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ASSOCIATED PARTNERS. Spain (Fundacion Triptolemos). Food Microsystems CSA-ICT-FP7. Project Objectives: Analysis of the microsystems use/development in/for the agrofood sector Defining future perspectives and roadmaps. MST . Food. dialog. Food Industry challenges. Efficient Production.

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  1. ASSOCIATED PARTNERS Spain (Fundacion Triptolemos)

  2. Food Microsystems CSA-ICT-FP7 • Project Objectives: • Analysis of the microsystems use/development in/for the agrofood sector • Defining future perspectives and roadmaps MST Food dialog

  3. FoodIndustrychallenges Efficient Production Quality & Safety Environmentalimpact Quality and safety management Agile & efficient production Reduced environmental impact Food & beverage The food industry needs to guarantee foodsafety, improve process control and the quality of the food products, and decrease its impact on the environment (optimize raw material use and minimize waste) while continuing to provide affordable food supply to a growing population

  4. Microsystems Innovations Continuous on line/ in line non-contact process control systems (e.g. micro-spectrometers, gas sensor systems). They may further derive into handheld devices for professionals or even for consumers (e.g. smartphone) Biosensing System Integration MNT SmartSystems Biosensingsystemsforin-situ punctualfastchemical and biologicalsensing. A combination of this and thepreviousapproachmay derive tosmarttags-active packaging (energy and material issuesto be solved) Autonomousphysical-chemicalwireless sensor networksforon-fieldenvironmental control Phys-Chem sensing

  5. Environm. impact Biosensing “MST forfood” Quality & Safety System Integration MST Smart Systems Food & beverage Process control Phys-Chem sensing FMS MiniaturisedPhysical –Chemical-BiologicalSystemsforfood/beverageprocessing, process control and environmentalsustainability

  6. Factsand figures of thefood & beverage sector Food industry is a traditional and conservative industry mostly dealing with low margin/commodity products reluctant to take a proactive role in new technologies that have no fast ROI. It worries about reliability (or perception of such) of any new technology and it has a lack of MNT/MEMS/SSI awareness,

  7. Mechatronics MEMS Micromachining MST Microsystems NEMS Nanosystems Microsystems, MST, MEMS,...: Whatare they? Comunication

  8. Definition of MST forFood • The FMS area is microsystems (MST) with application in the food sector. • Microsystems is defined as systems that provide information on the food products or change the properties of the food products and involves component build using micro and nano technologies. It focuses on material / device / equipment developments that could be regarded as an ICT contribution to food applications. • We do not cover ingredients or additives in the food.

  9. MST: From a chip…toaninstrument Componentorsubsystem wafer on-line device benchtop portable Miniaturised and cost-effective instruments

  10. Main Microsystems areas of use • Food safety (pathogens, pesticides, mycotoxins, fungi, antibiotic contamination,…). • Food quality (freshness, ripeness, sugar content, taste, size, colour, odour…). • Logistics and traceability (transport, storage,…) • Food production control(improving efficiency, on-line, in-line control…) • …and development of novel functional and nutritional foods: • Filtration / fractionation • Emulsification / encapsulation • Surface modification

  11. Farmers Industrials Retailers Consumers Processing Recollection Transport Transport Storage Consumption (transforming, poisoning) (degrading) to eat, or not to eat. Storage (active-evolving, degrading) Safety and Quality Assessment with M&NT MST contribution: closeness to the foodstuff & power of analysis & speed (multisensing, multipoint sensing, continuous monitoring, automation/non-specialist intervention) and where MST can be used? Foodchain monitoring and traceability: safety and quality assessment stages

  12. FMS Survey: FirstcommercialProducts

  13. EuropeanResearchon MST forFoodTechnologies • Biosensors, Microfluidics and RFIDs are the more studied in Europe. • Also Flexible electronics and physical and chemical sensors.

  14. FoodSectors in FP6 & FP7 MST R&D • Dairy and fruits, beverages and vegetables are the main food sectors, followed by meat

  15. Applications in FP6 & FP7 R&D

  16. Someconclusionsfrom FMS study • Up to now, only logistics and traceabilitywith RFID cards with integrated sensorsis a potential mass market application. • Some products are already on the market but with a cost that is not yet low enough. • Other niche markets, especially for food safety and quality that are addressed with optical and bio-sensing solutions, but big commercial success has not yet been achieved. • Food process control, can help on assuring safety and quality but also on optimising the production.

  17. Microstructures & microdevices & microsystems • Passive Microdevices (membranes, microsieves) • Physical sensors • Biosensors, DNA-chips • Chemical Sensors / e-noses, e-tongues / Microchromatographs

  18. Ip Ip - - based Comm based Comm Air and earth temperature Air and earth humidity Wind direction Leafs parameters s others Radio Radio Comm Comm Microstructures & microdevices & microsystems • Optical Sensors / Microspectrometers • Microfluidics / Lab-on-a-chip • Printed electronics • RFIDs / Wireless Sensor Networks

  19. Some Conclusions of FMS survey • Looking for MST solutions that both can compete with laboratory systems but also that can complement them. • Current use of other non MST or standard laboratory solutions is still valid when small size is not a must • MST are looking for improving the stability and reliability of biosensors, as it is still an issue for on-line and in-line deployments • Regulations (samples of 25 g.) may be an issue for MNT based solutions, but they also create new regulations, and also be used for screening.

  20. Summary: Applications/Sectors/Technologies

  21. Some Commercial Examples

  22. RFIDS + Sensors Monitoring cold chain of perishable products

  23. Time/temperature indicators www.onvu.com

  24. Pathogendetection

  25. Examples of commercial products Quality control in wine, beer, fruit juices, milk,… Determination of glucose, fructose, etanol, L-malic, L-lacticand gluconicacids,… InbeaBioensors

  26. Packaging: Ripeness www.ripesense.com

  27. Quality control Colour control withMicrospectrometers • InsionGmBh

  28. Separation / Fractionation Cees van Rijn – Aquamarijn

  29. emulsion oil Membrane emulsification membrane

  30. Water quality control in food processing Chemicalsensorsprobes • Ingredient water purity • Water use optimization • Process efficiency • Effective wastewater treatment

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