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CDBG Technical Assistance Workshop. Michelle Allen CDBG, HOME & LEAD Program Manager mallen@willcountylanduse.com 815/774-7903 Rhonda Lee-James Program Monitor rlee-james@willcountylanduse.com 815/774-3364. CDBG Workshop April 10, 2013 2:00 p.m. Purpose
CDBG Technical Assistance Workshop Michelle Allen CDBG, HOME & LEAD Program Manager mallen@willcountylanduse.com 815/774-7903 Rhonda Lee-James Program Monitor rlee-james@willcountylanduse.com 815/774-3364
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. Purpose CDBG is an annual grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provided to states and local governments on a formula basis. The main purpose of these funds is to develop viable urban communities by providing decent housing and a sustainable living environment, as well as to expand economic opportunities for low-and-moderate income persons.
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. CDBG NATIONAL OBJECTIVES Funds must be used to carry out activities that will meet one of the three broad National Objectives: 1. Benefit low and moderate income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention of slums or blight; 3. Meet other community development needs having a particular urgency.
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m.. Benefit Low and Moderate Income Persons Low/Moderate Income Area Benefit The public service is available to all of the residents in a particular primarily residential area. At least 51% of those residents are of low/moderate income. Low/Moderate Income Clientele The public service is limited to a specific group of people, at least 51% of whom are L/M income persons. Services qualifying under this category serve a specific clientele, rather than providing service to all the persons in a geographic area. Note: Most public services qualify under this category.
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. MAXIMUM HOUSEHOLD INCOME
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • Census Data • HUD allows census data to be used as long as the project is considered to be in a low to moderate income area • However-due to the fact that the census data is OLD the door to door surveys are the preferred method of determining income. Also, census data can ONLY be used if the project is an area wide benefit. • Census Data-Please check HUD’s website for the most up-to-date allowable census data: www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/systems/census/il/index.cfm
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • CITIZEN PARTICIPATION FORM • Each applicant must have at least ONE public hearing to announce their intent to submit an application for project funds and to obtain local citizen concerns and input. • Hearing must be announced 10 calendar days in advance in the non-legal section of the newspaper. Items to be included in application as documentation: a. Copy of Public Hearing Announcement (Newspaper Clipping) b. Minutes or summary of comments made at Public Hearing c. Letters of local support or opposition (if any are submitted)
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • Transmittal Letter * Brief Description of Project * Total Project Cost * Total CDBG Request • Resolution * Signed by Chief Elected Official * Agreeing to all Certifications in application and Affirmatively Further Fair Housing in Jurisdiction Exhibit A Exhibit B
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • GRANT MANAGEMENT PLAN 1. Project Manager/Administrator (applicant) 2. Fiscal Coordinator 3. Record Keeper 4. Engineer 5. Environmental Issues Person
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • PROJECT DETAIL • Detailed project description • Project Impact • Will this alleviate problem? • Consistent with community plans? • Any temporary or permanent negative impact? • Need • How was need determined? • How will project benefit low/mod income residents? • Cost Estimates and Leverage • List total cost • List other funds • List availability of funding
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • PROJECT DETAIL • Target Area Surveys • Information contained in survey • Calculations based on data • Work Schedule • When will/did engineering process begin? • After grant award, how soon could bid process begin? • How soon after bid would work commence?
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m • PROJECT DETAIL • Major Environmental Issues • Review components of the project that may have environmental considerations • Project Maps • General Project Map (target area, census tract & block group) • County Base Map with 1”=800’ showing project area • Soil Map with 1”=1,320’ showing project area • Flood Plain Map of Project Area
Evaluation Criteria -Maximum score 100 points -6 overall categories 1. Project Impact (30 points) 2. Need (20 points) 3. Cost Estimate and Leveraging (20 points) 4. Target Area Surveys (20 points) 5. Work Schedule (5 points) 6. Major Environmental Issues Review (5 points)
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. 2013 funding has not yet been announced, so these numbers are projections based on the 2012 allocation. • Public Service Cap-15% of CDBG Grant • 2013 Grant Funding equates to approximately $199,000 in available public service funding • $166,000 funds Will County Continuum of Care. This funding is used to leverage approximately $2.9 MILLION for supportive housing in the Will County area. • Approximately$33,000 available for competitive application
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. Public Service MUST be: • NEW service; or • Quantifiable increase in the level of service
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • Examples of Eligible Activities • Child care, • Health care • Job training (including training a qualified pool of candidates for unspecified jobs but see Special Economic Development Activities and Special Activities by CBDOs categories), • Recreation programs, • Education programs, • Public safety services, • Fair housing activities (but see Program Administration category), • Services for senior citizens, • Services for homeless persons, • Drug abuse counseling and treatment, • Energy conservation counseling and testing, • Homebuyer down payment assistance, and • Welfare (but excluding provision of income payments described at §570.207(b)(4)).
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. • Evaluation Criteria -Maximum score 100 points -6 overall categories 1. Project Summary (50 points) 2. Organizational & Financial Capacity, Ability to Proceed and Relevant Experience (15 points) 3. Leveraging of Funds (10 points) 4. Performance Measures Priorities (5 points) 5. Targeted Income Benefit (15 points) 6. Location of Project (5 points)
CDBG WorkshopApril 10, 20132:00 p.m. KEY DATES: APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MAY17 4:00 PM *Note: One original & one copy. Proposals submitted by fax or email will NOT be accepted. PUBLIC HEARING: THURSDAY, JUNE 6 10:30 AM *Note: It is recommended that a representative be present to talk briefly about the project and answer any questions that may arise.