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SIFET-CBA Project S istema I nformativo F iscalità E T ributi – C onsorzio di B onifica dell’ A rneo. M. A. Bochicchio, A. Bernardo, A. Longo, F. Longo Università del Salento – Lecce - Italy. Università del Salento – Lecce - Italy. DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA DELL’INNOVAZIONE.
SIFET-CBA ProjectSistema Informativo Fiscalità ETributi – Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Arneo M. A. Bochicchio, A. Bernardo, A. Longo, F. Longo Università del Salento – Lecce - Italy Università del Salento – Lecce - Italy DIPARTIMENTO DI INGEGNERIA DELL’INNOVAZIONE Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
CBA Project: issues and opportunities The Italian land reclamation and drainage authorities (consorzi di bonifica) are local public organizations, which main tasks are: designing, implementing and maintaining public works concerning plumbing, drainage and land reclamation improving the management of waters for different purposes (irrigation, dam , drainage management, …) Authority’s operational expenses are split among the estates’ owners of the area, according to the benefits achieved (or achievable) from the works made and maintained by the Authority The Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Arneo (CBA) operates in the Southern-East part of Italy. It employs 68 people, manages 250.000 hectares and 200.000 estates in Salento area. Each year CBA delivers 180.000 tax notices for a global amount of about 15 M€. In 2004, 95% of them were claimed with open questions of law. Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
CBA Project: issues and opportunities The aim of the project has been to support CBA in reducing the information asymmetry between the Authority and land owners through an extensive use of new technologies. In the current panorama, what new tools and methodologies are given to LPAs to achieve better performance and to improve their relationship with citizens ? In particular, a) how to involve the managers in reshaping the organizational and operational structure, adopting the ICT to improve their efficiency and effectiveness; b) how to bridge the gap between the various “cultures” and languages (juridical, managerial, organizational, technological, …) needed in real scenarios. Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
UWA+: summary Process modeling and Rapid prototyping Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Organization Structure and Goals Modeling Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Organization Structure and Goals Modeling Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Organization Structure and Goals Modeling Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
The HIGO Matrix: Stakeholders vs. KPIs Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Stakeholders KPIs according to HIGO approach Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Process modeling: hierarchical approach Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Process modeling: hierarchical approach Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
UWA: Process-Info Diagram Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
UWA+: Reference Model Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
UWA+: Reference Model Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Fast Prototyping based on WebRatio and WebML Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008
Conclusion & Future Works Results We defined a clear lexicon and semantic to use with taxpayer’s We observed positive financial benefits for CBA The main advantages perceived by CBA’s board have been: learning by doing for employees involved in the project, and knowledge transfer from the project team to the rest of employees; better aptitude to innovation; savings and reorganization of local taxation. Future steps We plan to extend the empirical validation of the approach and customize them to different contexts and sizes. Design tools Mario A. Bochicchio Milano - WCC 2008