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God’s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus

God’s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus. To See The Parallels Between Israel’s Deliverance From Egyptian Slavery Passover Feast Our Deliverance From Slavery of Sin Lord’s Supper. God’s Deliverance. Exodus 12:1-14 New Observance – A New Feast Every family to acquire a lamb or kid

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God’s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus

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  1. God’s Deliverance Lessons From Exodus • To See The Parallels Between • Israel’s Deliverance From Egyptian Slavery • Passover Feast • Our Deliverance From Slavery of Sin • Lord’s Supper

  2. God’s Deliverance • Exodus 12:1-14 • New Observance – A New Feast • Every family to acquire a lamb or kid • To be year old male, without defect • On 14th day the lamb or kid is to be killed • Blood is to be smeared on door posts and lintel • Lamb or kid to be roasted, eaten with herbs • Eat fully clothed and quickly • God would kill firstborn of families & animals • Memorial for them and future generations

  3. God’s Deliverance • Exodus 12:29-36 • At midnight God caused the firstborn to die • There was massive death, mourning, weeping • Pharaoh tells Moses to take his people and go! • Egyptians gave them silver, gold and clothing

  4. God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Both involve sacrifice of flesh and blood • Both were to be eaten • Both were to be a continual memorial • Both involved death • Both provided opportunity for new existence

  5. God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Passover involved all the family of Israel • Lord’s Supper involves all of the Christian family • First Passover marked beginning of nation of Israel • First Lord’s Supper marked beginning of Christianity • Each was fulfillment of God’s purpose and intent – neither was an accident!

  6. God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Deliverance is always from God • Israel were slaves in Egypt • Powerless to free themselves • We were slaves to sin • Powerless to free ourselves • Only God has the power to set us free

  7. God’s Deliverance • Some Comparisons of Passover Feast and Lord’s Supper • Deliverance always involves Blood • Israel – Blood of lamb without blemish • Blood had to be on the door post and lintel • Christians – Blood of Jesus who was without sin • We have to be washed in the Blood • Matt. 26:26-29; Acts 20:28; Eph. 1:7 I Peter 1:18-19; Rev. 7:14; I John 1:7

  8. God’s Deliverance • Lessons Learned • Deliverance only comes from God • We can not save ourselves • Blood must be shed for remission of sins • Jesus shed His Blood for us • Must have covering of Blood to be right with God • Eph. 1:7 Acts 2:38 • Acts 22:16 Rom. 6:3-7, 17-18

  9. God’s Deliverance Will You Obey God And Let Him Deliver You From Your Sins?

  10. By Bob Gard – Hollister, Missouri church of Christwww.hollisterchurchofchrist.org Lesson adapted from David Chadwell “Great Parallels, Part 2: Exodus and Jesus”www.westarkchurchofchrist.org January 8, 2006 pm

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