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Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX) Training on the New EU Implementations on Road Transport and Foreign trade. Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information. Changing environment & new challenges for Customs in general.
Technical Assistance Information Exchange Instrument (TAIEX)Training on the New EU Implementations on Road Transport and Foreign trade Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information
Changing environment & new challenges for Customs in general Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information • Increasing globalisation of trade • Increasing threat of terrorism and criminal activity • Increasing interconnectivity andinterdependency of societies/countries
CHANGING ROLE FOR CUSTOMS Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Traditional approach: primary concern of customs are anti-smuggling controls and fiscal matters i.e. revenue protection and collection. New tasks and new challenges due to increasing concerns for safety and security of EU institutions and its citizens
Concept of security Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information • Identify consignments that constitute a high risk at the earliest possible point in time • Identify traders that offer a high degree of security guarantees in respect of their role in the supply chain • Concept pushes security of cargo back in supply chain by involving private sector and by requiring increased security at the point of origin and as the consignment moves through the supply chain
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information The Safety and security Amendment to the Community Customs Code (Reg 648/05 and Reg 1875/06 ): • Traders to provide customs authorities with information on goods prior to import to [or export] from the EU; • Provides reliable traders with trade facilitation measures (AEO); • Uniform Community risk selection criteria for customs controls supported by computerised systems for imports and exports; • Introduces a Community database of national registration numbers (EORI).
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information The Safety and security Amendment to the Community Customs Code (Reg 648/05 and Reg 1875/06 ) • In order not to delay consignments pending the results of the risk analysis and to allow carriers to concentrate all the information in a single customs office the S&S risk analysis WILL be carried out BEFORE the arrival of the goods in the EU. • The security data (as contained in annex 30A to Regulation 1875) MUST be sent electronically by traders with the possibility of exchanging this information between Member States administrations.
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information The Safety and security Amendment to the Community Customs Code (Reg 648/05 and Reg 1875/06 ) : Transitional Arrangements • Between 1st July 2009 and 31st December 2010 there will be a transitional period during which the submission of the ENS will be an option i.e. not an obligation. During this period goods not declared in advance may be submitted to risk analysis after arrival in the territory of the EU. • However, it is advisable to ensure that the customs authorities of Bulgaria/Greece share a similar interpretation of EU legislation (with effect from the 1st July 2009).
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Goods entering the EU: Procedures For goods entering the customs territory of the EU, pre-arrival declarations must be lodged electronically and within the time lines in one of the following formats: . • Entry Summary Declaration, data to be sent electronically to the national system of the Member State concerned; or • Import Customs Declaration including S&S data, to be sent to the import systems of the Member State concerned; or
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Goods entering the EU: Procedures (contd): • Transit customs declaration, including S&S data to be sent to the national transit system of the Member State concerned. • This means that for goods entering the EU under a transit procedure the responsible person (carrier?) has two options: • Lodge a transit declaration containing the S&S data; or • Lodge a transit declaration without the S&S data AND an entry summary declaration to meet the S&S requirements.
Pre-departure Information: Time Lines: Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information - Deep-sea/cont.: 24 hours before loading - Short-sea/cont.: 2 hours before arrival - Maritime/bulk: 4 hours before arrival - Air/long: 4 hours before arrival - Air/short: at take-off - Rail: 2 hours before arrival - Road: 1 hour before arrival
Pre-arrival Information: Content of the Entry Summary Declaration (Annex 30A): Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information It shall contain details of: • Number of items, consignor, consignee, weight etc The data for such a declaration is laid down in Table 2 of Annex 30A and the declaration shall be completed in accordance with the explanatory notes.
Pre-arrival Information: Who is responsible for lodging the ENS declaration: Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information It is the operator of the active means of transport on or in which the goods are brought into the territory of the EU. The operator (or “carrier”) is the person who brings, or assumes responsibility for the carriage of, the goods into the territory of the Community.
Pre-arrival Information: Can another person lodge theENSdeclaration: Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Yes, but this does not relieve the carrier of the responsibility for the ENS to be lodged with customs in accord with the time lines. Therefore, the ENS may only be lodged by a person other than the carrier only with their knowledge and consent.
Pre-arrival Information: Where shall an ENS declaration be lodged? Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information The ENS should be lodged at the first EU customs office of entry. However, it may be sent to an office of lodgement if there is an electronic link with the customs office of entry. The customs office of entry remains responsible for risk analysis.
Economic Operator Registration and Information (EORI): Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information The person lodging an ENS declaration MUST include his own EORI number and if not the carrier, MUST also include the carrier’s EORI number. To be used from 1st July 2009
Economic Operator Registration and Information (EORI): How to get an EORI number? Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information If the carrier, or another declarant, is not established in the customs territory of the Community they must apply to the customs/designated authority of the Member State where the first customs activity will take place.
Authorised Economic Operator Status (AEO) Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information From 1st January 2008, traders established in the EU and those from countries that share a customs cop-operation agreement with the EU could apply for andbe granted the status of AEO and enjoy certain benefits such as a reduced data set for the ENS. AEO status may, under certain conditions, be available to traders moving goods by sea and air but is not available to Third Country operators moving goods by road and rail.
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Business Continuity Formerly called “Fallback”. The EU IT systems level of availability should be 97% and 99% with effect from 2011. Maintenance periods should be announced well in advance to enable trade and customs to plan accordingly.
Business Continuity Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information • One of the following options is available to Economic Operators when their system is unavailable to send the ENS: • Send the ENS as soon as possible after having resolved the reason for the unavailability of the system. This option is only available up to the arrival of the goods at the office of entry. However, the later the message is sent the more likelihood the movement will be selected for customs control and incur a delay; • Economic Operators should explore alternative means of sending the ENS when their system is unavailable e.g. use a Customs agent or NCTS or ICS as necessary
Business Continuity Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information • When the customs system is unavailable they will: • The customs authorities as soon as the problem is resolved will process the ENS and allocate the MRN as appropriate i.e. prior to arrival of the movement at the office of entry; • If the situation cannot be resolved Customs authorities may apply their national processes to deal with “fallback” situations i.e. send positive risk results to subsequent customs offices e.g. by secure email .
The Safety and security Amendment to the Community Customs Code (Reg 648/05 and Reg 1875/06 ) : Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Examples.
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo InformationExample A: Goods NOT covered by a transit procedure. Bulgaria/EU ENS including carrier’s EORI no. submitted at least one hour in advance of arrival Customs Office of entry performs risk analysis and sends “Do not load” message or MRN Company A
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo InformationExample B: Goods NOT covered by a transit procedure: Diversion Bulgaria ENS including carrier’s EORI no. submitted at least one hour in advance of arrival MRN Company A Positive Risk information passed to actual office of entry Diversion notification Greece
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo InformationExample C: Goods covered by a transit procedure: (TIR) Bulgaria Customs office of entry NCTS/TIR including S&S data and carriers EORI number submitted at least one hour in advance of arrival IE 928 Acknowledgment of receipt of declaration. Risk analysis performed and declaration is held in “submitted” state Upon arrival MRN issued or the movement will be placed under customs control Company A
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo InformationExample D: Goods covered by a transit (TIR) procedure: Diversion Bulgaria NCTS/TIR including carrier’s EORI no. And S&S data submitted at least one hour in advance of arrival IE928 Risk analysis performed and declaration is held in “submitted” state Company A Cancellation request Greece New NCTS/TIR Declaration etc IE928 Risk analysis etc Upon arrival MRN issued or placed under customs control
ANY QUESTIONS? Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo InformationWeb site links EUROPA Safety and Security Overview http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/security_amendment/general_overview/index_en.htm AEO http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/security_amendment/who_is_concerned/index_en.htm EORI http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/customs/security_amendment/who_is_concerned/index_en.htm#EORI Regulation 648/05 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2005:117:0013:0019:EN:PDF
Electronic Pre-Declaration Requirements and Advanced Cargo Information Regulation 1875/06 and Annex http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2006:360:0064:0125:EN:PDF UNECE TIR Overview http://www.unece.org/tir/welcome.html Focal Points Right hand column – authorisation required Community Transit Co-ordinators http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/resources/documents/customs/procedural_aspects/transit/common_community/taxud-978-98.pdf