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ALICT- African Leadership in ICT. Patti Swarts African Leaders in ICT Consultation Workshop Nairobi, Kenya 14 th – 16 th December 2010. ALICT Partners. African Union. AU Summit Decision on ARAPKE.
ALICT- African Leadership in ICT Patti Swarts African Leaders in ICT Consultation Workshop Nairobi, Kenya 14th – 16th December 2010
ALICT Partners African Union
AU Summit Decision on ARAPKE Addis Ababa Declaration on ICTs in Africa: Challenges and Prospects for Development [Doc. Assembly/AU/11(XIV)], the Heads of State and Government of the African Union, meeting in the 14th Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on 31 January 2010 undertook to intensify activities to implement the African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy. Ratified implementation of ALICT Programme
ARAPKE and Africa-EU P8 • The African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE) developed under the leadership of the African Union Commission and endorsed by the African Union Conference of Ministers in charge of Communication and Information Technologies and by the AU Executive Council in Khartoum 2006. • Eleven Flagship Projects selected based on the criteria related to regional impact, contribution to local vision and socioeconomic development, economic feasibility, human resources development, technicality and functionality (ALICT is one of them) • ALICT programme situated within Africa-EU Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space (Africa-EU P8) frameworks.
AUC HRST • The AUC/HRST reports on Africa’s ICT programmes to the African Union Conference of Ministers in charge of ICTs. • The Ministers in charge of Communication and Information Technologies periodically deliberate on continental matters in Communication and Information Technologies. • Key stakeholder in project: co-chair & member of Steering Committee and Advisory Board • Focal person: Moses Bayingana, ICT Expert
Why African Leaders in ICT Programme? • Knowledge increasingly key factor of production as well as a raw material for economic development globally. • Information, knowledge and innovation based businesses taking over many of the traditional sectors of commerce and industry. • The gap between developing countries and developed countries widening due to the relatively lower investments in ICT, education and innovation processes in developing countries
ALICT, African Leadership in ICT • Flagship programme for implementation of AUC’s African Regional Action Plan for Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE) • EU-Africa Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space (Africa-EU P8) framework. • 2010 – 2013 in Southern and Eastern Africa ( started) • 2011 -2013 in Central and Western Africa ( goal) • Seeks to build Knowledge Society capacities across African Countries first in Southern and Eastern Africa and then in the Central and West Africa Regions • Contributes to development of Inclusive Knowledge Societies through Innovation, ICT, Education, S&T, Skills Dev & leadership capacities • Partnership between AUC, Finland, GeSCI and other possible funding country governments
Goal To develop African experts on ICT in Education, S&TI and Economic development to become Knowledge Society leaders and agents for change in their own country and be catalysts for regional cooperation in the domain Purpose ALICT will develop new models for capacity building and build the capacity of African leaders on Knowledge Society issues including establishment of a platform for multi-stakeholder collaboration and contribution ALICT Goal and Purpose
OBJECTIVES Provide direct personal experience of ICT as an enabler for HRD contributing to KS development Raise awareness and build strategic capacities of African leaders / policy makers Enable collaboration among African countries for building Knowledge Societies Harness the leadership skills of promising ICT leaders and policymakers Promote policy dialogue on Knowledge Society issues including dissemination of information and Professional development pertaining to Knowledge Society issues Project to be implemented in two phases over 36 months: Phase 1 – Research and conceptual development Phase 2 – Selection of participants, content development, implementation ALICT, African Leadership on ICT
OUTPUTS & RESULTS Curriculum and Capacity Building Model for African leaders on ICT, Education, S&T and KS Multi-stakeholder knowledge exchange platform bringing together private, public and civil society to create Knowledge Partnerships Capacities of 150 African leaders of ICT, Education, S&T and KS in domains of: Leadership (including change management) Skills required for KS/KE development (including ICT, foresighting, strategic planning) Organisational/institutional development ALICT Outputs and Outcomes
Governance and Support 1) Steering Committee: - Main decision making body - Approval of annual WPs, budget, main activities; large procurement services and equipment; guidelines and principles - Overall oversight of progress 2)Advisory Board: - Strategic and technical advice: planning (annual work plans) and implementation - Ensure multi-stakeholder partnership voices, including civil society and private sector - Representation can be extended based on circumstances/issues
Gov. & Support (cont.) 3 Technical Quality Assurance Committee (TeQAC) - Technical input into model design and capacity building module development - Quality assurance of modules including assessment procedures and processes including deliverables - Ensuring consistency between content, learning approaches and assessment methods throughout programme delivery - Contributing to the development of criteria for selection of participants.
More information Patti Swarts: Senior Manager patti.swarts@gesci.org Helena Tapper: Programme Manager Helena.tapper@gesci.org Moses Bayingana: AUC Focal Person BayinganaM@africa-union.org