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Do you have any?. Phobias. What do you think caused them?. Behavioural Explanations. Watson & Raynor (1920) Study of classical conditioning. Aim. To see if a fear of a previously unfeared objects can be induced through classical conditioning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Do you have any? Phobias What do you think caused them?

  2. Behavioural Explanations Watson & Raynor (1920) Study of classical conditioning

  3. Aim To see if a fear of a previously unfeared objects can be induced through classical conditioning To see if the fear will be transferred to other similar objects To see what effect time will have on the fear response To see how it is possible to remove the fear response in the laboratory

  4. Methodology Case study – 1 child ‘little Albert’ Controlled lab conditions DV – Albert’s reactions to stimuli before & after conditioning

  5. Participant • Little Albert • Lived in a hospital environment • “Stolid (not overly sensitive/excitable) and unemotional” • Showed no fear of a rat, rabbit, dog, monkey, mask with hair or cotton wool When Albert was 8 months old, researchers tested hitting a suspended steel bar with a hammer above Little Albert He was startled, held his breath and began to cry. As this was something he clearly did not like, the researchers decided to use it to condition Albert to fear certain objects

  6. Procedure Tested at 8 months old for fear responses. Experiments began at 11 months SESSION 1 • When they presented Albert with a rat, experimenters hit the steel bar with the hammer just as he reached for it. • Albert jumped and fell forward. • For a second time, they presented Albert with a rat and hit the steel bar with the hammer just as he reached for it. • This time Albert began to whimper Albert was then given a week off.

  7. 1 week later… SESSION 2 First, the rat was presented with no noise Next, the rat was presented with the noise three more times Then, the rat was presented with no noise Next, the rat was presented with the noise twice more Finally, the rat was presented with no noise

  8. SESSION 2 Albert’s reactions After Albert had experienced the rat and loud noise together 5 times… …he began immediately crying even when he saw the rat with no noise and crawled quickly away

  9. 5 days later… SESSION 3 To see if the fear was transferred/ generalised Neutral stimulus – Little Albert like playing with blocks so they were used to calm him down As he was playing with them he was presented with: A rabbit A dog A seal-fur coat Cotton wool Watson’s hair A Santa Claus mask Interspersed with being given the blocks to calm him down

  10. SESSION 3 Albert’s reactions = Happy Albert = Crying, moving away from stimulus & crawling away = Less negativity

  11. 5 days later… SESSION 4 To see how time had affected the response 1. Albert was presented the rat with no noise. The response was present but weaker so they performed conditioning again 2. Also conditioned response to the dog and rabbit by making loud noise with their presentation 3. Albert was taken to well-lit lecture theatre to see if the response was same as in the small lab room

  12. SESSION 4 Albert’s reactions = Fear response large, cried, crawled away = Fear reaction was slight = Still no fear response

  13. 1 month later… SESSION 5 Albert was tested again with various stimuli including the rat, rabbit, dog, fur coat and Santa Claus mask

  14. SESSION 5 Albert’s reactions Albert still showed varying degrees of fear reactions to all of the stimuli, still crying and crawling away some of the time He did seem less frightened of the rabbit and wanted to play with it BUT when he touched it he usually showed the fear response

  15. So what does it all mean? Session 2 After just 5 paired presentations a fear response had been conditioned so fear can be created through classical conditioning. Sessions 3 & 4 The fear could be transferred/ generalised to other similar objects Session 5 The fear response did not disappear over time

  16. Aim 4: To see how it is possible to remove the fear response in the laboratory • Little Albert was removed from the hospital after session 5. • Watson and Raynor were never able to see if they could remove the fear response • Little Albert may well have had a fear or furry animals for ever more. • When we move onto the treatments section of this topic we can see how the fear could have been removed with de-sensitisation.

  17. Let’s watch it in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FKZAYt77ZM

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