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Consultation by CCOO N ovember / December 2012. Collective agreement for the “No Reglada” Education sector in Catalonia. Why do a consultation ?. The employers ’ association has made a proposal for a collective agreement for our sector ( on 22nd November 2012) .
ConsultationbyCCOONovember/December2012 Collectiveagreementforthe “No Reglada” Education sector in Catalonia
Why do a consultation? The employers’ association has made a proposalfor a collectiveagreementforour sector (on 22nd November 2012). CCOO informsyou of thisproposal, and callsonunionmembersto vote ontheproposal, at ameetingon 1st December. The meetingwill be open toallworkersfromthe “No Reglada” sector, whetherunionmembersornot, so thatthey can be informed of thesituation. The vote will be open toall CCOO unionmembers. Consultation Online: Gotothisweb page togiveyouropinionsontheproposals.
Employers’ and unionstrategies Alongwiththeproposalforthecollectiveagreement, theemployers’ representativeshavemadethethreat of signing a limitedeffectagreementwith a unionthat has minorityrepresentation in the sector. Suchanagreementwouldapplyonlytothoseworkerswho decide to subscribe toit in theirworkplace. For a collective agreement to be effective for the whole sector, it requires the signature of the union with majority representation, in this case, CCOO. CCOO informsyou of thisstrategy, theemployers’ proposals and those of CCOO itself. We’dliketohearyouropinionsbeforereplyingtotheemployers in December 2012. Clickonthe links oneach page for more information.
First of all… basicinformation The current collective agreement for the sector is the “VIII Convenid’EnsenyamentPrivatde Catalunya”, code 7900575. We will make comparisons with this agreement. Seeinformationabouttheduration of the “VIII conveni”. Thereisalso a Spainwidecollectiveagreementfor No Reglada. Clickhereforthetextifyouwanttomakecomparisons. Seetheemployers’ proposal. We’llhighlight CCOO proposals at thenegotiationforthis new conveni. The agreementto be applied in Cataloniais/will be theCatalanconveni.
Whonegotiatesthe “No Reglada” collectiveagreement? Employers’ associations: CATformació 12 FCCE 2 CCAEC 1 Mostmeetings are attendedby 3 or4 representatives of CATformació.
Whonegotiatesthe “No Reglada” collectiveagreement? Unions: CCOO 9 UGT 6 (established in 2008) 60% 40% CCOO 2 or3 workers’ reps fromtheNo Reglada sector, onebeingthe CCOO Coordinatorfor No Reglada, as well as theCoordinatorforUnionAction at theEducationFederation, alongwith a legal adviserwhennecessary. UGT TwoCoordinatorsfromtheEducationFederation and a unionadvisor.
Changestotheunionrepresentation in the sector coveredbythisconveni, 2008 - 2012 April2008 Nov 2012 Recognised Current at thesituation negotiation
Proposals: Details of theemployers’ proposal, Nov 2012: Wageincrease ImprovementstotheVIII conveni? Worseconditionsthanthe VIII conveni? More detailedinformationontheconditions and CCOO proposals More CCOO proposals
Wageincreases, 2008-2012? The employerspropose: Anincrease of 6,5%applied in 2012, tothewagescalesfrom 2007, and 1% for2013. Forthoseworkerswhohave: • alreadyreceived provisional wageincreases, “cuenta convenio”, theywillhavethoseincreasesrespected. • had no provisional increase in theperiod 2008-2011, theemployersmake NO commitmenttoretroactivepayments, onlyfor 2012 forthoseworkerswho are stillemployed in thecompanywhen a new conveni comes intoeffect. The rateof inflationforCatalonia in thisperiod has been: Ifweweretoapplyreal wageincreasesbasedontherate of inflation, theaccumulatedeffectwould be 12,5%, meaningtheemployersproposal of 6,5% isalmosthalfthatamount. CCOO has defended wageincreases in line withinflation. 2008 1,6% 2009 1,2% 2010 3,0% 2011 2,5% 2012 3,6%* *dec ’11-oct ‘12 Back toindex of proposals
ImprovementstotheVIII conveni? 1 Removepreviousprofessionalcategories, such as AuxiliaryTeacher, Instructor. In ourexperiencethesecategories are oftenusedincorrectlytothedisadvantage of theworker, as they are paid at a lowerrate.* Simplifytheprofessionalgroups and categories: Manyhavebecomeobsoleteover time.* * UndertheemployersproposalscompanieswillhaveuntilJanuary 2017 tomaketheadjustmentsfromoldto new categories! Back toindex of proposals
Improvementstothe VIII conveni? 2 RegulatethepermanentcontractcalledFixDiscontinu, permitingits use forpart-time staff. Thisisn’tregulated in thecurrentconveni. Apply a reductiontothe normal annualhours of approx. 1%, appliedstep-by-stepoverthenext3 years.* Thisreduction leads to a new averageweeklyhours of a total of 31 hoursforTeachers and 36 hoursforAdmin and General Services staff. * * But, with a new obligatoryadditionalhoursbank, permitting: up to35 hours a weekforTeachers. up to 40 hours a weekforallothercategories. Back toindex of proposals
Improvementstothe VIII conveni? 3 Recogniseexplicitlytherighttoattend medical appointments in thename of theworker, in work time (previouslyonly recognised as paidleavetherighttoaccompany a member of theimmediatefamily). But, introduces a limit of 20 hours per year, for medical visits in thename of theworker and/ortoaccompany a member of theimmediatefamily(proportionateforpart-time contracts) Introduces the concept of time worked in the case of cancelledclasses, albeitonlyforthoseemployedon a paid-per-hourworkedbasis. Back toindex of proposals
Guarantees? It’snotanimprovementtotheVIII conveni, butthetextproposedincludes a recognition of individual and collectiveagreements in thecompany, and conditionsthat are betterthanthose in theconveni. NB: Itisalwaysimportanttodoublecheckhowtheseclausesapplytoyourown individual, orcollective, situation. Checktheexacttext of theemployers’ proposal: Disposición final: Primera, Segunda, Tercera Back toindexof proposals
Worseconditionsthanthe VIII conveni?1 In general, whatdoesthe VIII convenistate? Employerswanttoincrease use of temporarycontracts, by: Eliminatingthemaximumlimit of staff ontemporarycontracts as a % of total employees.Currentlythelimitis a maximum50% of employeesontemporarycontracts. Permittingtemporarycontractsforlongerperiods of time. No limittorepeated use of 2 or more temporarycontracts. Widenthescope of situations in whichtemporarycontractsmay be legallyused. Back toindex of proposals
Worseconditionsthanthe VIII conveni? 2 Limittherecognition of real length of service, known as Antiguitat, to cases wherethere are lessthan 20 days break betweencontracts. Getrid of the 3 yearbonus, Triennis, forall new contracts. Getrid of theLength of ServiceBonus, known as “Premide Fidelitat” forall new contracts, and cutthevalue of thebonustoonlyinclude base salary (excluding ‘triennis’ orbonuses). Increaseto 4 years, fromthecurrent 3 years, thelimitbeyondwhichtheAuxiliaryAdministratorwagerisestonextlevel, beingthat of the ‘Oficial’ Administrator. Back toindex of proposals
Worseconditionsthanthe VIII conveni? 3 Createtheadditionalhoursbank, whichtheemployer can obligeanemployeetowork, withonly 5 daysnotice, forany full-time staff. Paid at +10%€. Create a new category of the “Expert”, whocould be obligedtowork up to 38 hours of classes per week, notnegatedbythelocation of thiscategory in Technical Professional group, not in theTeachinggroup. PermitworkingonSunday and Bank holidays, with no additionalincrease in hourlyrate. Back toindex of proposals
Worseconditionsthanthe VIII conveni? 4 CuttheholidaydaysforXmas, Easter and longweekendsto 12 daysfromthecurrent 21 days(21 forteachers, and approx,. The samefor non-teaching staff). Introduce a new limit of max. 20 hours per yeartoattend medical appointments, in thename of theworkerortoaccompany a member of theimmediatefamily. (proportionateforpart-time contracts) Limittheentitlementto 100% full sickpayto7 months in a total 12 monthperiod. (in the VIII convenithereis no maximumlimit at full sickpay). Back toindex of proposals
Worseconditionsthanthe VIII conveni? 5 Cutentitlementtounpaidleaveto 10 workingdays, in only 2 periods per year, oncondition of advancenotice of 15 dies. (Currently15 days, advancenotice of 5 days.) Increasetheprobationaryperiod. Introduce new disciplinaryclauses and sanctions Getrid of therighttoaccumulateunionhourson a sector widebasis. Back toindex of proposals
Whatotherproposalsdoes CCOO defend at thenegotiation? 1 Reduced working week, starting with the creation of a reduced hours ‘Ordinary Week’ which would increase the % for part-time workers. Guaranteesthatwewon’thavethesubstitution of theTeachercategorybythe new Expertcategory. Date forupdatingthe new categories: January 2014not2017. Inici de propostes
Whatotherproposalsdoes CCOO defend at thenegotiation? 2 Reduce from 3 yearstotwoyearsthe time whentheAuxiliaryAdministratorrisestothewages of the Oficial Administrator. Improvementstopaidleave and length of sabbaticalsorunpaidleavetocareforfamilymembers etc. (excedencias) Changethename of the sector togiveit more positive value: e.g.Ensenyaments i Formació Continuada. Inici de propostes
Yourvoicecounts! Giveusyourviews! Online consultation Come tothemeeting, 1st Dec Continue… forthefurtherdetailedinformationontheproposals and conditions.
Detailedinformation: explanation Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Latestproposalfromtheemployers’ association The workcondition Whatdoesthecurrentcollectiveagreementstate? The VIII Convenid’EnsenyamentPrivat de Catalunya Proposalsthat CCOO defends at thenegotiation More information Aboutthe legal contextrelatedtotheissuesabove. Back toindex of proposals
Temporarycontracts: VIII conveni Item VIII Conveni Ingeneral Article12 states: “Staff may be contracted on a temporary contract for work that is sporadic and occasional, of limited duration and for transitory and circumstantial reasons.” Original catalantext: “És personal eventual el queéscontractatpelscentres per realitzartreballsesporàdicsiocasionals de duraciólimitadaiper raonstransitòriesicircumstancials.”
Temporarycontracts: % of employees Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Getrid of thelimit. This opens thepossibilitythatall staff could be employedontemporarycontracts Limits to the % of staff team on temporary contracts Permits up to a maximum of 50% of employeesontemporarycontracts Defendthemaximum 50% limit, and demandthatit be improved as far as 25%. Whilstthebasicemploymentlaw, “EstatutdelsTreballadors”, regulatesthedefinition and use of temporarycontracts, itcurrentlydoesnotregulate a limit of a % of temporarycontractspermitted in a company.
Temporarycontracts: repeated use, yearafteryear Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Permit up to a maximum of 12 months on two or more temporary contracts, within an 18 month period. Limitstotherepeated use of, twoor more, temporarycontracts. No limit. Onlywhateverthebasiclawstates. No regulation !! Seeinformationrelatedtolength of service, “antiguitat!! The basicemploymentlaw, “EstatutdelsTreballadors”,establishes a maximum24 monthson 2 or more temporarycontracts, within a total 30 monthperiod. However, thisclauseiscurrently suspended untilfurthernotice.
Temporarycontracts: “circumstànciesde la producció” Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Raisetheminimum legal limitto 12 months in a total 18 monthperiodforthistype of contract. The temporarycontractcalledCircumstàncies de la Producció Notregulatedany more thanthelimits placed byarticle 12. See Maintainthe legal limit of 6 monthswithin a total 12 monthperiod. The basicemploymentlaw, “EstatutdelsTreballadors”, establishesthebasicminimumlimit of 6 monthswithin a total 12 monthsperiod. This can only be increased in a conveni, such as thatundernegotiation. Iftheemployeecontinuestoworkafterthelimitagree in conveniorlaw, theyautomaticallyholdthe legal status of a having a permanentcontract.
Temporarycontract: “obra i servei” Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Notregulatedanymore thanthelimits placed byarticle 12. See The minimum legal condition: this contract should only be used for activities that are not the main economic activity of the company. This contract is frequently used “incorrectly” to try and avoid giving a permanent contract. Permit use of this contract when training is delivered to clients away from the main company base, ie. to private companies. I.e.all workers doing training In Company could be employed on temporary contracts! The temporary contract called: Obra i Servei Iftheemployeecontinuestoworkafterthelimitjustification no longerapplies, thentheywillautomaticallyholdthe legal status of a having a permanentcontract.
Lengthof service, “Antiguitat” Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Wanttolimittherecognition of length of serviceunderpreviouscontractstolessthan 20 days break betweenonecontract and thenext. Recognise real length of service in thecompany. When a permanentcontractissigned, thelength of serviceonprevioustemporarycontractsshouldrecognsied. Article 66 “The length of service in thecompanywill be fromthe date theemployeestartedworking at thecompany.” “La data inicial del còmputd’antiguitatseràla d’ingrés del treballador en l’empresa.“ Should be recognise from the first day of the first contract, including if there were one or more months break between contracts.That reflects the reality of the distribution of courses in our sector. At CCOO we have won recognition of “antiguitat” even when there were months break between contracts. Suchrecognition has seriousimplications in thecalculation of bonuses and anypossiblefutureredundancypay.
Workinghours Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Want to define working hours, only annually. Apply a 1% reduction, whilstdemandin new additionalobligatoryhoursbank, paid at +10% the normal hourlyrate. Define workinghours, onlyannuallynotweekly. Defines the average working week for all categories, as well as giving the annual total hours. Define working hours weekly and annually,to guarantee security for the worker, and a work-life balance. We defend reductions to working hours, through the setting up of a Ordinary Working Week, which improves the recognition for part-time staff. There are seriousproblems in this sector relatingtothe irregular distribution of theworkinghours, frequentchangestotimetables and quantity of hoursworked, resulting in seriousproblemsfor a work-life balance.
Jornada: hoursbank and flexibility Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Want to be able to apply changes to timetables and hours worked throughout the year, with only 5 days notice to the WantanadditionalOBLIGATORY hoursbank, paid at +10% normal hourlyrate. This will enable increased working week for all staff, Administrative, General Services and Teaching staff. New additionalhoursbankforthosealreadyon full-time hours Onlypermits up to120 additionalhoursforteachers, with no obligationtoworkthem. We accept the principal of possible more hours, but on condition that they are paid at+25% normal hourly rate, and negotiated with the worker, with 20 days notice. If an employee wants to work overtime to earn more money they can do but it should be Voluntary and paid at +25% €. There are seriousproblems in this sector relatingtothe irregular distribution of theworkinghours, frequentchangestotimetables and quantity of hoursworked, resulting in seriousproblemsfor a work-life balance.
Holiday at Xmas, Easteretc Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni 12 workingdays*: 9 for Xmas, Easter, long weekends; 3 on dates chosenbytheworker (with15 daysnoticeandacceptedonlyonconditionthat it doesn’tpresentorganisationalproblemsnorif it coincides withotherrequests for days off.) * Increasesby3 Saturdays for thosewhowork a 6 dayweek. Holiday at Xmas, Easter and longweekends. Teaching staff Article 41 21 working days: 10 fixed by company, 8 days exchangeable for paid work time, 3 fixed by the worker. As a commitment to reach an agreement, CCOO proposes reducing the 21 days to 16, on condition of a minimum break of 2 weeks at Xmas, 1 week ay Easter, and on condition of improvements to paid leave entitlements. Non-Teaching Staff Article 44 8 calendar daysXmas 6 calendar daysforEaster + 7 days + 5 workingdays Thereisagreement at thenegotiationtounifythedaysholidaysforteaching and non-teaching staff. The disagreementis in thequantity of days off.
Categories: l’Expert/a Employers CCOO Item VIII Conveni Teaching should be done by Teachers, the contribution of the “Expert” should be well regulated, defined and limited (eg. as in public and university sector) with a healthy working week, starting as full-time at 25 hours of classes and guarantees against substitution of Teachers, at an hourly rate of +20%€. New category of Expert Doesn’texist. Want to create a potential working week of 38 hours for the Expert which could all be CLASS CONTACT TIME!
Professional Groups and Categories I DocentsProfessor/a, II TècnicsExpert/a, Orientador Professional, Consultor, Informàtic, CCOO defends as well: Bibliotecari, Traductor/Interpret III AdministracióCap, Responsable de Secció, i Comercial Oficial, Auxiliar IV ServeisCap, Oficial, Auxiliar, Generals Monitor/ Informador CategoriesFuncionals Director, Subdirector, Capd’Estudis, CapDepartament, Tutor, Responsable Prevenció Riscos Laborals The Reforma Laboral, 3/2012, established new rules regarding Professional Groups and Categories, makingiteasiertooblige staff tofulfilltasksrequiredfromcategoriesotherthanthoseyouwereemployedto do..
Abouttheduration of thecurrent convenio The current conveni is the VIII Convenid’EnsenyamentPrivat de Catalunya, code 7900575. There is an agreement, signed 21st April 2008, and registered at the Departament de Treball, 28th April 2008, between unions and employers, that states: “All parties affirm that until there is a new agreement the VIII Conveni de Catalunya de l’EnsenyamentPrivat remains in force in with respect to each of its areas of application.” According to our legal advice, we can defend the application of the VIII Convenibecause an agreement governing the duration of the conveni is in place and was signed before the passing of the Labour Reform, 6th July 2012.The agreementtakesprecedentwhendecidingtheduration of theconveni. Forthisreasonwestatethatthelimit of oneyearsextensiontonegotiate convenios, as regulated in theLabourReform, doesnotapplytothisconveni.
Yourvoicecounts! Giveusyourviews. Come tothemeeting. Allworkersfromthe No Reglada sector welcome.
Yourvoicecounts! The vote toinformthedecisionontheconveniwill be open to CCOO unionmembers. Stillnot a member? Jointheunionhere Toparticipate in future votes and helpcreate a strongunionforthe No Reglada sector.
CCOO No Reglat Information web ccoo.cat/ensenyament tel934812842 mail ensenya@ccoo.cat blog noreglat.eformacio.org CCOO Ensenyament No Reglat @noreglatccoo noreglatccoo