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Future Activities Sarah Knight Helen Beetham

Future Activities Sarah Knight Helen Beetham. Designing for Learning. Develop terminology and frameworks to improve understanding and sharing of practice Further develop paper-based planning tools Evaluate planning tools in use by practitioners

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Future Activities Sarah Knight Helen Beetham

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  1. Future ActivitiesSarah KnightHelen Beetham

  2. Designing for Learning • Develop terminology and frameworks to improve understanding and sharing of practice • Further develop paper-based planning tools • Evaluate planning tools in use by practitioners • Further map planning framework to standards (with CETIS) • Work with DfES, BEI, TLRP and CETIS to identify relevant vocabularies and areas of further development • Describe and evaluate e-learning practices • Validate and refine models framework and case study template against examples from practice • Extend the range of use cases and scenarios • Provide input to user requirements analysis for Technical Framework and Tools strands • Joint demonstration projects with TF and Tools strands

  3. Designing for Learning • Synthesise key recommendations • For service providers (including JISC) • For research funders • For practitioners • Design, create and maintain practitioner-based resource(s) • Launch and pilot of the Effective Practice with e-Learning Publication at the RSC Learning Journey • Regional workshops on ‘Designing for Learning’ • Workshop pack to be cascaded to existing networks via experts and champions • Evaluate tools to support ‘designing for learning’ • Extend LAMS evaluation to other LD tools (ITT) • Investigate practice in use of tools not based on the LD specification e.g interactive whiteboards, word templates, mindmapping software (ITT)

  4. Who will do all this? • Bid for consultants to offer a range of skills • Short-term working groups to produce specific outcomes • Focus on synthesis, embedding and communication • ITTs for LD tools • Over to you: • What is missing from these proposals? • What should we prioritise? • How best to embed and communicate with different audiences? • How could the experts’ group be involved?

  5. Understanding my learning • Research review • outline existing research into learner perceptions of elearning • scope process for national consultation • National learner consultation (Feb 2005) • capture learner perspective in detail • include observational/ethnographic work • focus on learner differences • Investigate accessibility issues • in collaboration with TechDis • implications for personalisation of learning

  6. Discussion points • What is missing from these proposals? • What should we prioritise? • How can we ensure that the ‘designing for learning’ and ‘understanding my learning’ strands are integrated? • E.g. are effective tools for learning design also effective tools for learner reflection and planning? • E.g. are the same features of the learning situation relevant to learners as to practitioners? • How can we involve learners as users? • And ensure the learner perspective is taken into account in the developing technical frameworks and tools? • How could the experts’ group be involved?

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