about: • HPV • signs and symptoms of HPV • expected long-term effects • risk factors • the possibility of cure • vaccination • … Other variables: Study’s area, grade and gender STATISTICAL ANALYSIS • The treatment of the results was made using SPSS programme, by descriptive statistic analysis. • The results were shown in tables and graphic forms as relative and absolute frequencies. • Different proportions between genders, grades and study’s areas were also compared, using qui-square tests (significance level=0,05).

  10. Project Proposal IV. Results GENERAL RESULTS 1stSection:Questionsabouttheutherincancer 1. Já ouviu falar do cancro do colo do útero? (N=402) About 3 in 4 inquired people know what the uterine cancer is. The percentage of people that have never heard about it is almost null. 2. Preencha a seguinte tabela, assinalando com X o seu grau de concordância com a afirmação: (N=397) “The uterine cancer is recognized as a threat for Portuguese's health.” The big majority (80%) of the inquired population disagrees or fully disagrees with this statement; Only about 15% agrees or fully agrees with that.

  11. Project Proposal 3. Que meios de prevenção conhece para o cancro do colo do útero? (N=387) Percentage of selection of each option of question 3 • Approximately ¾of the individuals inquired are aware of the existence of a preventive vaccine against HPV that prevented the uterine cancer. • - There is a extremely low percentage of wrong answers in this question.

  12. Project Proposal 4. Classifique as seguintes afirmações assinalando verdadeiro ou falso. (N=405) (sentences about the incidence of the uterine cancer in Portugal) • There is a high percentage of right answers in this question; • There is also a high percentage of “I don't know” answers. There is a higher percentage of right answers comparing to the wrong ones. However, we can’t conclude people are well informed about the incidence of the uterine cancer in Portugal, because there were many people answering “I don’t know”. 2st Section: Questions about HPV 5. Conhece o vírus do papiloma humano (HPV)? (N=410) • Half of the selected population knows what HPV is; • - About 1 in 4 students have never heard about this virus (higher percentage than in the question about the uterine cancer).

  13. 6. Classifique as seguintes afirmações assinalando verdadeiro ou falso. (N=398) (sentences about HPV) • There is a huge percentage (45%)of correct answers. • Half of the inquiries have no opinion. There is a higher percentage of right answers comparing to the wrong ones. However, we can’t conclude people are well informed about the HPV, since there are also many people answering “I don’t know”. 7. Como é contraído o HPV? (N=401) Percentage of selection of each option of question 7 The majority of the inquired population answered correctly to this question (80%).

  14. Project Proposal 9. A infecção por HPV afecta: (N=400) More than half of the inquiries (60%) know that women are more affected by HPV. Only about 15% of them though it affected men and women in the same proportion. 10. A infecção pelo HPV é … (N=391) Half of the inquiries were aware that HPV infection is not always symptomatic. Only 7% thought it was always symptomatic. 11. Quais são os efeitos a longo prazo do HPV? (N=398) - Approximately 1 in 4 students know that HPV infection causes uterine cancer. (most of them already know about the existence of a vaccine for HPV) - Almost none know that some types of HPV cause no long term effects as they are eliminated by our organism.

  15. Project Proposal • All the population studied know or heard about the uterin cancer. • The majority of the population know or heard about HPV. • About 80% of the inquiries know of the existance of the preventive vaccine. • Eventhough the high percentage of right answers, the globaly big percentage of “don’t know” answers makes us consider that people are not informed about this virus.

  16. Project Proposal Comparison according to GENDER 3. Que meios de prevenção conhece para o cancro do colo do útero? • There is a significant difference between genders in the knowledge about the preventive vaccine: (p<0,001) • 85% of the women selected this option against 70% in men. 4. Classifique as seguintes afirmações assinalando verdadeiro ou falso. (sentences about the incidence of the uterine cancer in Portugal)

  17. Project Proposal 5. Conhece o vírus do papiloma humano (HPV)? A higher percentage of women (65% against 40%) know what HPV is. More than 1/3 of male inquires have never heard about it. 6. Classifique as seguintes afirmações assinalando verdadeiro ou falso. (sentences about HPV) Globally, there is a higher percentage of women answering correctly. 7. Como é contraído o HPV? There was a higher percentage of women signalling the right option (85% against 65%).

  18. Project Proposal 9. A infecção por HPV afecta: More than half of the inquiries answered correctly to this question. More correct answers were given by women than by men (70% against 50% respectively). 10. A infecção por HPV afecta: Half of the inquiries were aware that HPV infection is not always symptomatic. There was a higher percentage of correct answers given by women (female 55%; male 40%).

  19. 1st Section: Questions about the utherin cancer 1. Já ouviu falar do cancro do colo do útero? • 5th grade students know more than 1st grade students (p=0.009). 3. Que meios de prevenção conhece para o cancro do colo do útero? • Analysing the correct answers ,5th grade students are more aware of the right preventive means to uterine cancer than 1st grade students. • For example • “Use of condom” is chosen by 80% of 5th grade students, against 60% of 1st grade students (p=0.001). • “No sexual activity” is indicated by 63% of 5th grade students against 26% of 1st grade students (p<0.001). 1stGRADE FMUP vs 5th GRADE FMUP

  20. Project Proposal 4. Classifique as seguintes afirmações assinalando verdadeiro ou falso. (sentences about the incidence of the uterine cancer in Portugal) A taxa de mortalidade por cancro do cólo do útero no nosso país é muito baixa. (T) 5th grade students have higher percentage of wrong answers (65%) than 1st grade students (50%). (p=0.004). No nosso país o cancro do colo do útero tem maior incidência nas mulheres jovens.(F) 1st grade students of have higher percentage of wrong answers (60%) than 5th grade students (30%) (p<0,001). 5. Conhece o vírus do papiloma humano (HPV)? All 5th grade students know what HPV is, but only 75% of 1st grade students know it. (p<0,001)

  21. Project Proposal 7. Como é contraído o HPV? Considering the right option “contacto através da pele”, 5th grade students know more (30%) than 1st grade students (2%). (p<0,001) 8. Quais das situações seguintes aumentam o risco de contracção do HPV? Generally 5th grade students know more than 1st grade students. 10. A infecção do HPV é… 5th grade students know more (90%) than 1st grade students (50%). (p<0,001) 11. Quais os efeitos a longo prazo do HPV? The wrong option “cancro da nasofaringe” , has been more chosen by 5th grade students (20%) than by 1st grade students (2%). (p<0,001) Both grades have a high and equal knowledge about the correct option “cancro do colo do útero”.

  22. Project Proposal 1st GRADE FMUP vs 1th GRADE FEUP and FLUP 1st Section: Questions about the utherin cancer 1. Já ouviu falar do cancro do colo do útero? 90% (p<0,001) of FMUP’s students know what uterine cancer is, while only 80% (p<0,001) of FEUP’s students and 50% of FLUP students know that. 2. Preencha a seguinte tabela, assinalando com X o seu grau de concordância com a afirmação: “The uterine cancer is recognized as a threat for Portuguese's health.” The big majority (80%) of the inquired population disagrees or fully disagrees with this statement; About 15% of FEUP students have no opinion in this question.

  23. Project Proposal 3. Que meios de prevenção conhece para o cancro do colo do útero? There’s a general knowledge about means of preventing uterine cancer, specially in what concerns to vaccination. FMUP’s students are those who know more about this issue (85%). (p=0,001) 5. Conhece o vírus do papiloma humano (HPV)? • 80% of FMUP’ students know what HPV is, but in other faculties there is less knowledge about it (approximately 20%). • (p<0,001) • More than a half of FLUP’ students have heard about the virus but don't know what it is. • More than a half of FEUP’ students never even heard about this virus.

  24. Project Proposal 6. Classifique as seguintes afirmações assinalando verdadeiro ou falso. (sentences about HPV) More correct answers were given by FMUP’s students. 7. Como é contraído o HPV? The majority of FMUP and FLUP’ s students recognize “via sexual” as a mean of HPV infection (90% and 70%, respectively). More than a half of FEUP’s students don't have an opinion about this. 9. A infecção por HPV afecta: 1st grade students from the different faculties are aware that women are mostly infected by HPV. FMUP and FLUP’s students (75% and 70%, respectively) know more than FEUP’s students (35%). (p<0,001)

  25. Project Proposal 10. A infecção por HPV é… FEUP and FLUP’s students (20% each one) have less knowledge than FMUP’s students (50%). (p<0,001) 11. Quais os efeitos a longo prazo do HPV? FMUP’s students know more than FLUP and FEUP’s students. (p<0,001) 70% of FEUP’ students don’t have opinion about this issue.

  26. Generally, Women are more informed than men. 5th grade students from FMUP know more than 1st grade students from FMUP. 1st grade students from FMUP have more knowledge than the 1st grade students from FEUP and FLUP. As 5th grade students from FMUP know more than 1st grade students from FMUP and 1st grade students from FMUP have more knowledge than the 1st grade students from FEUP and FLUP, it is supposed that in 5th year it increases the gap between FMUP and the other faculties.

  27. Project Proposal THE END

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