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Rules and Procedures. Mrs. McAdams. My info. Mrs. Nikki McAdams 972-617-3535 Ext. 6101 E-mail: crystal.mcadams@redoakisd.org Website: pages.redoakisd.org/ crystalcolquitt (will get this changed to crystalmcadams ASAP)
Rules and Procedures Mrs. McAdams
My info • Mrs. Nikki McAdams • 972-617-3535 Ext. 6101 • E-mail: crystal.mcadams@redoakisd.org • Website: pages.redoakisd.org/crystalcolquitt (will get this changed to crystalmcadams ASAP) • Conference: 4th period; or before school and after school by appointment
Class curriculum • Advanced journalism is a two-semester laboratory course designed to produce the Red Oak High School publications. • Staff members will gain experience working in all facets of publication and business areas. • Assignments may include copy preparation, marketing, layout design, photography, caption writing, reporting, editing, creating artwork, advertising sales, and representing the publication and the school to members of the student body, administration, and the public. • The work is completed individually, in pairs, and in groups. Group work will help improve editing, team building, and problem solving skills. • Making responsible decisions and meeting advertising revenue goals are necessary to produce the publications. • Dedicated time, commitment, and a sense of teamwork and pride are crucial for a quality publication.
Purpose and goals • The purpose of a journalistically sound publication is to record, ethically and accurately, the history of the school community each year. • It should be packaged in an attractive way which considers the needs, desires, and tastes of its audience. • Staff members should also recognize their role in working on a financially solvent publication and meeting budget through participation in sales, marketing, and fundraising. • Our overarching purpose remains to build accountability and integrity as a publication and represent our school in a positive manner.
Policy • Advanced journalism is a laboratory class created with the purpose of educating the students and producing the yearbook. • All school, state, and federal guidelines will be followed. • Mrs. McAdams reserves the right to make all final decisions.
Major Grades • We will have a major deadline cycle each month from October to March (for yearbook) and October to May (for magazine). • These assignments include major deadlines, mini-deadlines, background interviews, boot camp assignments, advertising sales/efforts, professionalism, and assigned yearbook projects. • Major grades will be given throughout each deadline cycle.
Daily Grades • Daily grades will also be given on a regular basis. • These assignments include class participation, attendance of staff meetings, boot camp assignments, quizzes, skill builders, peer editing, mini-deadlines, and assigned projects. • Daily participation grades will be taken randomly and without notice. • Grades will be taken throughout the deadline cycle.
Style Quizzes • Random style quizzes may be given that focus on AP style guidelines. • These will be given and Fridays and you will be reminded of what the focus area is for that particular quiz.
Participation • The publications are a very expensive business. • We all depend upon each other, and we are only as strong as our weakest link. • Active participation is crucial for success. • Daily participation grades will be taken randomly and without notice and will be based on your level of active participation.
Distribution • Successful distribution is crucial in order for all of our hard work to pay off. • It is MANDATORY that all staff members fully participate throughout the distribution process. • A TEST GRADE will be given for distribution during the final six weeks.
Apology Letters • Producing a publication requires careful attention to details. This skill also will serve you well throughout your life. • We strive to spell people’s names correctly and to verify all facts. • Mistakes sometimes happen, but we take responsibility for them. • If your mistake winds up in print, you will be assigned to write a letter of apology to all the persons affected by your mistake. • The letters will be graded and then mailed.
Deadlines • Meeting deadlines is a crucial responsibility in the journalism world. • In a professional job, missing deadlines would get you fired. • This is a class and a business. If you miss your deadlines, Jostens will apply late charges to our yearbook bill. (yrbk only) • All deadlines, including page assignments, advertising assignments, photo assignments, etc., will receive two test grades: one based on meeting the deadline and the other based on the assignment’s quality. • It is not enough just to turn in mediocre work on time. The material you submit must be ready for publication.
Deadlines continued • If a deadline is missed, the student will receive a ZERO for the deadline test grade. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS made for this rule. • Staff members must practice time management and planning skills. • Every day past the deadline, 10 points will be deducted from the test grade. • In the case of an excused absence, the student may email the assignment to crystal.mcadams@redoakisd.orgor make arrangements with Mrs. McAdams so that the deadlines are not missed. • Our deadlines DO NOT change when students miss class. Much like the real world, missing deadlines costs money.
Important • Be advised that less than satisfactory work will not be included in the yearbook. • The assignment may be transferred to another staffer if necessary. • Furthermore, staffers who repeatedly miss deadlines will be placed on probation.
Advertising • Producing the publication requires the staff to raise money in order to pay for a portion of the cost and production costs, while leaving enough money for the staff to live on. • The vast majority of this money comes from senior advertisements and business advertisements. • It is the responsibility of staff members to contribute time and effort to bring advertisers to the publication. • Staff members will receive TEST GRADES for their effort and success in business advertising sales at designated times throughout the year. • Mrs. McAdams must approve these advertisers for any credit. • This grade will be an accumulation of points with a maximum of 100.
Continued Education • In addition to the standard deadline schedule, we will have continuous education to introduce new skills and address weaknesses. • This is a learning process and a work-in-progress. • Your ability will improve as the year progresses.
Equipment Use • The journalism department has cameras and other equipment available to check out for production of the publication. • Anyone who wants to check out equipment must see Mrs. McAdams. • Only she can decide who will use what equipment for what activity. • Choosing to disregard proper checkout procedure, irresponsible camera care and poor photo effort will get you grounded from the cameras. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Supplies • Spiral Notebook (preferably perforated) • Pens (NEVER be without one) • Pencils • Red pens • Highlighters • Box of tissues • Glue sticks • Hand sanitizer • Photographers: memory card
Absences • You are responsible for getting your makeup work and for turning it in on time. • Before or after class, check with Mrs. McAdams to learn what handouts and assignments you may have missed. • DO NOT interrupt class to ask for missed work. • Failure to make up assignments will result in a zero. • Mrs. McAdams is the only person who can give you permission to leave the classroom. • If you are not in the classroom and you do not have Mrs. McAdams’ permission, you will receive an unexcused absence for that day. • This includes missing class for dress code violations, tardies, etc.
Rules and Expectations • The rules are simple and the expectations are high. • Follow directions the first time they are given. • Food and drinks are not permitted in the classroom, with the exception of water, which must be kept away from the computers. • Music will only be tolerated through headphones, unless otherwise specified by Mrs. McAdams. • No use of electronic devices during a lesson or while someone is talking or presenting. • Stay in class unless you have permission from Mrs. McAdams and have followed the appropriate procedures. (Press Pass and Interview Approval Form) Sign yourself out on the board, including your destination location. • Represent Red Oak High School and our staff with dignity and professionalism.
The 5 P’s BE PUNCTUAL • That means be in your seat and working on your bell work by the time the tardy bell rings. • As soon as you enter the classroom each day, go straight to your seat and immediately begin preparing for class.
The 5 P’s BE PREPARED • Come to class with all of your supplies and be ready to learn something every day. • Also come to class with any work that is due for that day. • You will not be allowed to leave class to retrieve work or supplies from your locker, which will result in a dramatic decrease in your daily grade.
The 5 P’s BE POLITE • It all boils down to respect. All students and teachers deserve a classroom environment that is free from ridicule, rudeness and name-calling. • If we respect each others’ opinions, property and rights, we should all get along. • Respect includes not talking when others are talking, respecting others’ rights to express their thoughts and opinions, taking care of classroom equipment, not bothering things that don’t belong to you, keeping your hands to yourself, etc. • This also includes respecting all rules set forth by the district, which are found in your student handbook.
The 5 P’s BE PRODUCTIVE • Work diligently and get your work done. • I expect you to put forth as much effort into every assignment as you possibly can. • Whether or not you have homework depends on how you utilize your class time, so take advantage of it.
The 5 P’s BE POSITIVE • Leave bad attitudes out in the hall • Come to class each day with an “I can” attitude • Give it your all each day • Even if you don’t understand something, don’t give up • Keep trying until you get it right!
Leaving the Classroom • I encourage you to take advantage of the passing period for restroom and water breaks. However, I understand that situations do occur and in such occasions, the following rules apply: • Only one student may be out at a time. • You must ask for permission to leave. • Do not be disruptive upon exiting or returning to the classroom. • Return in a timely fashion • It shouldn’t take you longer than 5 minutes. • No one will be granted permission to leave the classroom during instructional time. • Certain emergency situations may call for exceptions to this rule.
3 Strike Rule • A student will be given a mark for any type of misbehavior • Upon receiving the third mark, the student will receive a detention • Please note that some actions will cause an automatic detention • Example: throwing things, insubordination, etc.
Note Checks • Many of our daily grades will consist of note checks. • Any time lectures are given by Mrs. McAdams, taking notes is required, not optional. • Note-taking skills are required for success in college and the workplace • Refusing to take notes will result in a ZERO for a daily grade.
Computer Usage • Computers are to be used ONLY for the purpose specified by the teacher • You should not be working on anything other than your assignment on the computers. • Respect the equipment and take good care of it • Absolutely no games, e-mail or any other website that is not educational • No inappropriate material is to be viewed
Consequences for Misuse • 1stoffense: Warning • 2nd offense: loss of privileges for rest of day, daily grade replaced by bookwork assignment • 3rd offense: loss of privileges for one week, daily grade(s) replaced by bookwork assignment(s); detention • After that: probation
Probation • This is an advanced level class that requires maturity, a strong work ethic, and time management skills. • Only those students who can abide by the rules and maintain deadline requirements need remain on staff. • Several habitual mistakes can lead to a student being placed on probation. • Before a student is placed on probation, parents will be included in the process to correct the problem. • The probation time period will be determined by Mrs. McAdams. • During this time, if the student continues the habitually negative behavior, the student may be removed from the staff.
Probation continued • If this occurs during a time period when class schedules cannot be altered, the student will complete journalism work for the duration of the course. However, the student will not participate in producing the publication any longer. • Students on probation will be assigned journalism coursework, which will be graded in lieu of story/photo assignments. • Students on probation may not be allowed to participate in production and staff group activities. • They may also not be allowed to work on computers. • If the staff member continues to miss assignment deadlines while on probation, he/she will be removed from staff at semester or as the counselors deem appropriate for the student’s graduation requirements.
Immediate Removal From Staff • As a member of the Red Oak High School publications team, you are expected to represent the school and the publication in a positive manner, both inside and outside of school. • A staff member may be immediately removed from staff if they do any of the following • Steal any staff or school property • Exhibit any behavior that seriously compromises the publication or the teaching environment • Threaten the advisor or any other student • If this occurs during a time period when class schedules cannot be altered, the student will complete journalism work for the duration of the course. However, the student will not participate in the publication’s production.
The End Follow these simple procedures and we will all have a great year!!!