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When it comes to ducted air conditioning maintenance, make sure you have the facts. For Regular, professional maintenance can keep your ducted 4.5 ton air conditioner and your money safe. For more info visit the website https://www.hitachiaircon.com/in/ranges/ducted-air-conditioners
S A F E G U A R D I N GY O U R H O M EA N DI T S C O N T E N T S Ducted air conditioning transforms a house into a home. It allows you to make the most of the available space while keeping your family cool and comfortable. The ability to control which parts of your house are kept warm or cool also meansyouhavemorecontroloveryourelectricity bill. However, thesecomplex systemsrequire attention,which manypeople areunaware of. If you do not properly maintain your ducted air conditioning, maintenance will become more difficult and costlier. Your energy bills will rise, and the air that circulatesthroughoutyourhomemaybecomecontaminated.Aminorissuecan quickly escalate, leaving you out of pocket and your system inoperable. You mustavoid bill shock, buthow?
ProfessionalInspection EveryYear Anyproblemswillbeidentifiedsoonerratherthanlater,whichisgood forthe environmentand your hippocket. Yourannualservicemayincludethefollowing: Checkingtheperformanceofyourunitagainstmanufacturer specifications Makingcertainthatahigh-qualityinstallationismaintainedand caredfor Checkingforthepresenceofanyleaksorfaultyseals Thethermostat'sfunctionalityisbeingtested. Takingprecautionsagainstelectricalfaults,wearandtear,and less-than-idealairflow
Understandyourproduct Do you know how to change the filters on your computer? Do you understand how to clean them? It is your responsibilityasahomeownertoensurethatyourinvestmentincutting-edgecoolingandheatingtechnologyissafe. It is your responsibility as a homeowner to ensure that your investment in cutting-edge cooling and heating technologyissafe.Toensureongoing performance,governingbodiesrecommendthatsystem owners performthese checksthemselves twice a year.
A regular cleaning system that is dutifully carriedoutisanimportantpartofductedair conditioning maintenance. This will entail thefollowing steps: Examinetheinsideofyourventcovers fordirtbuildup. Keep your system clean on a regular basis Examiningthefilterand,ifnecessary, cleaningit(usingwarmwaterwitha smallamountofnaturaldetergentand thendryingwith a softcloth) Whenthesystembootsup,lookfor visibledustpuffingoutofthevents.
Check your usage Are youandyourfamilyadjustingthe temperatureof your system toareasonable, manageablelevel?Haveyouconsideredpre- cooling?Thisisanespeciallygoodideain India’ssometimesharshclimate.Ifyouknowa hotspellisontheway,youcancoolyourhome thenight before, leaving aresidual coolness throughoutthehousethatwon'trequireyouto crankuptheairconditioner.
Instruct your family Accidental damage is oneof themost serious problemswefaceinmaintenanceandrepair.Assure thatyourchildrenunderstandhowtocareforand maintain thesystem. It's easy totake for granted whenthingsaregoingwell,butmakesurethey'reon boardwhenitcomestosafeguardingthisvital resource. For Regular, professional maintenance can keep your ducted 4.5 ton air conditioner and your money safe.
www.hitachiaircon.com/in customercare@jci-hitachi.com