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Invisible Data Embedded Display Transmission Schemes for OCC

Proposal for variable invisible data embedded display transmission schemes for Optical Camera Communication (OCC) in IEEE 802.15 working group. Includes modulation, distance adaptive, asynchronous, and frame rate adaptive communication schemes.

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Invisible Data Embedded Display Transmission Schemes for OCC

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  1. Project: IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Invisible data embedded Display Tx schemes for OCC Date Submitted: 10 January, 2016 Source:Jaesang Cha[SNUST], Junghoon Lee [ Dong Seoul Univ.] and Vinayagam Mariappan [SNUST] Address : Seoul National University of Science & Technology [SNUST], Seoul, Korea Voice: +82-2-970-6431, FAX: +82-2-970-6123, E-Mail: chajs@seoultech.ac.kr Re: Response to Call For IEEE802.15.7r1 Proposal on November 2015 Abstract: Variable invisible data embedded Display Tx schemes for OCC are proposed. Variable modulation Scheme, Distance adaptive , Angle Free, Asynchronous, Rx Distance and Frame rate adaptive OCC communication schemes are proposed. Purpose: To submit a Proposal IEEE 802.15.7r1 Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE 802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by IEEE 802.15 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  2. SNUST 802.15.7r1 Proposal for Invisible data embedded Display Tx schemes for OCC Jaesang Cha [SNUST] Vinayagam Mariappan [SNUST] Junghoon Lee [ Dong Seoul University] Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  3. Contents • Introduction • Proposal Descriptions • Network Device Architecture • MAC Layer • PHY Layer • Device Management Entity • Simulation Analysis • Conclusion Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  4. Introduction Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  5. Introduction (1) • Information needed to transfer is encoded into a visual frame • Any camera equipped device can turn to the Display screen scene and decode the information Smart Device • Advantages • Operating on the Visible Light Spectrum Band • Electromagnetic Interference Free Communication • Promising out-of-band communication for Short Range information acquisition Display Screens Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  6. Introduction (2) • Display Screen – Smart Device Tx & Rx Data Flow • Issues • Displays Visible Coded Images • Uses QR Code, 2D Barcode, Color Code Patterns • Unpleasant View Experience • Camera receiver to be closer to the screen • Low Data Rate • Need addition Synchronization Block Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  7. Introduction (3) • Proposing Invisible Data Embedded on Display Screen – Smart Device Communication Mode • Unobtrusive to the human eyes • Decodable by Camera Eyes Tx Rx Data Received • Design Goal • Unobtrusive to Screen Viewer • Works on dynamic visual Scene • Angle and Distance Free Communication • Rx Distance Adaptive Communication by Screen with interactive Camera • Asynchronous Communication • Rx Frame Rate independent Transmission Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  8. Proposal Descriptions Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  9. Proposal Overview • Key features • Invisible Data Embedding • Works on dynamic visual Scene • Angle Free and Distance Adaptive Communication • Rx Distance Adaptive Data Rate Control by Screen with interactive Camera • Asynchronous Communication • Rx Frame Rate independent Transmission • Uses Spread Spectrum based M-PSK, M-FSK, Hybrid-M-PSK-FSK, Sequential Scalable 2D Codes • Multi-Display Model for Transmission Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  10. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Display Tx Process Block SS Spread code Generator SS cps M-FSK / M-PSK/ 2D CODE CODED PAYLOAD GRID FRAMING Unipolar to Bipolar Bipolar to Unipolar OWC DATA FUSION VIDEO FRAMING A bps B bps C bps SS cps • OWC Data Fusion • Uses Blending / Watermarking • Alpha Blending • OWCFusionDisplayFRAME = α . grid + (1- α ) Data2D • Where α  0 to 1 and α = 0 < 0. 1 100% Invisible Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  11. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a SS Modulation Parameters • Study Case Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  12. 1) 0 1) 00 January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a M-PSK • 2-PSK 4) 11 2) 01 3) 10 2) 1 • 4-PSK Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  13. 4) 10 1) 0 1) 00 January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a M-FSK • 2-FSK 2) 1 2) 01 3) 01 f1 f2 • 4-FSK f1 f2 f4 f3 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  14. 3) 10 January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a 1) 00 Hybrid (M-PSK-FSK) • M-PSK and M-FSK - Data bits can be sent via frequency & phase combination Phase Frequency 4) 11 2) 01 f1 f1 f2 f2 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  15. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Sequential Scalable 2D Codes • Use 2D Codes • QR Code • Color Code • Use Invisible Watermarking Scheme for Embedding • Propose the Sequential Scalable 2D Code to support distance adaptive data rate • Sequential Scalable QR Code • Sequential Scalable Color Code Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  16. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a SS Code Sequence – Study Case • Spreading Code (Gold Sequence) • Gold sequence was chosen as a spreading code • Shifter register length is 5 • Code length is 31 (=25-1) • 4 family code set was generated via offset 8*n chips of code set 1. Gold-sequence 5 4 3 2 1 Code set 1 : 0000000010010100100111101010110 (zero offset) Code set 2 : 1001010010011110101011000000000 (8chip offset) Code set 3 : 1001111010101100000000010010100 (16chip offset) Code set 4 : 1010110000000001001010010011110 (24chip offset) 5 4 3 2 1 • Any Special Orthogonal Spreading Code Sequence with good process gain is adoptive for implementation <Gold-sequence generator> Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  17. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a SS Code Sequence Assignment Video Frame#1, SC#1(Spread code #1) Video Frame#2, SC#2 Video Frame#3, SC#3 Video Frame#4, SC#4 • Each code sets repeated for spreading data according to spreading factor • Each spreading code set 1, 2, 3, 4 are assigned for successive 4 frames as below Video Frame#5, SC#1 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  18. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Rx Process Block • Smart Device Camera Capture Visual Frame from Screen • Extract the ROI of Screen Visual Area • Apply the Sequential Scalable 2D Code or M-FSK or M-QPSK detector based on Mapping Scheme Applied • Recover the Decoded data after applying SS SS Spread code Generator QR Code Detector SS cps Bipolar to Unipolar Unipolar to Bipolar M-FSK / M-PSK Detector FFT SS cps A bps B bps C bps Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  19. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Asynchronous Communication Method Video Frame#1, SC#1(Spread code #1) Video Frame#2, SC#2 Video Frame#3, SC#3 • When transmitting data, different spreading code is used per video frame. • On Rx side spreading code already known. • If camera CMOS received same frame, for example #1 video frame receive twice, then receiver will despread video frames using SC#1, SC#2. When processing using SC#2, dominant value will not appear so the video frame will be discarded. Video Frame#4, SC#4 Video Frame#5, SC#1 Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  20. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Variable Spreading Factor based on Client Distance from Display Assigned with SS Short Code Assigned with SS Long Code • Tx Camera Estimate the Rx’s Distance from Tx • If Rx is near SF Value is small so Short Sequence Code Assigned otherwise SF values high so Long Sequence Code Assigned Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  21. Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Scalable Bitrate Controller for Frame Rate Adaptive Transmission • To achieve robust communication, the scalable data transmission mode is proposed • Screen is divided into Multiple regions and each region has different frame rate controlled data transmission is enabled Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  22. Positioning Service • Invisible ID-Tag (2D code Tag) and Display Pattern transmit ID and Payload information to support the position based service or indoor positioning system • Transferred data is assigned pointer of Big-data (URL link etc.) Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  23. Authentication Service • Authentication using Display with Camera for Authentication Service • Display Tx Camera will capture the user information from Smart Device by Display Pattern or Flash and Provide user Authentication LED Light Gateway (Display - Camera) Smart Device Smart Device (LBS) Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  24. Network Device Architecture Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  25. Network Device Architecture • Layers • SNUST IEEE802.15.7r1 Layer Architecture proposes simplified model from IEEE802 Reference Model IEEE802.15.7-2011 • The Specifications are updated on respective section Layer Specification • Device Management Entity (DME) uses Interactive Camera to provide Receiver distance dependent data rate control • Used Topologies • Broadcast , Peer-to-Peer, Point-to-Multipoint Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  26. Network Device Topologies • SNUST IEEE802.15.7r1 proposes to follow three topologies • Broadcast , Peer-to-Peer (P2P), Point-to-Multipoint(P2MP) • Broadcast Topology • Tx a signal to other devices without forming a network • Uni-directional so the destination address is not required • P2P Topology • Tx a signal to other devices with or without forming a network • Uni/Bi-directional and the destination address is need for Bi-directional case • P2MP Topology • Tx a signal to other devices with forming a network so both need to built with Camera and Display • Bi-directional and the destination address is required Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  27. MAC Layer Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  28. MAC Frame Format • The Proposed MAC Frame Format • Broadcast and P2P (Uni-Directional) is does not use Source and Destination Address (Its Optional) • P2MP and P2P (Bi-Directional) uses Source and Destination Address • The Field Check Sequence (FCS) can be optional for future Extension. Not used now Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  29. MAC Protocol Setup Method • The Beacon Message periodically transmitted to establish the communication between Display Screen Transmitter and Smart Media Device Receiver about Network Information. The Minimum periodicity is one sec. The periodicity configuration interval is [1 60] sec. Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  30. Peer Indicator Negotiation Message • The Peer Indicator Negotiation Message is Transmitter periodically after Beacon Message according to the Beacon Message Periodicity Configuration on Display Screen OCC transmitter Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  31. Device Status Indicator Negotiation Message • Transferred file size or remained file size with our eyes by using Device Information packet Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  32. MAC State Description for P2P / Broadcast Topology • To communicate device to device, device can transfer coarse link adaptation information to peer device by using Beacon Message and Indication Negotiation Message • MAC States consist of IDLE State, Connection State, Data Exchange State Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  33. MAC State Description for P2MP Topology • To communicate device to device, device can transfer coarse link adaptation information to peer device by using Beacon Message, Device Information and Indication Negotiation Message. • MAC States consist of IDLE state, Connection state, Data Exchange state. Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  34. PHY Layer Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  35. PHY Frame Structure • IEEE 802.15.7r1 PHY is supports following activities: • The preamble is replaced with a Start Frame Delimiter • Optional Fields define PHY Specific Information is Optional and defined in future • PSDU holds the data packet Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  36. January 2016 PHY FRAME • PHY frame includes Frame Generation SS, Modulation Scheme, Embedded Message on Image, Display driver and Display Screen Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  37. January 2016 Data Rate Performance • For Display 1920x1080 (2-PSK/2-FSK/2-FSK-PSK) Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  38. Device Management Entity Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  39. DME • Tx Camera Enable [1 Byte] • [Bit 0] Represent Tx Camera Enable Bit • Check and Set the Status of Tx Enable Bit 1 • 1/0 -> Tx Camera Connected / Tx Camera not connected • Rx Distance [ 1 Byte] • Shows the Rx Distance from Tx • Application Mode [ 3 Bit] • ID Mode [Bit 0]: 1/0 – Enable / Not Used • Authentication Mode [Bit 1]: 1/0 – Enable / Not Used • Data Mode [Bit 2]: 1/0 – Enable / Not Used • Application Packet Length [2 Byte] • Used to specify the length of a data packet • ID Length [1 Byte] • Used to specify the length of a ID • Authentication Data Length [2 Byte] • Used to specify the length of a Authentication Data Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  40. DME (2) • The DME information Shared to • Application Layer • MAC • PAHY Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  41. Simulation Analysis Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  42. January 2016 System Simulation Block Diagram Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  43. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Simulation Results - M-FSK • M-FSK • 2 /4 – FSK • 5 Step Gold Sequence Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  44. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Simulation Results - M-PSK • M-PSK • 2 /4 – PSK • 5 Step Gold Sequence Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  45. January 2016 Doc.: IEEE 802. 15-16-0025-00-007a Simulation Results - Hybrid (M-PSK-FSK) • M-PSK-FSK • 2 /4 – PSK • 5 Step Gold Sequence Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

  46. January 2016 Conclusion • Variable Invisible data embedded Display Tx schemes for OCC are proposed and had many advantages • Data is Unobtrusive to User • Works on dynamic visual Scene • Angle Free and Distance Adaptive Communication • Rx Distance Adaptive Data Rate Control by Display with interactive Camera • Asynchronous Communication • Rx Frame Rate Support independent Transmission • Uses variable modulation and multiplexing methods. • Multi-Display Model for Transmission • Supports Indoor/outdoor Positioning, Authentication, Data Transmission Jaesang Cha, Seoul National Univ. of Science &Tech

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