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Computer Organization 計算機組織. Class Room: SF233 Tuesdays 9:10 to 12:00 資工三甲. Instructor: Dr. Joseph Arul 周賜福 輔仁大學 , 資訊工程系. Text Book: Computer Organization & Design The Hardware/Software Interface By: David Patterson and John L.Hennessy 4th Edition (Chinese or English Version).
Computer Organization計算機組織 Class Room: SF233 Tuesdays 9:10 to 12:00 資工三甲 Instructor: Dr. Joseph Arul 周賜福 輔仁大學,資訊工程系
Text Book: Computer Organization & Design The Hardware/Software Interface By: David Patterson and John L.Hennessy 4th Edition (Chinese or English Version)
Syllabus Computer Organization(計算機組織) Sept. 2009 資工三甲 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Class Lecture Meeting Time: Every Tuesdays 9.10AM – 12:00 (D2-D4) Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30 – 3:00PM (By appointment) Instructor: Dr. Joseph Arul(周賜福) Email: arul@csie.fju.edu.tw Homepage: http://www.csie.fju.edu.tw/~arul (All class materials, homeworks, and solutions will be posted on this web page. The Powerpoint presentation will be available as a pdf format. One can download the materials and print it out.) Office: Room SF 615 Phone: 2905-3896
Course Objectives: lTo help students understand the interaction between hardware and software at a variety of levels and offer framework for understanding the fundamentals of computing. lTo explain the central ideas of computer organization that is basis for current computers. lTo understand the role of instruction set architecture and how it can contribute to improve the speed of the computer technology. To make distinction between assembly language, computer organization and design. 一、教學目標: 讓學生瞭解計算機內部的實際結構 Prerequisite (Background): Must have an understanding of Assembly language and/or logic design. Text Book: Computer Organization & Design The Hardware/Software Interface Fourth Edition (Newly arrived) By: David A. Patterson and John L.Hennessy (Chinese version or English version)
Grading Policy:The final grade will be composed of the following weights. • Class attendance is mandatory. If you are absent more • than 5 classes without permission, you are likely to fail in the course. • Class attendance will be taken anytime during class hours. • Activity Total pts • 1. Homeworks 平常作業(6)15 Pts • 2. Quizzes 小考 20 Pts (2 or 3) • 3. Mid-term Exam 期中考30 Pts • 4. Final Exam 期末考 35 Pts • __________________________________ • Grand Total 100 Pts. • __________________________________ • You must receive at least 60 pts to pass the course. • Graduate students must receive 70 pts to pass the course. • Additional Reference Books: 1.Computer Organization & Architecture, • By William Stallings. (Sixth Edition.) • 2. Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Design By Dandamudi • 3. Computer Organization By Zumachar. • 4. Essentials of Computer Architecture By Douglas Comer.
Text Book purchase and a word of Caution about the 3rd Edition: The Fourth edition was released in 2009 and is available at 新月圖書 & 東華圖書 Ph:(02)2331-1578.(0931-062079)湯茹絜 Most of the contents may be similar to Third edition. However, the exercises are more in the fourth edition. Home work exercises and the exam questions could be based on Fourth Edition. The lecture notes are the main basis for the evaluation. Exams: Exams will cover lecture notes, textbook materials, homework materials and quizzes. Documented crisis or one week’s prior notice required for consideration of exam or quizzes make-up. Homework Policy: Few home works will be assigned throughout the term. Home works are due at the start of the class on the due date. (Kindly note very carefully) After two weeks of the due date, homework will notbe accepted. If you pass the due date and the time, 30% will be detected. Copying of the homework will be penalized resulting in failing of the course. Turn in Policy:Turn in all work to the instructor, preferably before class. Make sure that the work is done on your own without discussing with other classmates. (Don’t place your Homework in my mailbox.)
Absence and Participating Policy:Class attendance and effective, constructive participation is important to your performance in the course and makes up a portion of the grade based on the instructor’s discretion. If you cannot make it to the class on the date something is due, please make arrangements to have someone else bring your assignment to me before or at the start of the class. Also note the exam absence policy mentioned earlier. Don’t wait for the last day to cover up all the materials. It will be too hard. Academic Honesty:Follow the University policy on academic honesty. The instructor’s academic honesty policy is very strict; instances of academic dishonesty will be penalized, ordinarily by at least a failure on the assignment and like all work is to be individual work. Violations of the individual work policy will be regarded as instances of academic dishonesty.likely failure in the course (in addition to any University penalties), unless otherwise stated.
Beware of copying materials from the Internet (Don’t forget to cite the materials.) Reading assignments:Reading assignments will be informed after each class. Materials that will be covered during the semester. Chapter 1 to 6 of the book will be covered during this semester. If there is time, we will cover chapter 7 too. 二、教材內容: 1.計算機結構與技術簡介 - Introduction –Ch1 2.指令:機器的語言 - MIPS Instruction set of a computer Ch2 3.計算機算術 - Computer Arithmetic operations including floating point etc. Ch3 4.處理機:資料通路與控制 - Datapath and Control Design Ch4 使用管線以增強效能 - Pipelined Implementation. 6.記憶體階層結構 - Memory Hierarchy, DRAM, SRAM Ch5 7.處理機與周邊設備的連接 - I/O Interface, Ch6 8.多處理機 - Multiprocessors. Ch7 Caution: Read the materials covered in this class every week and don’t postpone. Good Luck! Try to receive above 90pts in this course.