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Development of a Site Planning Capability for Battlespace Medical Facilities

Development of a Site Planning Capability for Battlespace Medical Facilities. The Project Team. Academic Supervisor : Dr Arek Dadej Industrial Supervisor : Dennis Medlow (SAAB) Student 1 : Johnny Phanratry Student 2 : Samuel Gerges. This project was sponsored by SAAB.

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Development of a Site Planning Capability for Battlespace Medical Facilities

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  1. Development of a Site Planning Capability for Battlespace Medical Facilities

  2. The Project Team Academic Supervisor : Dr ArekDadej Industrial Supervisor : Dennis Medlow (SAAB) Student 1 : Johnny Phanratry Student 2 : Samuel Gerges This project was sponsored by SAAB


  4. Battlespace Medical Facility (SAAB 2060 Site Planner, 2012)

  5. Modules of a Medical Facility • Surgical theatre • Intensive Care Unit • Trauma Unit • Ward Unit • Multifunctional Unit • Outpatient Unit • Laboratory Unit • Digital Medical Imaging • Sterile Facility • Dental Care Unit • Pharmacy • Dirty Utility Unit (Armed Forces, 2010) (Stars and Stripes, 2004)

  6. NATO Role Levels The different NATO Role levels of a Battlespace Medical Site Role 1 Role 2 Role 3

  7. Logistical Data When constructing a deployable medical facility what data do we need to consider? • Dimension and Mass (transported and fixed) • Power and Water Usage • Electrical Load • Other Equipment • Patient Capacity (Armed Forces, 2010)

  8. Project Objective and Aim Develop a software application to calculate the logistics of a medical facility and aid planners in the swift deployment of a battlespace medical site.

  9. Project Requirements Main Requirements • Select facility NATO Role (Role 1, 2 or 3) • User can insert Modules • Allow users to graphically design site blueprint • Allow user to enter descriptive data (e.g. location, site name, comments etc.) • Allow user to enter meta data (Dimension, Mass, Power, water, capacity) • Output of data logistics • Log of Events Extra Requirements • Monitor equipment utilised by modules • 3D Graphical representation of Medical Facility


  11. Project Schedule

  12. Responsibilities Communication Project Manager: Chantaphone Chair Person: Alternated each week Secretary: Alternated each week Documentation Assessment artefacts divided equally amongst members Software Development Coding: Samuel, Chantaphone Testing: Samuel Graphics: Chantaphone

  13. Resources and Costs • General Equipment • Computer workstation with storage • Hardware • NIL • Software • Microsoft Visual Studio • 2010 Professional • SQL Server 2008 Express Edition • Microsoft Office Package 2010 • DropBox • Data Files • C# Algorithms • SAAB Documents • Documentations • Facilities • Computer Pools • Meeting Venue • Final Year Project study suites

  14. DESIGN

  15. Design Concept (World Bulletin, 2011)

  16. Design Palette • Allow users to drag and drop modules • Attach modules together like magnet • Rotate modules

  17. Adding Modules


  19. Implementation Technology • Programming language: C# • Database: SQL Express • Code and project management: Scrum

  20. N-Tier Architecture (Three Layer Architecture in C# .NET 2009)

  21. Scrum • Sprint 01 • Sprint 02 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Scrum_process.svg, 2012)

  22. ProjectOUTCOME

  23. Project Deliverables • Assessment Artefacts • Software Application • Design Description • Installation Manual • User Guide

  24. Challenges Challenges Faced • Not finishing tasks on time, as stated by schedule • Graphical design and Mechanics of the Design Palette • Communication and distribution of documents Solution • Using scrum to Manage the project to predict any delays • Add more time for research phase to know more about graphics programming • Using Dropboxas a sharing environment

  25. Thank you... QUESTIONS

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