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The Chamber of Small Business and Trade supports SMEs in Slovenia by offering assistance, advice, education, and lobbying for a better business environment. It integrates various service and production activities and provides a range of benefits to its members.
Chamber of Small Business and TradeSection of reflexotherapists
Chamber of Small Business and Trade(until 1 January 2008 it was titled The Small Business Association) was founded in 1975 as part of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. Its main mission is to understand that the SMEs field is more vulnerable than the rest of the economy, and to assist and support the SMEs in various ways. Currently there are around 6,500 members from 80 different business activities, out of them around 5,000 small traders.
Chamber of Small Business and Trade integrates the enterprises classified into different service and production activities according to the Standard Classification of Activities and taking into consideration the »non-craft activity« and the size criteria as laid down by the Companies Act: • Enterprises and sole traders, primarily services providers (e.g. office cleaning services, building security services, repair of household appliances, car repair etc.), regardless of their size and • Medium-sized, small and micro enterprises and sole traders specialised primarily in production activity.
The Chamber of Small Business and Trade’s vision is to be: an information, expertise, educational, business and lobbying centre for its members with following activities: • assistance and advice in trade through Infopika, business, legal, marketing, management, international and other fields • information providing (basic business information, trade, legal, financial, marketing, management field, etc.) including the fortnight E-news and the website • education, workshops and seminars with an exchange of best business practices and knowledge around the regions of Slovenia • technology and business networking, clustering and cooperation, • collective agreement applying to all workers and members, except traders • representing the interests of the members and the specific sections of the members to the state institutions and other partners • lobbying and other organised “pressures” to create more SMEs friendly business environment in Slovenia (legislation, etc.) • promotion and higher profile of The Chamber of Small Business and Trade in public • international cooperation: EU funds, other international projects • social networking
Competitive advantages of the Chamber of Small Business and Trade are: • integration of various services activities (over 80 activities) • decades of experience with SMEs field in Slovenia • experienced, business-oriented and multilingual staff • cheaper educational services for members • flexibility and understanding of the SMEs needs • commercial discounts to its members • model of small traders integrations in joint purchasing chains • business clubs • networking in Slovenia and abroad.
Section of reflexotherapists Was founded in 1997 to suport educational program for reflexotherapists At first only a few members tried to realise important projects (10…50) 10 years of hard work NPQ-reflexotherapist as profession and status Cooperation with Ministry of health representing our interests (The law – alternative and komplementary natural healing)
Questions and future • Representing the interests of the members to the state institutions • To make our profession more recognised • Assistance and advice (to get more members) • lobbying
PROGRAM 2008 • Work on several projects including: • Promotion • Cooperation • Representing • Lobbying Nada Tomazin Dokl, Reflexotherapist
Kontakti Podjetniško trgovska zbornica, Dimičeva 13, Ljubljana Strokovna služba : Direktorica: mag. Vida Kožar Samostojna svetovalka: mag. Bernarda Baša Svetovalka: Blanka Gaberc Kotnik Tel. 01/ 5898 312 Fax: 01/5898 317 E mail: ptz@gzs.si http://www.gzs.si/slo/panoge/podjetnisko_trgovska_zbornica