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Addressing the impact of global warming on manmade structures in Northern Regions with innovative, eco-friendly foundation solutions using local materials. Join the initiative for a sustainable future.
Foundations in permafrost areas Norðurslóðaáætlunin Kynning forverkefnis 21.-22. September 2009
Foundations inpermafrost areasThe effects of global warming on manmade structures in Northern Regions Priority: Promoting innovation and competitiveness in remote and peripheral areas Target:Regions in the NPP area with permafrost, tundra and peat land grounds • Skoða á undirstöður undir: • Háspennulínur • Olíu- og gasleiðslur • Hús • Vegi (brýr)
Foundations inpermafrost areasThe effects of global warming on manmade structures in Northern Regions Hugmynd: Varð til í vinnuhóp hjá verkfræðistofunni Eflu, sem enn tengist verkefninu Þátttakendur: HR ÍSLAND NTNU, UNIS NOREGUR INUPLAN GRÆNLAND EFLA ÍSLAND BBFM ALASKA HOBAS AUSTURRÍKI ADDISON RÚSSLAND
Foundations inpermafrost areasThe effects of global warming on manmade structures in Northern Regions Kveikjan hjá NINE: Nordisk ingeniör netværk Stefnt er að: Triple helix partnership The conventional method for foundations facing permafrost conditions has been to use large and heavy pre-fabricated blocks of concrete or steel for transmission –line towers or pipeline foundations. In other cases pile foundations are used. The project idea is to establish a basis for further investigations, and, ideally, to present some attractive, environmentally friendly and economical solutions applicable in practical design. Emphasis will be put on using local materials and know-how, if applicable.
Foundations inpermafrost areasThe effects of global warming on manmade structures in Northern Regions HELSTU KOSTIR: • Lower production and transport cost • Lower carbon exhaust due to decreased transport and fuel use and changed production methods for more sustainable raw materials • Less local environmental impact in terms of underlying hydrology due to lighter and less damaging foundation materials
Foundations inpermafrost areasThe effects of global warming on manmade structures in Northern Regions FRAMHALD: • Finna nýjan öflugan samstarfsaðila • Finna til stofnanir og/eða sveitarfélög • Skipta verkefninu niður • Semja umsókn