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The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006: Elderly Healthcare in Arizona

Explore the status of healthcare for the elderly in Arizona through The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006. Discover when a person is considered elderly, their healthcare options, and key facts on Medicare. Join us to learn about the intersection of politics and healthcare, with insightful quotes and historical perspectives. Dive into the evolution of healthcare reform in the United States, from the 1912 Election to modern Medicare reforms. Delve into the complexities of Medicare plans and the impact of legislative changes. Uncover the nuances of the U.S. healthcare system and its ongoing challenges. Don't miss this educational journey into elderly healthcare and policy decisions.

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The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006: Elderly Healthcare in Arizona

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  1. The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006 November 17, 2006 ASU at the Mercado

  2. The Status of Health Care for the Elderly in Arizona November 17, 2006 ASU at the Mercado

  3. Three Questions:Who are the Elderly?How is Your Health Care?Which Arizona? The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006

  4. When does a person become elderly?*AARP-50 *IHOP-55*Pebble Creek-55 *Harkins-60*FAA-60 *Golden Age-62*SS-62 to 67 *Medicare-65 *Bismarck, FDR, LBJ-65 The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006

  5. “The key to healthy aging is staying active and having a good sense of humor.”Art Linkletter (age 94), Nov. 11, 2006 The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006

  6. Politics and Health Care 2006 The Linda Haskell Memorial Master Class 2006

  7. Life can only beunderstood backwards;but it must belived forwards.Soren Kierkegaard

  8. “For treating a Gentleman a doctor should receive 5 sheckles of silver.” The Code of Hammurabi 1750 B.C.

  9. “For treating a Freed Man a doctor should receive 3 sheckles of silver.” The Code of Hammurabi 1750 B.C.

  10. “For treating a Gentleman’sservant, a doctor should receive 1 sheckle of silver.” The Code of Hammurabi 1750 B.C.

  11. Does that sound like Commercial, Medicare and Medicaid? The Code of Hammurabi 1750 B.C.

  12. “If a Physician make a large incision with the operating knife, and kill him, his HANDS will be cut off.” The Code of Hammurabi 1750 B.C.

  13. “Doctors cut, burn andtorture the sick, andthen demand of theman undeserved feefor such services.” Heraclitus 513 B.C.

  14. “All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and never reveal.” Hippocratic Oath


  16. “Three shapes a doctor wears,At first we hail the Angel;Then the God, if he prevail.Last, when the cure complete,He asks his fee,A hideous Demon he appears to be.” Roman Poem 100 B.C.

  17. “The role of the Physician is to entertain the patient while Nature takes it’s course.” Voltaire

  18. G.B. Shaw “Each Doctor should die of a disease in his own specialty.” The Doctor’s Dilemma; 1906

  19. 20th Century Health Care ReformIn The United States

  20. The 1912 ElectionThe Bull Moose PartySocial Insurance Teddy Roosevelt

  21. The Birth of the BluesPremium $6.00/Year Dallas, Texas December 20, 1929

  22. The 1932 ElectionThe New DealSocial Security or aNational Health System? Franklin Roosevelt

  23. WW IIWage Price ControlsEmployer Based Insurance Franklin Roosevelt

  24. Hill-Burton 1946“Socialized Medicine”AMA/AHA 1947 Harry Truman

  25. *Community Based Mental Health Services*Health Manpower Legislation1963 JFK

  26. “The Compromise and theAfterthought” July 30, 1965Emily Friedman LBJ

  27. “Medicare and Medicaid were supposed to last 5 or 6 years; they have lasted 40” Emily Friedman LBJ

  28. A Forgotten Fact!In 1966, as a condition for receiving Medicare reimbursement, hospitals in America desegregated! LBJ

  29. ADMINISTRATIVELY CONFIDENTIALTHE WHITE HOUSEEYES ONLY To: Secretary HEW “Review the report of the Task Force on Prescription Drugs and make recommendations relating to the inclusion of prescription drugs in Medicare and on ways to reduce the cost of drugs.” Joseph A. Califano, Jr. Special Assistant to the President August 21, 1967

  30. “The Father of Managed Care”The HMO Act of 1973 Richard M Nixon

  31. The Birth of Arizona’s Medicaid:AHCCCS (We are last) 1982 Ronald Reagan

  32. EMTALA“…ensure public access to emergency services regardless of ability to pay.” HCFA 1986 Ronald Reagan

  33. Medicare Catastrophic 1988-89 Reagan and Bush

  34. Medicare Catastrophic*Drug Benefit in Part B*Premium; $4.00 per month*Income Tax increase for high-incomeSeniors*Catastrophic Coverage Reagan and Bush

  35. Medicare Catastrophic“I love the benefit but I hate the financing. It should be a fair tax.”An Affluent Senior Reagan and Bush

  36. The Clinton Plan*Security *Simplicity*Savings *Quality *Choice *Responsibility 1993-94 Bill and Hillary

  37. The Clinton Plan *Medicare Rx under Part B*Premium; $11 per month *Deductible; $250*Annual Cap; $1000 Bill and Hillary

  38. OBRA ’95“Transportation of the Medicaid program.” The Gingrich Plan

  39. *The HIPAA*The BBA*The BBRA*The BIPA The Congress; 1996-2000

  40. *Bush*Gore*Nader*And Hanging Chads The 2000 Election

  41. The Medicare Prescription Drug Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003MPDIMA/MMA Medicare Reform; 2003

  42. “Medicare is a Cadillac. Unfortunately a 1960’s Cadillac.”Senator John Breaux Medicare Reform

  43. Only 3 things wrong with Medicare* Part A* Part B* The Benefit Package Medicare Reform

  44. Medicare Rx;Part D began on January 1!Were You Ready? Medicare Reform

  45. “The Tyranny of CHOICE”Scientific American; April 2004Barry Schwartz Medicare Reform

  46. “Logic suggests that having options allows people to select precisely what makes them happiest. But, as studies show, abundant choice often makes for misery.” Barry Schwartz Medicare Reform

  47. What did the 109th Congress do to Health Care? The U.S. Health Care System

  48. They passed the Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) in February 2006! The U.S. Health Care System

  49. *Chaotic *Costly*Inefficient *Inequitable*SuperbA Paradox The U.S. Health Care System

  50. *Medical Errors*Tort Reform*Social Security Reform*The Uninsured*Workforce Shortages*Paying for Health Care*General Motors*Consumer Driven Health Care Other Hot Button Issues

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