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Importance of Water: Properties and Significance

Explore the special properties of water, its importance in biological systems, and the formation of hydrogen bonds. Understand concepts such as high specific heat, cohesion, adhesion, and solvent properties of water. Dive into interactive demonstrations and experiments to grasp the unique characteristics of water. Prepare for quizzes and assignments related to the properties of water in living organisms.

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Importance of Water: Properties and Significance

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  1. Chapter 2:Chemistry of Life Section 2 Properties of Water

  2. Bellwork • Turn in your lab and conclusions stapled together from yesterday • Person #3 get textbooks for your group • Person #1 get 1 piece of colored paper for each person at your table • Person #4 get an admit slip for each person at your table. • Complete the Admit slip using the following pictures:

  3. Essential Question? Agenda • What properties of water make it so important? • Notes on Properties of Water • HW: • study for 2.2 quiz tomorrow at the end of class • 2.2 worksheet due tomorrow Learning Goal: • I will be able to • Describe the special properties of water and explain its importance. • Explain the formation of hydrogen bonds

  4. Frayer Fold Notes • You need ONE piece of paper folded “Frayer Style” • Turn to page 40 in your book.

  5. Water & Its Importance • Why is water important for our bodies? • Water makes up 70 to 95 percent of most organisms.

  6. Water Characteristics Page 40

  7. What is water? Frayer Polar Molecule NOT a Polar molecule These have regions with a slightly positive and slightly negative charge so they attract, like a magnet Molecule that shares the bonds more equally examples fats & oils. What is water? Hydrogen bond Looks like The attraction between slightly positive Hydrogen atom and a slightly negative atom. One hydrogen bond is weak , but many hydrogen bonds are strong

  8. Hydrogen bonding Demonstration • How many drops of water do you think will fit on a penny before the water breaks? • Write it on the corner of your paper and lets see who’s closest. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv4Jrc06yLA&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

  9. Water Properties High Specific Heat Cohesion Water sticks to each other- this creates surface tension. Water resists temperature changes which helps regulate cell temperatures. Properties of water Adhesion Solvent Water is usually present in a greater amount and its polarity helps dissolve other substances. Water is attracted to other substances-creates capillary action Ex. transpiration-process when plants and trees remove water from the soil

  10. Properties of water Return • High Specific Heat & Solvent http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH1yphfgfFI&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

  11. Cohesion … Return Helps insects walk across water

  12. Adhesion Causes Capillary Action Which gives water the ability to “climb” structures

  13. Return Adhesion Also Causes Water to … Attach to a silken spider web Form spheres & hold onto plant leaves

  14. Cool Water Trick • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ctaA2mERzI&feature=related&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

  15. Another cool water video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFPvdNbftOY

  16. Quickwrite-Exit Slip • 2 minutes • REMEMBER you are just trying to WRITE for the ENTIRE TWO MINUTES!!! • Explain what you learned about water today.

  17. Water Characteristics Day 2 Sept 10th-11th

  18. No BW due to sub • Collect 2.2 Worksheet • Review Notes “Adhesion and Solvent” • Properties of water Paper clip Lab • Complete Section 2.3 of Workbook

  19. Water Characteristics Day 3 Sept 14th

  20. Bellwork • If you were absent Thurs/Fri, come see me. • Update your Table of Contents

  21. Agenda • Review Chapter 1 Test • Who’s missing it? • Retest Forms • Review Properties of Water Notes • Review Properties of Water Lab • HW: Study for you Properties of Water QUIZ tomorrow! • Review 2.3 Workbook page (did you get this?) • Due Thursday/Friday

  22. Water Characteristics Day 4 Sept 15th

  23. Bellwork • If you were absent come see me. • Turn in your Properties of Water Lab and 2.2 worksheet • If you do not have these complete take out a piece of paper and write a not with the following: • Your name, Name of Assignment, Today’s date, Reason Not completed • Pick up a new bellwork sheet, hole punch it and place it in your bellwork section of your binder. • Complete #1 on the new bellwork sheet • Study for your quiz when finished.

  24. Essential Question? Agenda • What properties of water make it so important? • Review 2.2 worksheet • Quiz on Properties of Water • Begin Macromolecules Concept Definition Maps • HW: 2.3 Worksheet due Thursday Learning Goal: • I will be able to • Describe the special properties of water and explain its importance. • Explain the formation of hydrogen bonds

  25. What do you know? • Using one post it note per piece of information write down what you know about the 4 macromolecules: Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids, Lipids, Proteins and what you know about Carbon.

  26. Bellwork 9/16 • Turn in Properties of Water and 2.2 Worksheet if you haven’t done so. Pick up a Yellow sheet, complete it and turn it in if you haven’t done so AND don’t have them complete. • If you were absent/testing check the absent file for your work. • Complete #3 of your bellwork NOT #2.

  27. Essential Question: Learning Goal: I will be able to: Explain why carbon is valuable to living things Compare and Contrast the structure and function of the different types of macromolecules • What are carbon compounds and why are they important for living things?

  28. Agenda • Video on Macromolecules • Begin the Macromolecules Concept Definition folder • HW: Complete 2.3 Worksheet

  29. Chemistry of Life Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ7xOSCEmZw&list=PLwL0Myd7Dk1EoPeKlyuKR7obb5OKLSnTN

  30. Exit Ticket… • Answer the following in complete sentences based on what you’ve learned today… • Why is Carbon so important to living things? • What question do you still have from today’s lesson?

  31. Macromolecule Lab and Foldable 9/17-18

  32. Bellwork 9/17-18 • If you were absent come see me to get your make up work • Turn in your 2.3 Worksheet – If you do not have this pick up and fill out a yellow sheet and turn it in. • Also, Properties of Water Lab should be turned in and 2.2 worksheet. Otherwise, get a Yellow Sheet! • Take out your Foldable from yesterday. • For example, group 1 gets supplies from the cabinet labeled group 1.

  33. Essential Question: Learning Goal: I will be able to: Explain why carbon is valuable to living things Compare and Contrast the structure and function of the different types of macromolecules • What are carbon compounds and why are they important for living things?

  34. Agenda 9/17-18 • Macromolecule Foldable • Macromolecule Lab • HW: Finish Foldable and Lab – due Monday!

  35. Lab • You will be timed! • 5 minutes to read and complete a section in your foldable • 5 minutes to complete the lab for that section of your foldable • Rotate tables and lab stations

  36. Exit slip • Answer the following: • Did the lab help or hinder your understanding of Macromolecules? Explain! • What question do you still have from today’s lesson?

  37. Macromolecule Review 9/21

  38. Bellwork 9/21 • If you were absent check the absent filing cabinet. READ and DO what your slip says! • Turn in your COMPLETED Ch 1 RETEST Packet, Macromolecules LAB and Foldable-if you don’t have it done fill out a Yellow Sheet and turn it in today! Bring your work tomorrow. • Pick up your new bellwork sheet and complete #1 for this week.

  39. Essential Question: Learning Goal: I will be able to: Compare and Contrast the structure and function of the different types of macromolecules • How are the macromolecules similar and different in their structure and function?

  40. Agenda 9/21 • Macromolecules Word Sort and Analogy Poster • HW: Macromolecules Analogies Poster– due Tuesday

  41. Word Sort • As a team classify the characteristics with their appropriate macromolecule. • When finished, get Ms. Black’s attention to be approved. • Fill out your WORD Sort Sheet-place in binder

  42. Analogy • Begin Working on your Macromolecule Analogies. • For Example, • Nucleic acids store information (function)which is like a __computer hard drive____________ because it also stores information. • Two examples of Nucleic acids are ____DNA and RNA________.

  43. Exit ticket • Put your name on the slip of paper • Answer the Essential question. Be specific and use proper terminology. • If you are still confused about something, tell me. • Place it in a pocket when you are done.

  44. Enzymes Section 2.4 and 2.5

  45. Bellwork 9/22 • If you were absent check the filing cabinet. READ and DO what it says! • Turn in your Macromolecule Analogies-complete and turn in a YELLOW SHEET if you don’t have it and bring it tomorrow! • Complete #2 of you new bellwork sheet for this week. • STUDY for your Quiz- remember to focus on the structure, function, monomers, polymers and examples.

  46. Enzymes Essential Question: Learning Goal: • How do enzymes impact living things and what affects the way enzyme work? • Explain how enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of a reaction. • Identify and explain how the factors like pH and temperature affect enzymes.

  47. Agenda 9/22 • QUIZ-Macromolecules • Begin Enzyme notes (section 2.4 and 2.5) • HW: Concept Maps

  48. Enzymes- Day 2 9/23

  49. Bellwork 9/23 • If you were absent check the filing cabinet. READ and DO what it says! • Take out your Enzyme Notes from yesterday and place on your desk. • Complete #3 of you new bellwork sheet for this week.

  50. Enzymes Essential Question: Learning Goal: • How do enzymes impact living things and what affects the way enzyme work? • Explain how enzymes work by lowering the activation energy of a reaction. • Identify and explain how the factors like pH and temperature affect enzymes.

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