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The Mystique of Machu Picchu: UNESCO Wonder of Inca Empire

Machu Picchu, the 'Old Mountain,' at 2,430 meters above sea level, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an iconic Inca location. Built in classical Inca style, it showcases impressive stone structures and vivid history, including the rule of the powerful Sapa Inca. Despite lacking in writing, the Incas excelled in various fields, from communication and technology to art and governance. Learn about their innovative achievements that shaped the ancient empire.

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The Mystique of Machu Picchu: UNESCO Wonder of Inca Empire

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  1. Machu PicchuThe ‘ Old Mountain’

  2. Machu Picchu the ’Old Mountain’ is an Inca site located 2,430 metresabovesealevel. The most familiaricon of the Inca World. (15th century) It’salso a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  3. Machu Picchuwasbuiltin the classicalIncastylewithpolisheddrystonewalls.Itsthreeprimarybuildingsare the Itihuatanastone, theTemple of the sun and the room of the threewidows.

  4. The SapaIncawastheall-powerfulemperor, theleaderthe ’onlyemperor’,thedirectdescendant of the sungod Inti.Whenever he lefthispalacehisfacewascoveredwithtranslucentcloth. He wore an outfitonce, livedin a goldenpalace and had manywives and mighthave 100 children. a SapaIncaa

  5. The Incasdidnothavewritingbutusedknotsinropestostoremathematicalinformation. They made lovelyjewellery, colourfulartifacts and weregreatarchitects.

  6. Achievements important to the success of the Inca Empire: Communication: (roads, runners) Specialized Professions (engineers, metal workers, stone masons, other artisans) Service Tax (huge free labor force) Technology (terrace farming, surplus crops, irrigation systems) Strong Central Government (all powerful Inca, strict laws, basic needs satisfied) Recap of Inventions: Terrace Farming Freeze Dried Foods Use of Gold and Silver Marvelous Stonework Wonderful Textiles Aqueducts (the Incas were frequent bathers) Hanging Bridges Panpipes Systems of Measurement (calendar, quipus)

  7. The Incasneverinventedthewheel. Theyneverinvented a system of writing. Yet, highin the ruggedAndesMountains of South America, the Incasbuiltthousands of milesofwell-pavedroads, everyonein the empire waswell fed and no onewashomeless.

  8. Hiram Bingham(1875-1956)

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