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How to Install Microsoft Clarity Analytics in WordPress

This information can help you to improve your user experience, performance and sales revenue. You can enhance the layout of your website to improve user experience using WordPress theme customization.<br><br>Read More: https://bit.ly/3ou2Gpr<br>

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How to Install Microsoft Clarity Analytics in WordPress

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  1. H O WT O I N S T A L L M I C R O S O F T C L A R I T Y A N A L Y T I C SI N W O R D P R E S S MicrosoftClarityisafreetoolthatanalyzeshowyourusers useandviewyourwebsite. Itisananalyticslibrarywritten inJavaScript. Thistoolhelpsyoutoexplorehowyourusers navigate, interactandbrowseyourwebsite. WHATIS MICROSOFT WHATISTHE DIFFERENCE CLARITYAND WHYSHOULD YOUUSEIT? BETWEEN MICROSOFT CLARITYAND GOOGLE MicrosoftClarityisafree analyticstoolthatallowsyou tounderstandtheinteraction betweenyouruserandthe website. ANALYTICS? GoogleAnalyticsgivesus detailedfeaturestotrackand isknowntobethebest analyticssolutioninthe market. HOWTO INSTALL HEREISA STEPBYSTEP PROCESSOF THE MICROSOFT CLARITY ANALYTICSIN WORDPRESS? COMPLETE Theprocessofadding MicrosoftClaritytoany websiteisrelatively easyalongwiththeWordPress site. PROCESS: RegisterforMicrosoftClarity: Headtowardsthesiteof MicrosoftClarityandthenclick the “GetStarted” button. CONCLUSION MicrosoftClarityisafreeanda newanalyticstoolwithnew andusefulfeatures. Thistool allowsthewebsiteownersto seetheheatmaps. CONTACTUS HIREWPGEEKS - 127PALMSTREET, SANFRANCISCO, CA94111USA PHONE : +1.949.591.8153SKYPE@HIREWPGEEKS EMAIL : SALES@HIREWPGEEKS.COM WEBSITE : HTTPS://WWW.HIREWPGEEKS.COM

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