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Welcome to Rensselaer!

Welcome to Rensselaer! . Meet Your Advisor . Advisor’s Name: Agung Julius Office address: JEC 6044 Phone number: 518-276-6993 Office hours: Mon & Wed (2-3 pm)+Tue(4-5 pm) Email: agung@ecse.rpi.edu Best way to reach me: by email. Important Information. My role as your advisor

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Welcome to Rensselaer!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcometo Rensselaer!

  2. Meet Your Advisor • Advisor’s Name: Agung Julius • Office address: JEC 6044 • Phone number: 518-276-6993 • Office hours: Mon & Wed (2-3 pm)+Tue(4-5 pm) • Email: agung@ecse.rpi.edu • Best way to reach me: by email

  3. Important Information • My role as your advisor • Your role as a student • Academic resources • Academic deadlines • Opportunities outside of the classroom

  4. What is my role as your advisor • Develop an educational plan consistent with goals • Provide and explain general educational requirements • Monitor and discuss issues of concern regarding your academic progress • Recommend opportunities for personal growth and academic development • Referyou to specific campus or community resources

  5. Your role as a student • To complete and review an educational plan. • To monitor your progress towards your degree • To come prepared with questions regarding curriculum, course selections, career options, etc. to discuss with their advisor • To know your advisor’s office hours, and meet with him once a semester • To understand that the advisor’s role is to give information, and options for them to make an informed choice- not to make the decision for them • To let the advisor know that you are experiencing academic difficulty

  6. What you need to succeed? • Course Catalogue- all the information you need about your major, requirements, course descriptions, etc. (on-line) • Curriculum Advising Planning Program (CAPP) Report- tracks your degree progress (SIS) *** • Transcript- including Undeclared/Gen. study • Course Syllabus- read it and write down all of the important dates (tests, quizzes, hw) • Network with your department. Get to know your professors, who they are, what they are interested in (research and education).

  7. Important dates • Add deadline is Monday, Sept. 14th • Drop deadline is on Friday, Oct. 23rd • Consultation week starts on Oct. 26th • Our next advising meetings: • Tuesday, Oct. 6th at 4:00 PMsame place. • Tuesday, Nov. 3rd at 4:00PM same place

  8. How are courses going? • If you feel overwhelmed with the courses you have, come see me. • If you are taking a higher level math or science and feel the pace is too fast, come see me. We might want to switch courses. • Chemistry 1 will give an assessment test on Sept. 9th ,tomorrow, that is based on what you should have had in a high school chemistry. It will give you an idea what concepts you will need to review. It is worth 5% of your final grade. • Any problems with online submissions, HW?

  9. Calculus 1 • You had a quiz in your calculus class. Please come see me if you have concerns. http://calculus.math.rpi.edu/rsc-online-version.pdf • The math dept. & ALAC are running review sessions through out the semester for Cal 1. • Wednesday, September 2nd ------- 8 - 10 PM DCC 308Thursday, September 3rd ----------- 8 - 10 PM DCC 324Wednesday, September 9th -------- 8 - 10 PM DCC 308Sunday September 13th -------------8 - 10 PM DCC  308 Contacts: Bruce Piper-Faculty member Bharathkrishnamurthy- krish6@rpi.edu –Graduate Student

  10. Common Test Times • Chemistry: • Wednesday, Sept. 9th (will be an assessment test ) • Wednesday, Sept. 30th • Wednesday, October 28th • Wednesday, Dec. 2nd • Intro to Engineering Analysis: • Wednesday, Sept. 23rd Make-up Sept. 30th • Wednesday, Oct. 21st Make-up Oct. 28th • Wednesday, Nov. 18th Make-up Dec. 2nd

  11. Important dates

  12. Strategies to manage 2 exams • Some of you will take 2 exams on the same day or the same week • Make a study schedule-starting w/ the hardest one first • Make notes what is not clear or confusing • Go to your professor/TA office hours for clarification • Go to the Supplemental Instruction & tutoring sessions • Practice problems by doing them and checking your answers • Form a study group to ask and review problems • Get plenty of rest the night before • Eat breakfast or bring a snack with you

  13. ALAC Resources Advising and Learning Assistance Center 2106 Sage lab X6269 • Learning Assistants (LAs) in residence hall – go over time management, study & test-taking skills, form study groups) • Learning Specialist for test taking skills, test anxiety, time management and organizational skills • Drop in Tutoring • Supplemental Instruction

  14. Tutoring Center Drop in Tutoring DCC 345 Begins Thurs. Sept. 4th Schedule will be posted on web page at: http://alac.rpi.edu Monday - Thursday 8 pm – 10 pm There will be tutors for most 1000 & 2000 courses in math, science and engineering. *All Computer Science Courses will be held in Low 3130 – Laptop Lab

  15. Learning Assistants

  16. SI – Supplemental Instruction SI Begins First Week of Classes A Graduate student reviews professor’s lecture, goes over problems and helps them understand the weekly concepts. • CHEMISTRY I Mon. & Wed 6 PM - 8 PM -- DCC 239 • IEASun. & Tue. 8 PM - 10 PM – DCC 236 • Physics I Sun 6-8 PM & Tues. 8-10 PM DCC 235

  17. Other outreach services • Office of the First Year Experience • Located in 4100 Academy Hall x6864fye@rpi.edu • Tuesday Tool Box Series 4-6 PM in Nason classroom (workshops on stress management, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, academic success ) • Helps resolve problems or concerns for first-year students

  18. Health and Counseling CentersBoth located on 3rd floor of Academy Hall Health Center X6287-Open 7 days a week • Medical care • Allergy care • Health education Counseling Center X6479 open 5 days on-call 24/7 • Relaxation training for anxiety • Improving communication skills • Improving study habits • Relating to parents • Helping with depression

  19. Career Development Center • 210 Darrin Communications Center X6234 • Career Counselors available for individual consultations on career paths and opportunities • Cooperative Education- work experience • Internships (summer, fall and spring)

  20. Career Panels

  21. Opportunities Outside the Classroom • Archer Center for Student Leadership (Academy Hall X 2119) The Leadership conference (Impressions of Leadership- Design Yours )–open to all students! Need to sign up. Saturday, Sept. 26h 9:30-2:30 PM (networking, communicating, recruitment techniques) • Career Fairon Oct. 2 & 3rd sponsored by two students groups NSBE & SHPE. • Undergraduate Research Program (URP) – for later years.

  22. International Programs for Students • Rensselaer Engineering Education Across Cultural Horizons • Starting in Spring 2009 for Class of 2010 • Denmark Technical University • Nanyang Technical University, Singapore • Other partnerships under development Global Engineering Education Exchange Program Individual educational opportunities at multiple universities worldwide Campus wide programs through the Vice Provost’s Office

  23. Remember to… • Review your notes, read the text book • Go to Professor office hours for assistance when needed • Manage your time - 5-6 hours of studying per day is the average • Get a scheduler/calendar, write down exams and deadlines, check them daily.

  24. Remember to… • Any general questions or concerns, come to see me • Get to know a faculty member • Get involved in campus activities: clubs, intramural sports, student government, etc. • Keep in touch with your family, share stories, learn how to make family dishes, etc • Keep yourself well, physically and mentally.

  25. Questions? • If no one has any questions, please fill out the information sheet and hand it to me when you are finished. • See you at the next session, same time and same place. • Remember to take the handouts.

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