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The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan

The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan. James Robinson Future Vision Pilot Operations Division Manager. Future Vision Plan Priorities. Simplify programs and processes Focus Rotarian service efforts to increase global impact Support global and local efforts

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The Rotary Foundation’s Future Vision Plan

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  1. The Rotary Foundation’sFuture Vision Plan James Robinson Future Vision Pilot Operations Division Manager

  2. Future Vision Plan Priorities • Simplify programs and processes • Focus Rotarian service efforts to increase global impact • Support global and local efforts • Increase sense of ownership at the district and club levels • Enhance Rotary’s public image

  3. Number of Grants Awarded 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Conrad Hilton $100 M $500,000 The Rotary Foundation $100 M Lions International $38.5 M $72,000 Annual Budget: Average Award: Comparative Analysis 4,160 1,000 535 500 180 MacArthur Foundation $260 M $520,000 Habitat For Humanity $100 M $100,000

  4. Simplify Programs and Processes 200 countries and territories 12 grant types 12 volunteer positions 12 funding models 26 currencies 4,160! 9 languages

  5. Simplification Current vs. Future Model Current Model Future Model Educational Programs Humanitarian Grants Global Grants Ambassadorial Scholarships: Multi-year Ambassadorial Scholarships: Cultural Matching Grants District Grants Club- and district-developed grants Packaged grants District Simplified Grants Ambassadorial Scholarships: Academic year Ambassadorial Scholarships: Low-income Health, Hunger, and Humanity Grants Group Study Exchange Rotary Grants for University Teachers Regional Scholar Seminars Volunteer Service Grants Disaster Recovery Rotary Centers and PolioPlus

  6. Cost Benefit of Simplification • Operational costs and Polio spending • Fewer staff • Fewer manual systems • Greater results

  7. Focus and Increase Global Impact

  8. Support Global and Local Efforts • District grants • Flexibility • Traditional/smaller activities • Planning global grants

  9. Increase Sense of Ownership • Needs-based assessments • Emphasis on host-club driven projects • Local oversight emphasized through qualification process • More funding available to districts to spend at their discretion

  10. Enhance Rotary’s Public Image • Areas of focus give TRF a profile beyond polio eradication • Strategic partners: Aga Khan University and Oikocredit

  11. Evaluation = Learning • Continuous learning to improve effectiveness of grant-making • Demonstrates extent to which grants and plan are achieving results • Public relations and fundraising tool • Attracting strategic partnerships and external funding

  12. Where Are We Now?

  13. Thank You!

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