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THE ENHANCED DIVISION COORDINATOR. The Enhanced Division Coordinator. This workshop fulfills the job training requirement for the Division Coordinator. Has everyone signed the roster?. Course Credit. Please use your legal name, home address and phone, and birth date.
The Enhanced Division Coordinator This workshop fulfills the job training requirement for the Division Coordinator
Has everyone signed the roster? Course Credit Please use your legal name, home address and phone, and birth date.
How many attendees in this workshop are Division Coordinators? Who has recently volunteered to become a new Division Coordinator?
What other Regional board members or volunteers are in attendance?
What are some other titles that are used for this position? Girls/Boys Coordinator Age Group Coordinator
Southern California Division Representative Hawaii Age Group Coordinator Rhode Island Division Director Tennessee Age Group Coordinator New York Division Coordinator Florida Team Management Administrator
OVERVIEW • Understand the role and responsibilities of the Division Coordinator. • Review the resources available to help a Division Coordinator be successful.
But first… The Mission of AYSO is to develop and deliver quality youth soccer programs which promote a fun, family environment based on our 6 philosophies:
Everyone Plays® • Balanced Teams • Open Registration • Positive Coaching • Good Sportsmanship • Player Development AYSO prides itself on striving to create a SAFE, fair, fun and positive environment in which all children and their families can enjoy the game of soccer.
AYSO volunteers are required to: • Complete and submit a Volunteer Application EVERY YEAR. • Be authorized to perform their jobs by their Region, Area, Section or other AYSO authority. • Act within their job descriptions and the AYSO policies, procedures and guidelines. • Complete AYSO’s Safe Haven® certification and be properly trained to do their jobs.
Why do Regions need Division Coordinators? Regional Commissioner
Let’s discuss the responsibilities of the Division Coordinator • Before the season starts:
Before the Season Starts • Attend all registrations. • Recruit coaches, referees, team parents, etc. • Identify field assignments. • Assist or complete scheduling. • Ensure all volunteers are trained and Safe Haven® certified. • Create rosters in eAYSO for courses, if part of your duties. • Distribute uniforms. • Use Shutterfly for team management. • Delegate responsibilities. • Balance teams. • Develop team rosters.
Responsibilities during • the season:
During the Season • Implement Kids Zone®. • Handle difficult situations that might arise involving coaches, referees, parents and players. • Encourage coaches to do parent orientation for teams. • Find coaches for teams without one. • Recognize and thank volunteers who are helping you. • Serve as liaison between Regional Commissioner and coaches. • Attend Regional board meetings. • Watch practices/games to ensure Safe Haven guidelines are followed and provide feedback to coaches. • Make sure teams thank referees, not just the other team. • Set up a process for and encourage coaches to do player evaluations. • Collect scores.
After the Season • Turn in player evaluations. • Debrief the season with the RC. • Reward, recognize and retain volunteers. • Evaluate coaches. • Prepare for the next season. • Attend AYSO EXPO. • Re-evaluate team balancing techniques.
A Team Management Tool • Release of team information set by Region. • Free site for every team. • Manage practice and game schedule. • Create snack schedule. • Contact list including jersey numbers. • Availability information – edited by parent.
How many of your Regions have implemented Kids Zone®?
Kids are #1 • Fun – not winning – is everything • Fans only cheer, only coaches coach • No yelling in anger • Respect the volunteer Referees • No swearing • No alcohol, tobacco products or other controlled substances • No weapons • Leave no trash behind • Set a proper example of Good Sportsmanship
As a Division Coordinator how could you help to support the Kids Zone® philosophy even if your Region hasn’t implemented it?
The Division Coordinator job description contains additional information.
To be a successful Division Coordinator, you must be a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. The clue:M _ _ _ _ _ _ R
Mediator • What kinds of situations would a Division Coordinator have to mediate? • Describe a difficult situation and how you handled it?
Dealing With Confrontation • Make sure the right person is handling the problem. • Validate the person’s anger/frustration. • Focus on the problem, NOT the person. • HEAR their side; keep an open mind. • Summarize what you heard; find a nugget. • Strike a win-win agreement; get buy-in. • End on a positive note.
Resources • Division Coordinator Job Description • Division Coordinator Manual • AYSO’s Safe Haven® Manual • AYSO Reference Book • Play it Safe Newsletter • Region Toolkit
Hey Coach! – Whistle Stop • Make sure all of the coaches in your division receive “Hey Coach” and the referees receive “Whistle Stop”. • Occasionally send an email highlighting something in the eNewsletter and ask for feedback. • Ask one of the more experienced coaches in your division to practice with new coaches early in the season.
What are some of the qualities that a Division Coordinator should possess?
Attributes of a Mediator Big ears for listening. Clear eyes for seeing. Big heart for empathy and compassion. Small mouth to focus on listening rather than talking. Ego contained. Big feet planted firmly on the ground.
AD Training September 2013 1 2 What qualities of a Division Coordinator do these pictures represent? 3 4
Qualities • Patient • Optimistic • Organized • Energetic • Happy • Confident • A Hard Worker • Tolerant of Others • Persistent • A Leader • A Manager • An Administrator • Open-minded • Spontaneous • An Active Listener • A Team Player • Thorough • A Time Manager
Let’s take a short quiz.Remain seated if the answer is “True” or stand up if the answer is “False”.
1. Division Coordinators should be men because some situations require a strong assertive decision. FALSE
2. It is only necessary for Division Coordinators to communicate with other Division Coordinators. FALSE
3. Even small Regions can benefit from appointing a Division Coordinator. TRUE
4. One of AYSO’s six philosophies is Fair Play. FALSE Good Sportsmanship Open Registration Everyone Plays® Balanced Teams Positive Coaching Player Development
5. A Division Coordinator is an AYSO leader. TRUE 1 2 3
6. One of the roles of the Division Coordinator is to meditate. FALSE
And NOW… A Customer Service Announcement
Customer Service Advice From an Expert “Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do.” Walt Disney
Great AYSO Soccer Starts with Great Communication • Each player and parent should know • how to reach their Region leadership from • a tool provided for them to reference at home Business Card Magnet Brochure Bookmark Flyer
Each year, the AYSO National Office receives thousands of calls from concerned families who can not reach their local AYSO Region or do not get replies to questions about… …player registration/VIP program …coach, team, practice time, location …volunteer points, referee points …playoff criteria and participation …refunds, uniform returns, next registration
They would rather be communicating with you! Reachable phone and email publicized 800-555-AYSO - region2014@net.net Make sure there is room for messages Website up to date REPLY ASAP