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RepWarn Software – Special PRE LAUNCH Notice. Your Own Recurring SoftwareBusiness RepWarn is the new Online Reputation Management System empowering people with the ability to find bad reviews instantly, take control of the situation and turn what could have been a PR nightmare into a massive coup, thereby delivering more sales and more customers; all on 100%autopilot. Moreover, with its Reseller Rights from Walt Bayliss, its buyers can earn a huge profit from selling this invaluable software to the nextcustomer. https://crownreviews.com/repwarn-review What Is RepWarnSoftware? I have some GREAT NEWS. My good friend Walt Bayliss is back with another AMAZING product. And even better, he has made this into a ready made software Business for you to walk up and get startedwith. This time – it’s all based around a vastly growing business… reputation management. Reputation management is something that EVERY business needs with the growing popularity of review sites and socialmedia. Walt is giving you a COMPLETE business in a box here. If you’ve seen or heard ofWalt before – you know he’s well known for OVER-DELIVERING on everything hedoes. RepWarn Software is the invaluable service that empower businesses with the ability to LEAP onto bad reviews within MINUTES and rescue their reputations, all are on 100% autopilot. Rep Warn Software give people the ability to find bad reviews instantly, the ability to take control of the situation, the ability to turn what could have been a PR nightmare into a massive coup, delivering more sales and more customers. And you’ll do it all without lifting afinger. It is indeed a high-end product. when you’ve got a RepWarn account, reputation management becomes a whole loteasier. Keep on reading the RepWarn Review below to learn a little more about the product and how it’s already changing peoples lives and giving them the freedom they always wished they could have when becoming Walt’s product’sreseller.
How Does RepWarn SoftwareWork? • Special Features of RepWarnSoftware: • RepWarn brings reputation management up to date and PRO-ACTIVE. It makes the process entirely automated. And because you’re delivering it as a software-as-a-service, you don’t have to beinvolved. • Run your business completely hands-free: RepWarn is entirely hands-free from point of sale. No support headaches, no hosting costs, no work. All you need to do is cash thecheques. • 100% of the profit: this isn’t an affiliate offer where you only get a cut ofeach • sale. This is your business, and you geteverything. • The easiest sales you’ll ever make: Your clients’ reputation is possibly the most valuable asset they’ve got. And when you tell them they can protect themselves from trolls with virtually no effort? They’ll bite your handoff. • Subscription income going straight into your pocket:Because RepWarn is a monthly subscription, you only need to make a sale once to get paid again and again andagain.
Market-leading retention rates: RepWarn is an ACTIVE service – your clients see it working every time they get an e-mail. That means retention rates are through the roof, so your income isn’t just recurring, it’sreliable. • Every one of your clients gets treated like gold: If any of your clients have an issue – which we think is unlikely, but it pays to be prepared – they’ll have priority access to our real-human support desk, and we’ll get them sorted immediately. • PLUS! Everything you need to start making sales: as well as the reseller licence, you’ll get access to a massive pile of sales material, training and the exact script Walt used to make his first sales (full details in a couple ofminutes…) • How ItWorks: • They put in the keywords they want to keep tabs on, like theirbrand • name, Their company, their kep personnel and even theircompetition… • RepWarn scours the deepweb, • leaving no stoneunturned • Whenever someone mentions their keyword – whether it’s in a Facebook post, review, blog post or tweet – they get notified INSTANTLY with the comment text and a direct link to the post. Either via email – or even better, straight to their Iphone or Androiddevice. • So they get to take action IMMEDIATELY, following a hot lead or defusing a poorreview. • And You Can Do A Lot More With It Than Just FindReviews: • Discover The Hottest Leads Before AnyoneElse • Set RepWarn to hunt for people asking their friends about your service, and watch the best leads in the world be delivered straight to yourfingertips. • Spy On YourCompetition • Enter your competitor’s brand, company or products to find out what people are saying about them online. You’ll discover what people like about them, letting you do itbetter… • And if you find anyone unsatisfied with their service, you can steal their customers right from under theirnose.
Now you may think I’m about to say that you should use RepWarn to create the notifications you send to clients. And sure, that’d make delivering a reputation management service mucheasier. But this isn’t about offering you RepWarn as a product where you still have to do all the work . It’s about offering you RepWarn as a BUSINESS where the service takes care ofitself. You Even Get To Use RepWarn In Your Own Business (And You’ll FindIt Useful For A Lot More Than JustReviews…) Most businesses will use RepWarn to keep tabs on what people are saying about them online. But the keywords you can track aren’t limited to company names and brands. You can search for anything youlike. And that means for the smart marketer, there’s a lot ofoptions… You can run sniper-precise affiliate campaigns. All you need to do is find a good evergreen product, then search for keywords related to the problem it solves. When RepWarn finds you a lead, you (or your VA) can leap into the conversation with your recommendation and affiliatelink. It’ll be the easiest commissions you’ve evermade. You can profit with VERY high-ticket CPA. RepWarn lets you stop thinking small. Instead, think luxury cars, private jets and celebrity entertainment. These companies charge hundreds of thousands – sometimes MILLIONS – ofdollars. How much do you think they pay forleads? This market is too small for most CPA marketers, but with RepWarn, you won’t have to spend ages hunting for the lead. Let RepWarn do the work, while you just watch your inbox for thealert. And if you do launches of your own, here’s a tip you’lllove… Start tracking your download link. The second it appears on a blackhat site, you’ll get an e-mail to let you know… and the pirates will never work out how you DMCA’d them so fast. Even if you never sell RepWarn to a single customer, you can more than make your money back just by using ityourself. Watch how RepWarn workshere:
https://youtu.be/xazDmCdKCqw • Why Should You Get RepWarn SoftwareNow? • Every business knows how important it is to keep track of what people say about them online, that’s the core of reputationmanagement. • Usually, if you offer a reputation management service, you’ll be given a list of terms by the business, and it’s your job to keep track of themonline. • So when they appear in reviews or blog posts, you keep a record and then send it to your client. • The problem is, for most of these businesses, it’s too late. The damage has been done. If the storm breaks over a weekend, on when the reps in charge of that account are off- duty, it could be days before word reaches the client. • But people don’t stop sharing things on Facebook just because it’s Sunday. In thattime, • a huge amount of damage can bedone. • Businesses don’t want a service that warns them of bad reviews a week too late…FAR • outside the window of opportunity foraction. • One case study to make thisclear: • Qantas are an airline here in Oz. And like any airline, not everything always runs smoothly. With airports and check-in and baggage, even the best-run system is going to have a bit of turbulence now andthen. • One customer, caught up in delays, pulled out their smartphone and put an angry post on Twitter. These days, a pretty naturalreaction. • Within 5 minutes, a customer service rep had come over, found out the problem and fixedit. • Their next tweet was RAVING about Qantas, and it got retweeted around the world. That one little act of customer service not only got a customer for life, but also a ton of free goodpress. • QANTAS COULD REACT THAT FAST FOR 2REASONS: • They had a team of 4 people scanning social media fulltime • They gotlucky
Now just imagine if you could offer reaction times like that to ANY business, guaranteeing they can know within minutes when someone’s talking about their brand online… Something that completely automates what Qantas used 4 full-time members of stafffor. That is exactly what RepWarn Software can do for you and yourclients. When businesses spend THOUSANDS of dollars trying to generate leads, having this service as an insurance policy to protect themselves against malicious or unhappy customers just makessense. TODAY - Reactions and comments can be live withinminutes. That’s why people will be in dying desire for this product. Since having this invaluable service, businesses will be able to LEAP onto bad reviews within MINUTES and rescue their reputations on 100%autopilot. Okay, basically, I have review enough about why you should get it, but what I found to be more exciting when reviewing this product is its ablility to resell, make profit for the reseller and brings the convenient for the reseller’sclients. Why You Should Become RepWarn Software’sReseller: As A RepWarn’s Reseller, you get to sell this premium service to your customers. Walt will do all the support things. Your customers do all the works while you get the recurringincome. You’ll get everything you need to sell your new service (details to follow) and the after- sale support is completelyhands-free. It’s like you’ve got the resources of a million-dollar company backing you up, without having to build it yourself. But please don’t confuse this with an affiliate offer. This becomes Your OwnBusiness! RepWarn will be your product. Your clients will see RepWarn as your product.You’ll have the respect and authority due to a businessowner. Plus, of course, you’ll be building a regular, reliable recurring income, on the back of a service your clients will love. So Let Me Tell You About Your Customers, And Why They’re So EagerTo Pay For This Service Every SingleMonth The customer can be varied from hotels, restaurants, chiropractors and opticians, mechanics, shops andbars.
They are plumbers, builders and chartered accountants. They’re lawyers, mortgage advisors, airlines and taxi firms. They’re florists, doctors and far morebesides. • If this seems like a huge market, that’s because it is. A huge range of businesses are waiting for this service… but they’ve all got one thing incommon. • Even better, a lot of these businesses are just starting to wake up to the fact that this service is one they desperatelyneed. • And that is where YOU get to deliver it to them, and they’re going to love you forit. • They’ll have better business, better customers, be making more money – and be happily paying YOU $97 a month or $997 ayear. • So what are these Reseller Rights going tocost? • You might well expect that rights like these to a product which is priced at $97/month or $997 a year to beexpensive. • So I’d like to make clear, right now, that these rights are not going to break thebank. • In fact, even at full price they’ll be significantly cheaper than a single licence of the RepWarn service. If you make JUST ONE SALE of your own Repwarn system… You will be HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS IN PROFIT. • Don’t you worry, you’ll be given everything you need to start makingsales • from day1 • To give you the best possible start, Walt Bayliss and his team have put together a ton of ready-made sales material to make sure you can get up and running as fast aspossible. • Premium presell to whip your leads into a frenzy: This 12-page report has been carefully copywritten to not only have your leads thanking you for the valuable info, but also presell the RepWarn service. Once they’ve been through this report, they’ll be practically demanding you let them signup • Offline marketing tools to pull in buyers: You’ll have a set of CD labels, postcards, ring-binder frontage and more, both print-ready and in a customisable PSD. This gives you so many more ways to market than juste-mail! • Pre-made email follow ups: Professionally written to give you maximum conversions – both for leads and sales. Follow the steps to have a fully automated system capturing leads and sending them back to your sales pages and webinar (below).
Pre-made graphics and advertising templates:Professionally designed to give you maximum conversions – both for leads andsales. • Webinar recordings: Use a pre recorded ‘webinar’ format to walk through in detail every step of the Repwarn system. Simply send people the ‘watch now’ link and let them sellthemselves • And This Premium Business Service Is In HighDemand • If you’ve already gotclients: • They’re going to love your new service. Just pass them your link and get them signed up. Just think about this… if you could tell all your clients that they never have to worry about bad reviews again, would they beinterested? • If you could show them that smart software will find leads of customers who are already looking for their business, would they love you forever? • And when you pair an awesome service like this with your authority as atrusted • provider, I’m confident you’ll find RepWarn the easiest sale you’ve evermade. • If you’re just startingout: • RepWarn gives you the best possible springboard: a service that’s guaranteedto • generate interest and a completely hands-free business foryou. • And with all the sales material ready-made for you, you don’t even need to spend time on the marketing – you can get up and running rightaway. • Here is the image brieftly describe thebargain:
Who Should Use RepWarnSoftware? Right now, on this page, you have the chance to start your own completely done-for- you softwarebusiness. Soon, you’ll be able to provide a service offline businesses want so much, they’ll be beating a path to your door. Even if you’ve never made an offline sale before in yourlife. It doesn’t matter if they’re hotels, restaurants, chiropractors, opticians, mechanics, shops or bars. They will want it, and they will be happy to pay you $97/month forit. Here’s a few other notes from existing customers who already paid that same amount of money and loveit: “Monitoring your reputation is absolutely KEY, but RepWarn makes it easy. We also set the system to receive alerts for anyone looking for electricians in our area and have picked up a lot of business already! Love Repwarn. GreatSystem…..” Alina Higgins, AISElectrical. “In hospitality - reputation is everything. At Saffire we hold the title as voted as the best luxury boutique in the world. That doesn't come easily. Now withRepwarn,
we are able to monitor and interact with any of our guests or Pressthat • are referencing the resort in any media on theweb.” • Justin King, General Manager from Saffire-Freycinet Hotel andResort • “The finance industry is SUPER Competitive and we pay a fortune for leads. With Repwarn, we have an incredible monitoring system that is scouring the internet for us and bringing people to us that are actively looking for finance or wealthplanning. • Talk about value! This tool is an amazing salesgenerator” • John Fernance, Yellow Brick RoadFinance. • “Wow! Real Estate agents go to all lengths to know what is happening in their neighbourhoods. Repwarn makes the monitoring SO easy. One (wellplaced) • Alert and we pick up listings from anyone looking in the area - and can keep tabs on people looking for houses in the area.Amazing!” • George Pangalos, Barry Plant RealEstate. • These businesses currently pay $97 every month for access to the RepWarn service.Do • you think they’re alone? Of coursenot! • They love it – and your customers will love it – simply because it makes handling your own reputation management incrediblyeasy. • And because it’s such a high-quality, useful service, you’ll be amazed just how easy itis • to get customers of yourown: • Thatmeans: • If you’re already offering services to offline clients, this will give youa • COMPLETELY HANDS-FREE new string to yourbow • If you want to break into the offline market, this is the single easiest place to start. • And the best part ofall? • It takes you absolutely no time or effort to deliver. In fact, your clients will do everything, but they’ll still be paying you for theprivilege. • Conclusion • If you use this software for your own purpose, that’s great with its invaluable and multi- purposed functions. However, if you think of becoming one of RepWarnSoftware’s
reseller and are wondering why the product creators offer such a good deal (100%),I think you don’t needto. Walt Bayliss, my friend offered that simply because his purpose is to make RepWarn a global brand and he do need an exposure. If you become his reseller and get that exposure for him, he is happy to pay you a premium. The market for reputation management is huge. Not only is there more than enough room for all of us, but you’ll reach people Walt never could. This way, Walt will get more exposure, you get a steady income stream. Everyone’s awinner. Get:https://crownreviews.com/repwarn-review RepWarn ,RepWarn review,RepWarn review and bonus,RepWarn reviews,RepWarn reviews and bonuses,RepWarn discount,RepWarn bonus,RepWarn bonuses,RepWarn review and discount, RepWarn review in detail,RepWarn ultimate review,RepWarn coupon,RepWarn demo,RepWarn demo review,RepWarn huge discount,RepWarn discount coupon,RepWarn dowcw demo and bonus,RepWarn massive bonus,RepWarn specific review,RepWarn particular review and bonus, Where to buy RepWarn,RepWarn review comparison,RepWarn biggest bonus,RepWarn demo product,RepWarn demo in action,RepWarn secretreview