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Working in BC

Working in BC. Acronyms ASTTBC : Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC – professional association ( www.asttbc.org ) ITTPBC : Internationally Trained Technology Professionals, BC – an ASTTBC program ( www.ittpbc.ca )

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Working in BC

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Working in BC • Acronyms ASTTBC: Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of BC – professional association (www.asttbc.org) ITTPBC: Internationally Trained Technology Professionals, BC – an ASTTBC program (www.ittpbc.ca) TRC: Technology Registrations Canada – self-assessment & application for certification (www.technologyregistrationscanada.ca)

  2. Working in BC • Project Background BC Government contract to develop resources to assist ITPs overseas and in Canada prepare for working in British Columbia. • Input from employers across BC • Development of materials including: • Web site, videos & study guide • Workshop & webinar formats

  3. Working in BC • Industry Consultations Eight locations in BC – 94 people from 83 firms • Competencies needed in addition to technical: • English language • Codes, standards & practices • Canadian business culture • Personal attributes • Social & cultural integration

  4. Working in BC • Workshop Purpose • Share what employers are looking for • Present resources and learning strategies to help ITTPs address what employers are looking for • This is not a job finding workshop • Review study guide & competencies chart • Review ITTPBC web site

  5. Working in BC • English Language • Watch video: ‘The Importance of Communication’ • English language communication skills in the workplace • Level required • Learning options and resources

  6. Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) • CLB is used in Canada to teach and test language learning for adults. • The benchmarks are organized in 3 stages and 12 levels. • The benchmarks describe tasks that people can do in listening, speaking, reading and writing. • The following chart shows how the benchmarks are arranged: CLB website: www.language.ca Online Self-Assessment: www.clb-osa.ca/ (free but unofficial)

  7. Working in BC • Business Culture & Professionalism • Watch videos: ‘Structures of the Workplace’ & ‘Winning with Character’ • Discuss what employers are saying ITPs need to succeed in a technology career in BC • View video: ‘Making Use of Mentors’

  8. Working in BC • Workplace Standards • Watch video: ‘Codes and Standards’ • Importance of codes • Variety of profession-related codes and standards • Health and safety standards • Workplace safety • Environmental codes and practices

  9. P.Eng or P.Geo 4 or 5 years, Degree Licensed to practice Licenses seldom required 1 to 3 years, Diploma or Certificate of Technology AScT or CTech Journeyman Tradesperson 40 weeks over 4 years Red Seal (national), or Provincial Certification Licensed to practice 10 weeks to qualify in a subtrade Skilled worker No Licensed required Working in BC • Sector hierarchy & structure: • The Engineering Team

  10. Working in BC Professional Certification • Watch videos: ‘Start as a Technologist’ and ‘Certification is Your Friend’ • Benefits of certification • The certification process: TRC online resource (www.technologyregistrationscanada.ca) • Professional Practice & Ethics (PP&E)

  11. Working in BC • Knowledge of Canada and BC • All important to living and working in Canada: • Geography & climate • Canadian history • Political system • Legal system • Multiculturalism • Societal values • First Nations’ rights

  12. Working in BC • Wrap Up • Next steps for participants • Email survey

  13. Thanks for participating!

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