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WELCOME!. Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation SURVIVOR SERVICES OVERVIEW. ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY & MISSION. Mission of the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation is to enhance the lives of burn survivors and promote burn prevention education.

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  2. ORGANIZATIONAL HISTORY & MISSION • Mission of the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation is to enhance the lives of burn survivors and promote burn prevention education. • At age 8, Alisa Ann Ruch was fatally injured in a backyard barbeque accident. Bravely using their tragedy as a catalyst for change, Alisa Ann’s parents partnered with Southern California firefighters to found the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation (AARBF), a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, in 1971.

  3. Supporting AARBF Programs & ServicesThrough Fundraising & Volunteerism • AARBF’s annual operating budget is $1.1 million, of which over 80% is spent on programs and services. • Volunteers make up a powerful workforce for AARBF’s programs, totaling more than 500 individuals donating over 2,500 hours each year. • AARBF relies on the support of community groups and members of the fire services for 40% of its operating budget. • New fundraising events are being imagined, planned and executed every year. • Volunteering for a survivor services program or a prevention education activity is as simple as contacting your local regional office.

  4. AARBF Survivor Services Programs • BURN SURVIVOR SUPPORT SERVICES INCLUDE: • Hospital visits to provide initial information about and resources for burn injuries. • Peer support through monthly support groups, peer mentoring, and volunteer efforts. • Emergency financial assistance during hospitalization, including financial assistance, housing assistance, and food assistance. • Medical supplies, including pressure garments to alleviate pain. • “Bridge-to-Life” scholarships for burn survivors seeking a higher education. • Young Adult Summits, which teach life management skills, promote educational and career development and focus on relationship building. • Champ Camp, Adult Survivor Family Camp and other therapeutic/social services to promote healthy interaction with fellow burn survivors.

  5. AARBF Burn Prevention Education Programs PREVENTION PROGRAMS INCLUDE: • Firefighters in Safety Education Program, which teaches elementary school students to protect themselves with “Stop, Drop, and Roll,” “Cool-A-Burn,” and “Hug A Firefighter,” and “Crawl Low and Go”. • Infant Scald Prevention kits that provide parents with materials to prevent scald injuries as well as a follow-up toddler kits to address changing needs of children. • Juvenile Fire Setters Intervention Program to train firefighters, medical personnel, and mental health professionals to work with families whose children have set fires or are at risk of setting fires. • Senior Home Safety Program is coordinated with the San Francisco Bureau of Fire Prevention to provide seniors with smoke detector installations and general safety inspections. • Coordination with local community agencies (schools and fire departments) to assist with the implementation or augmentation of agency-specific prevention programs. • Safety precaution education by distribution of information packets online and atcommunity health fairs, agency presentations.

  6. FOR MORE INFORMATION • Check out our website at www.aarbf.org • 1-800-755-BURN (Northern California) • 1-800-492-BURN (Central California) • 1-800-242-BURN (Southern California)

  7. HOW CAN I HELP SUPPORTAARBF’S PROGRAMS? • Get your community group organized and host a fundraiser (pancake breakfast, classic car show, raffle, clown contest, etc.). Contact your local regional office or start by reviewing AARBF’s “How-To” Special Event Manual found online. • Personally donate funds or in-kind materials or get your family, friends and colleagues to donate money and/or in-kind goods. • Connect AARBF with your contacts in private foundations, corporations or within government offices. • Talk about AARBF and our services within your social circles including family and co-workers.


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