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The noise from AC can be from various causes depending upon the type of unit. The type of noise can be used to diagnose the nature of the problem. You can check the latest and best window ac for home in India. Browse the website for more info https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/window-acs
The noise from AC can be from various causes depending upon the type of unit. The noise should notbeignoredasitisasignthatsomethingiswrong or is in the process of going wrong. The type of noise can be used to diagnose the nature of the problem.Ignoringitallowstheproblemtoworsen. Insomecases,theunitisbeyondrepairbythetime it starts being noisy; however, much of the time it will need only minor work done. Here are some of themorecommonnoisesourcesinawindowunit.
CURES FOR NOISY FANS For a fan to work properly it is required to be kept it clean and maintain properly. The first stepisto locatethenoise source;fansthat produce a rattling or humming noise may be looseorneedcleaning.
LUBRICATION When motor needs lubrication it may emit a humming or grindingsound.SomeACscomewithunsealedmotorsandyou will have to apply lubrication. You can prevent the noise by oiling the air conditioner motor at the beginning of each summer.
LOOSE SCREWS When the AC is working, it vibrates and the vibration can cause screws in the unit to come loose. Many problems that make air conditioning units noisy are the result of screws in panels. The mountingscrewsholdingtheunitinplacecanalsobecomeloose. Bothsituationswillproducearattlingnoisethesecanallbe easilyfixedwithafewturnsofyourscrewdriver.
COIL FINS If the coil fins are clogged with dirt, the unit may becomenoisy.Checktoseeifitneedscleaning;usea vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove dirtordebris.Bentcoilfinscanalsocausehumming noise; these may be straightened with the use of a tool:thefincomb.Youcancheckthelatestandbest windowacforhomeinIndia.
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