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The most noble pilgrim described in Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales ”. The Knight. “ " There was a K night , a most distinguished man …“ Geoffrey Chaucer. Presentation. Chaucer begins presenting the characters in The Canterbury Tales by describing the Knight .
The mostnoblepilgrimdescribed in Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales” The Knight “"Therewas a Knight, a mostdistinguished man …“ Geoffrey Chaucer
Presentation • Chaucerbeginspresenting the characters in The Canterbury Talesbydescribing the Knight. • The Knightis the onlymemberof the aristocracydescribedbyChaucerat the beginningofhis narrative poem. • The knight's tale, composed in 1386, is the first tale of the poem, and isconsidered the first "novel" everwritten: in itChaucer's descriptionof the Knightis more realisticthan in otherswritten down in the nextcenturies.
Whowas a Knight • A medievalknighthadtorespect a lotofnoblevaluesthatformed the Code ofChivalry, examinedbyChaucer in the first versesof the tale. • The mostimportantvaluethat the knighthadtorespectwas the loyaltytohis lord: in factChaucer's knighthadnevergiven up in battlesincehis first dayhehadfought. • Othervalues the Knighthadtorespectwere: honour, generosity, courtesy, prowess and freedom;they are properlylistedbyChaucerin the first part of the tale.
The Knightusuallyfoughtwithseveralweapons, but in the pilgrimageto Canterbury Cathedralneitherhenorhis son, hissquire, broughtanyweapons, becausetheyrespectedanotherimportantvalue: the devotion. • HewentonpilgrimagetothankGodforhishealth and forhisvictories in battles, duels and in the Crusades. • Hewasrich, buthedidn't wanttobeconsideredrichbyotherpilgrims, so hewasn't gailydressed. An unarmedknight (reconstruction)
Clothing and appearance • Chaucerdescribes the Knight's clothes: theyseemlessnoble, buttheywereveryhelpfulfor the protectionof the body. • Heworeanoldcoarsetunic, madeoffustian, composedbywool and cotton. Thistunicwas dark and hadalsostained, torn and smudgeparts. • Itwaslow-priced and itwasproduced in the Flanders. • The Knightworealso a bismoteredgipoun, thatwasa tight-fittingjackethewore under the armour and itwaslaced on the back or the sides.
Itwassometimesdecoratedwithheraldicsymbols and itwasconsideredunchivalricbecauseitwasdirty, asdescribedbyChaucer. • The Knightwas "bismotered", becausehewasrich and noblebutherefused the nobleappearance. • The Knightworealsoanhabergeoun, a mail coatheusedtoprotecthischestfromviolentstrikes. Italsowasalwaysstained and dirty. An armedknight (reconstruction)
TipicKnight’s clothes FustianTunicGipounHabergeoun
About the Knight • Chaucercomposedthisdescription mixing a lotofliteraryelementsdesigning the characteras a shiningknight and, at the sametime, a verydevoutpilgrim. • The stains and the rustedarmourwantonlytohighlighthis social status and hisexploits. • Thisknight wanted toappearverymodest: in facthewore no sworebelt or otherarms and all the garmentspresented take anallegoricalrole, literaryelementfrequentlyusedby the autorsof the Middle Age.
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